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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thought of the day....

EU Debt Crisis - Government Expanded 'Like a Cancer': Marc Faber - CNBC
"I think that governments have become like a cancer, they have expanded in the financial system," Faber said.

"I think the biggest problem is too much intervention. Whatever the government touches is usually done worse than in the private sector," he said.
EU Debt Crisis - Government Expanded 'Like a Cancer': Marc Faber - CNBC


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