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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Monday, January 24, 2011

John Bolton news report......

I was at this meeting. I shook his hand prior to the speaking engagement and told him that he is the first Fox News contributor that I have ever met. He thought that that was funny.....

He is considering running for President and as he says since he is neither a politician nor a wealthy man, this is difficult. But after the meeting I told him that it was his patriotic duty to do so in order to inject his thinking into the Republican Presidential nominating process.


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