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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Donald Tsang is a Scaredy-cat......

Despite the fact at Ching Cheong is a Hong Kong citizen and his arrest has made global headlines, Donald Tsang refused to meet with his wife, Lau.
Thursday, in a surprising move that reflects on the control Beijing holds in supposedly autonomous Hong Kong, Donald Tsang, the chief candidate in this summer's election for Hong Kong chief executive, refused to meet with Ching's wife, Lau.

Donald Tsang is nothing but a puppet and worthless for the people of Hong Kong. I wonder if Beijing can push a button and make his bow-tie spin like a clown at a circus. As I said many times before, he will probably be reviled by Hong Kong people like his predecessor, Tung Chee-Hwa.


At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sir Donald is not what Beijing had in mind as its top choice to be Hong Kong’s next governor, given his 4’11” stature, his clipped-on bow tie, his knighthood, his Catholicism, and his intelligible Mandarin. However, such is the state of affairs of Hong Kong nearly eight years after its reversion to the PRC that Beijing has no one to turn to other than Sir Donald. You think Sir Donald is bad? Wait until 2007 when scions of Hong Kong’s crass commercial elite begin jockeying for a run for a full term against Sir Donald. That could really stink up the “Fragrant Harbor”.

I don’t think Sir Donald tried to avoid Ching Cheong’s wife. He is now running for election as the next governor, you know, and needs to cozy up to his 800-person constituency leading up to the vote in July. By the way, is Ching’s wife on the election committee?

This election thing is nothing but farce -- total and complete waste of time. Hong Kong is supposed to be the showcase for the “One-Country-Two-Systems” model, under which the PRC hopes to one day to reunite Taiwan. I can hear even the pro-China camp in Taiwan whispering, “You’ve got to be kidding.” In fact, the model has gone so awry that even the PRC has quietly ceased referring to it as a model for Taiwan’s future.

I am not too sure declaring formal independence is the right path for Taiwan, for the tiny island will be destroyed before U.S. cavalry can arrive. But, Taiwan can do better than Hong Kong in negotiating an accommodation with the PRC. Right now the PRC will be content with the status quo.


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