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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Monday, May 09, 2005

Hong Kong Officials Suck-up Big Time to the Juvenile Desires of PRC Officials Over Taiwanese visiting Rights...

It is very difficult to read these stories in the newspaper these days. Hong Kong officially sucking up to the PRC juvenile tactics should be embarrassing to the people of Hong Kong.
Pao Cheng-kang, the managing director of Chung Hwa Travel Service, which unofficially represents Taiwan here, was still smarting from the SAR government's refusal to allow him to meet with two top Taiwanese opposition leaders as they passed through Hong Kong en route to the mainland.

I remember as a child, it was considered a great insult in the schoolyard to declare that "I will not talk to 'so-and-so'." Then, the great schoolyard political battle began and children lined up to support one-or-the-other in this childish game.
Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam, who received Lien during his stopover, was slammed by critics for not allowing Pao to approach Lien.

His defense was that the Chung Hwa Travel Service was not an official body and therefore its chief could not be granted the privilege to meet top officials in the airport's restricted area.

Lam also said that Pao obtained his restricted area permit from an airline company and not the government.

Pao lashed back that he had obtained approval from the Airport Authority to meet Lien and notified the SAR government of the fact but he was still barred from the VIP room.

So in the schoolyard battle here in Hong Kong, officials here have lined up behind the PRC and are willing to play these childish antics in order to placate their overlords in Beijing. How long will the people in Hong Kong tolerate such silliness? Who knows. How long before Donald Tsang loses the confidence of the people of Hong Kong? I predict that he will ended up being vilified along with Tung Che-Hwa for his spineless kowtow to Beijing's whims and fancies.


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