S&P Cuts Fannie, Freddie, FHLB, Farm Credit Outlooks After US Cut - WSJ.com
More downgrades of American financial governmental institutions follow the downgrade of the American debt credit.....
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services cut its outlooks on Fannie Mae (FNMA), Freddie Mac (FMCC), the Federal Home Loan Bank system and the Farm Credit System in correlation with its recent move of lowering its outlook on U.S. debt.According to the credit rating agencies, the US government creditworthiness is no longer as solid as it has been in the past. Spend beyond your means and one can expect that that creditor will eventually default on debt. But there is hope.....
S&P said the outlook changes reflect its revision of the outlook on the U.S. from stable to negative--a move S&P made Monday that roiled markets.
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.Maybe, as the leftists try to spend the nation into Utopian oblivion, this is God's way to reconnect to Godless Democrats.
-New American Standard Bible-
S&P Cuts Fannie, Freddie, FHLB, Farm Credit Outlooks After US Cut - WSJ.com
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