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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Democrats are so invested in this concept of abortion, that even common sense and humanity does not limit the 'rights' the women purportedly have that allows them to extinguish a life. This video on post birth abortion testimony in Florida by Planned Parenthood spokesperson, Alisa LaPolt Snow is disturbing on many levels. The nihilism of these people that are the core ideology of Democrats is complete as they are arguing that women have the right to eliminate a life of another even when it is viable. Post birth abortion is infanticide but not for Democrats!!!! I have always argued if one calls war post birth abortion that all Democrats would be totally for it! Video here.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some questions for Bloomberg and Schumer - An NC Gun Blog

Yes, lets go a little further and get the government to do background checks on everyone is the US just in case they one day want to buy a gun. Investigating people and monitoring their behavior by the government is a great idea. It will be useful information for the government when they will eventually have to put their boot on people's necks.

Some questions for Bloomberg and Schumer - An NC Gun Blog

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Interesting speach on the American condition....

The Southern Poverty Law Center Is Now Writing About Pickup Artists as Hate Groups - Hit & Run : Reason.com

Modern hard left civil rights violations means anyone that that does meet the liberal litmus test. One day none of us will meet the litmus test.

The Southern Poverty Law Center Is Now Writing About Pickup Artists as Hate Groups - Hit & Run : Reason.com

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Real thining.....

Watch out for the welfare state. It will come to end due just to the facts of arithmetic. At one point the nation will hit the wall and then this socialism will end abruptly. It will be painful for all but most painful for this that rely upon government largess.

Harry Stamps Obituary: View Harry Stamps's Obituary by The Sun Herald

Best obituary ever?  i hope that someone can write one like this for me.

Harry Stamps Obituary: View Harry Stamps's Obituary by The Sun Herald

Friday, March 15, 2013

I think that this is depressing....

"The problem with the welfare state it drains the life from life." Around 42:00 minutes

Essentially what has happened is that through the dead hand of government, we have destroyed the social fabric that made the United States great.

"Obama has an absolute talent for saying things that make no sense that not only  sound plausible but inspiring."

-Thomas Sowell-

This guy has lots to say about lots of things!

A fine example of inflation and the medicine to reduce it....

Central banks around the world are playing with fire.  Eventually, inflation will take hold as the debasement of all major currencies has been gigantic.  Ability or willingness; the ability or even the desire to withdraw this easy money and to reverse the 'no pain' solution with actual pain will be nearly impossible to execute WITHOUT a market forced solution.  But be assured, either we face this pain voluntarily or it will be forced upon us.

Government spending as an economic force is pure fallacy...

Money would be spent irrespective of whether the original owners spent it or it gets seized from those people by the government and spent.  Government spending in no way increases economic activity.

What increases wealth or income or standards of living is the intelligent allocation of these resources towards creating more goods and services for the people.  My opinion is that every spending dollar or as modern liberals like to call some of this spending, investment, leads to lower standards of living for the people in aggregate.  If the modern liberal theory were true, then communism would have worked and not have made those people impoverished.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Obama: We Didn’t Cancel White House Tours… Jay Carney: Yes We Did | The Gateway Pundit

The nation's baby leader denies having shut the WH tours. BUTTTTTTTTTTT it was the Whitehouse that cancelled the tours. T buck does not stop at his desk!!!!!!

Obama: We Didn’t Cancel White House Tours… Jay Carney: Yes We Did | The Gateway Pundit

Obama: Hey, I Had Nothing to Do With Stopping White House Tours | Jammie Wearing Fools

Yea, right, we have a child holding the seat of the most powerful political position in the US and an administration that has forced or try to force all kinds of socialist nonsense down the throats of the American people.

Even Donald Trump offered to pay the freight to continue the tours, a school class begged to have it reinstated for their class trip and the Obamessiah and his minions childishly shoved the cuts into the faces of the American people.

If it wasn;t so very sad, it would be funny how idiotic these people in Washington have become.

Obama: Hey, I Had Nothing to Do With Stopping White House Tours | Jammie Wearing Fools

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cincinnati poll worker charged with voting half dozen times in November | Fox News

Not only is there rampant cheating going on STILL in American elections, Democrats and frothing-at-the-mouth liberals both deny its existence AND think that it is their destiny/right to do so.

Cincinnati poll worker charged with voting half dozen times in November | Fox News

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Next Item for Sale Aboard China’s Spring Airlines: Cars - Bloomberg

How they get them down the aisle?

Next Item for Sale Aboard China’s Spring Airlines: Cars - Bloomberg

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Payne: Woodward and Chrysler meet Obama's 'Chicago Way' | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com

Expect more of this kind of bullying from Washington irrespective who is president. Once these kind of tactics are used, they become part of the imperial arsenal of all presidents. These examples are just more nails in the coffin of American liberty as government has become God.

Payne: Woodward and Chrysler meet Obama's 'Chicago Way' | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Wake up....

