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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Disney Protesters Way Off Base.....

Protests in front of the new Hong Kong Disneyland, trying to bring attention to multinational corporate use of labor in China, are doing a great disservice to thoughtful protesters. Disney contracts out much of their manufacturing of the stuffed toys and other goods that are sold in Disney parks, Disney stores and in toy stores under the Disney brand. I know someone that works at the subcontractor, a Hong Kong listed company, so I won't mention what company does this, but they have been in business for decades and it is a Hong Kong owned and operated organization. I haven't seen these clowns protesting infront of their offices!!!

According to the protesters...
One of the demonstrators, Argo Yeung, said protesters wanted to raise awareness of the labor conditions at contractors for multinational companies.
So is it Disney or just all multinationals? If Disney contracts out to vendors inside of China does Disney then carry all the responsibility as if they owned the factory themselves or do the local owners bear some of the responsibility? What if the conditions and situations are so that the Chinese contractors are deceiving Disney on the contractual obligations that agreed to in the contracts. Will the Chinese government prosecute the violators for what they have done? Will the protesters actually give evidence of these alleged abuses?

The problem here is that Disney is a tempting target for these people. Disney will do what is necessary and do a thoughtful investigation. The real culprits will never be confronted by the protesters since the the protestors would probably get their heads smashed in by both the mobsters that run the local governments in China and the workers themselves that can ill afford to get their factories shutdown with the attendant loss of wages and dislocations.

I hope that these people wake up and do what they should be doing and that is going after the real culprits here.

I have absolutely no respect for these protesters what-so-ever and will tell that to them if I ever see them.


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