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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rick Santorum In 2008: Mainstream Protestantism Fell Out Of 'World Of Christianity'

According to Rick Santorum, mainstream protestants have left the Christian world. And I have to agree with this. Mainstream protestants have come to embrace the hard left's socialist and progressive agenda full on. As I wrote here when the central government utopian planning and control freaks socialized the whole medical field, it was wholeheartedly embraced by the weaselly leftist protestants, here, "Shutting down religion.... for the greater good... "

As I wrote, churches have been trading fundamental liberty for the nebulous 'economic security' offered by the incompetent central Leviathan for decades....
Very interesting that as government is on the eve of failing to deliver and defaulting on the benefits promised to those that paid into the system for a lifetime, that we read of how churches intervened 70 years ago to support the leviathan and sold their souls to the devil of government in return for the false promises of monetary security. As I have been arguing for years, government largess in the traditional portfolio of the family, neighbors, and churches have destroyed the need for these traditional American institutions and have left these functions to an overreaching and incompetent replacement, the American government.
From here.

The great socialist experiment of the past many decades in the US and in Europe will fail. The concept of "freedom from want" as expressed by FDR in 1941 is simply not achievable.....
1. Freedom of speech and expression
2. Freedom of worship
3. Freedom from want
4. Freedom from fear
and dishonest. The first 2 fall squarely in the Constitution and the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights where Freedom of speech and worship are inalienable. We have these inalienable rights just by virtue of being human. However, the freedom from concept is not found anywhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights and to include them is creating new rights concepts out of thin air. This is an unalienable right as granted by a central authority and is only how some government official decides what freedom from want and freedom from fear is. It is dishonest. The problem with this new right is that not only is it nebulous and undefinable, the delivery of this supposed freedom will ultimately eliminate other freedom. In order to deliver the freedom of want, one may have to seize other's assets and redistribute these funds to those "in want". And honestly, what does freedom from fear mean? These nonsensical freedoms are freedoms that ultimately grant government powers to meet these needs that go way beyond the nature and structure of our government. Itcreates powers to intervene in American life that is unlimited and its pure nonsense. Its government gone wild and will ultimately lead to destruction of the nation.

However, getting back to the central thought, churches have been trading away their portfolio of rights and responsibilities in favor of the nebulous promises of the Leviathan of economic security. Its not a true christian approach to life and Rick Santorum is absolutely correct in saying that mainstream protestantism, that embraces government Utopian wealth redistribution, homosexuality, unlimited access to abortion and a host of other extreme changes in the human condition, have left the christian world.

Rick Santorum In 2008: Mainstream Protestantism Fell Out Of 'World Of Christianity'


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