» Florida Professor Pens Book Comparing Obama to Jesus - Col·lege In·sur·rec·tion
A must read for every frothing-at-the-mouth Democrat.....
“… it is the intent of the author to utilize the materials contained in the speeches as a means of teaching Apostle Barack’s followers about him and guiding them towards understanding ‘politics as religion’ and ‘religion as politics.’ The manuscript would also serve as a guide for his followers – to unlock the answers – to creating and living in the reality of a middle class lifestyle that was so economically and ethically sound that it appeared to be ‘heaven here on earth.’ ”Yes, living in the USA under the boot of the Leviathan is definitely 'heaven on earth.' Taking a page from nihilists in Europe, Democrats no longer believe in God and the neo-diety, the Obamessiah, fills the need for these soulless people.
» Florida Professor Pens Book Comparing Obama to Jesus - Col·lege In·sur·rec·tion
From the Book of Obama
Our Gubmint Mack-Daddy, Hallowed be thy name, please forgive my trespass against Thee.
O, Holiest of Holies named 0-Bama, forgive this poor, benighted sinner, I know not what I say about Your Holiness. Forgive me, Pardon me, grant me atonement for my lack of faith in Your Works on the public dime, Your Holy Ascensions to multiple golf-courses, and Your many Junkets to raise money from Your disciples, all at $35,000 a plate.
Let not Your ATF, FBI, and IRS not hound or audit me to the poor-house, for I am with You.....Yea, thugh I blaspheme against You this day, I will be with You, always.....
I, *Insert your name*, do beseech the Saints, Saint Solyndra, Saint Soros, Saint Reverend Wright, Saint Bill Ayres, and Saint Light-Squared, to protect me and intercede with the Holiest of Holies, The 0bama, on my behalf!
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