Wake up people.  The central bank has created $3 trillion in new assets and forced them into the banking system.  The nation's central government has borrowed and wastefully plowed another $1 trillion a year annually into the economy and these two central planning interventions have not been effective as indicated that the economy is only growing around $300 billion a year.  Eventually, this money has to be withdrawn or inflated away and this will probably be catastrophic.

So, the American government, as well as many of the major governments around the world, including Japan, China, Europe et al that have been drinking the same psychedelic bug juice that the American government has been consuming and all will have to pay the piper.  These governments have only been delaying the inevitable and that day will come when the market based restructuring of the major economies around the world will take place.  Governments around the world will default as well as the US government and there will be a year-or-two of massive and deadly dislocations.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Central banks and governments are making the world a more precarious place....

The Western world has painted itself into a a very difficult corner.  Japan will have a financial crisis as well as Europe in very short order.  Markets will teach all of the central planners a costly lesson.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE: DePaul Punishes Student for Exposing Vandals of Pro-Life Display. “DePaul…

Universities are largely indoctrination centers for hard left ideology. That is why I am concerned about sending my kids to American universities. But also, I think that this is probably a global problem given the nonsense that my kids have had to endure in English language schools here in Hong Kong where every foolish European cultural prejudice, anti-American and pro-environmental, is pounded into their young minds.

The attached article shows how deeply progressive bigotry in universities has gotten into mainstream of thinking and makes people look incredibly foolish.  But this is the hard-left Democratic agenda.  And violence against those that do not agree or accept this new dogma is completely acceptable to these folks.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE: DePaul Punishes Student for Exposing Vandals of Pro-Life Display. “DePaul…

Friday, March 01, 2013

The idea of liberty....

The idea of liberty will last forever no matter how long the darkness lasts.

Go ahead.....

You want ot make a deal with the Devil?  You can do it.  But you will pay for it.

Great moments in central planning....The operators of the Channel Tunnel want to purchase ferry lines....

The brilliant Eurocrats that decided to build the channel tunnel are trying to eviscerate the competition by buying. I predict that allowing this to happen will ultimately raise costs, decrease service and destroy jobs as bureaucrats try to justify their capabilities and existence in what has proven to be a financial fiasco over the past several decades.

The Channel Tunnel and it s owners have defaulted or renegotiated its debt 3 times since construction of this monstrosity was begun.

Eurotunnel Heads Back to Future With Ferry Acquisition - Bloomberg

The Recent FOMC Minutes Should Anger Every Investor | Zero Hedge

The reality is that the central bank is panicking. They have painted themselves into a corner and when inflation does come then they will have a very very difficult to time raising interest rates to try to tame it. Raising interest rates will slow the economy and make central government deficits even greater risking default and repudiation. On the flip side, if there is a deflationary event, then we will probably see difficulty for the government in collecting enough taxes necessary to operate and again risking default.

In the meantime, the Fed is paralyzed and can do nothing but wait for the bad stuff to happen.

The Recent FOMC Minutes Should Anger Every Investor | Zero Hedge

Guest Post: 50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is About To Collapse | Zero Hedge

The US government is not serious in trying to achieve better outcomes for the excessive amounts of money spent on healthcare, it is also complicit in the current systems creation and the mess that it has become. As we know, if you don't like the problems that the government has created over-and-over you will hate the solutions offered by these know nothing arrogant clowns.

Guest Post: 50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is About To Collapse | Zero Hedge

Joan Rivers Refuses to Apologize for Holocaust Joke | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo!

Being PC requires that life is lived without humor....
Once again, Joan Rivers is in hot water over a joke she made about Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.

Commenting on German model Heidi Klum's daring Oscar party dress on E!'s "Fashion Police" Monday, the 79-year-old comedian cracked: "The last time a German looked this hot was when they were pushing Jews into the ovens."

Rivers, herself Jewish, then doubled over with laughter.
No humor, particularly cutting humor.

Joan Rivers Refuses to Apologize for Holocaust Joke | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo!

Congratulations, the Obamessiah's administration has taxed the nation into a recession!

Tax the rich.  Eat the rich.  Pay for it with death and be stupid.

Maxine Waters: 'Over 170 Million Jobs Could Be Lost' Due To Sequestration | Sequestration | Fox Nation

Billions and billions of jobs are going to be lost over sequestration. I guess nothing is outrageous in the circus called Washington these days.

Maxine Waters: 'Over 170 Million Jobs Could Be Lost' Due To Sequestration | Sequestration | Fox Nation

Too Big to Fail Rules Hurting Too Small to Compete Banks - Bloomberg

This is what our dopey government is doing with its idiotic regulations and interventions in markets....
The new rules, it turns out, may be doing more to shield banks from competition than to make them safer.
That is the big banks are being shielded from competition. Through inept government intervention, the too-big-fail institutions will get bigger, will drive smaller competitors out of business, will be able to act with monopoly pricing and take risks beyond what smaller institutions would take since they are backstopped by a stupider than a rock government.

Government is the biggest problem in markets these days not greedy capitalists like delusional neo-socialists in the USA like to claim.

Too Big to Fail Rules Hurting Too Small to Compete Banks - Bloomberg