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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dems Tout Claim: 'Best-Looking Contraction in U.S. GDP You'll Ever See' | The Weekly Standard

GDP -0.1 %, not that bad. We worked really hard did a lot of central planning 'investment' to get here, green jobs, education, hiring folks to dig holes and then fill them in again. Trillions on monetary stimulus and trillions in fiscal stimulus. Its wonderful!

Hey, as we enter the central planning nightmare as sold to the American public by socialist Democrats, the inevitable result will be malaise. Ohhh some say don't talk bad about all that the wonderful Democrats and teh Obamessiah has done for us by creating this Utopia. However, the economy through fiscal and monetary policy is is being propped up but the day of reckoning will come one day.

Dems Tout Claim: 'Best-Looking Contraction in U.S. GDP You'll Ever See' | The Weekly Standard


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