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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

101 Inventions That Changed the World...

The full list (In alphabetic order) from the British newspaper Independent:

1. Abacus, AD190
2. Archimedes Screw, 700BC
3. Aspirin, 1899
4. Atari 2600, 1977
5. Barbed wire, 1873
6. Barcode, 1973
7. Battery, 1800
8. Bicycle, 1861
9. Biro, 1938
10. Blackberry, 1999
11. Bow and arrow, 30,000BC
12. Bra, 1913
13. Button, 1235
14. Camcorder, 1983
15. Camera, 1826
16. Cardiac pacemaker, 1958
17. CD, 1965
18. Clockwork radio, 1991
19. Compass, 1190
20. Condom, 1640
21. Credit card, 1950
22. Digital camera, 1975
23. Digital TV recorder, 1999
24. Digital watch, 1972
25. Drum, 12,000BC
26. Dynamite, 1867
27. Electric shaver, 1928
28. Eraser, 1770
29. Fax machine, 1843
30. Fibre optic cable, 1966
31. Fire, 590,000BC
32. Fish hook, 30,000BC
33. Floppy disk, 1971
34. Flushing toilet, 1597
35. Fridge, 1834
36. Gore-Tex, 1972
37. GPS, 1978
38. Guillotine, 1792
39. Gun, 14th century
40. Internal combustion engine, 1859
41. iPod, 2001
42. Kettle, 1891
43. Laptop, 1982
44. Laser, 1960
45. Lawnmower, 1830
46. Lead pencil, 1564
47. Light bulb, 1848
48. Locks, 2000BC
49. Machine gun, 1884
50. Mechanical clock, 1092
51. Microchip, 1958
52. Microscope, 1590
53. Microwave oven, 1946
54. Mobile phone, 1947
55. Mouse, 1964
56. Nintendo Gameboy, 1989
57. Noise-cancelling headphones, 1988
58. Paper clip, 1892
59. Paper, AD105
60. PC, 1977
61. Plough, AD100
62. Pneumatic tyre, 1845
63. Pocket calculator, 1971
64. Polaroid camera, 1947
65. Pop-up toaster, 1926
66. Post-it note, 1973
67. Printing press, 1454
68. Qwerty keyboard, 1868
69. Radio, 1895
70. Robot, 1921
71. Rubber band, 1845
72. Saddle, AD200
73. Safety razor, 1895
74. Sellotape, 1937
75. Sewing machine, 1830
76. SMS, 1992
77. Spectacles, 1451
78. Stethoscope, 1819
79. Swiss Army Knife, 1897
80. Syringe, 1844
81. Telephone, 1876
82. Telescope, 1608
83. Television, 1925
84. The internet, 1969
85. The match, 1826
86. The Pill, 1951
87. Thermometer, 1592
88. Tools, 2,600,000BC
89. Toothbrush, 1498
90. Transistor radio, 1953
91. Transistor, 1947
92. TV remote control, 1950
93. Umbrella, 2400BC
94. Vacuum cleaner, 1901
95. Velcro, 1948
96. VHS recorder, 1976
97. Vibrator, 1902
98. Walkman, 1979
99. Weighing scales, 5000BC
100. Wheel, 3500BC
101. Zip, 1913


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