Works and Days » There Are No Socialists
Never a socialist but always a caring involved individual (but of course with someone's product of THEIR labor)....
Once the individual develops a dependency on food stamps, free medical care, subsidized housing, all sorts of disability or unemployment compensation, education credits, grants, and zero-interest loans — the entire American version of the European socialist breadbasket — then expectations for far more always keep rising, with a commensurate plethora of new justifications, usually in the realm of someone else having more than the recipient, always unjustly so. The endangered aid recipient is always seen as being pushed off a cliff in a wheel chair — therefore, “they” can afford to give “me” more; things are not “fair”; there is no “equality.”Never one to say no to the 'needy' the high moralist that advocates technocratic socialism feels justified in taking what they determine is fair. But for those Christians that support this socialism it is shameless that you have placed yourselves squarely into the jaws of the leviathan. Forcing others to do 'good works' is NOT doing good works. This is not a valid path or a 'means to an end' but will only be the means to THE end.
Cutting back $2,500 a month in combined benefits and subsidies to $2300 a month is always seen as far more heartless and cruel than not in the first place giving someone without subsidies a mere $200 a month. For every dollar taken, two are demanded. And that creates a powerful constituency for whom the shrillest rhetoric of oppression is, well, never too shrill. Revolutions are not fueled by the very poor seeking their daily bread, but by those on entitlements that revolt at the thought of less to come. A rioting Greek today is far better off than his parents in 1973 when I first arrived in the country; and he would remain far better off even under an “austerity” plan. But his expectations have soared geometrically with each euro received, and he now has convinced himself that not to have more is to have nothing.
Works and Days » There Are No Socialists
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