Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending
Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander.
I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-
In an interview with the National Catholic Register, Nardelli claimed to not know any Republicans. She asserted, like the party-switching Ronald Reagan in 1962, that the Democratic Party had strayed from values with which she could agree.
“I thought I could make a difference to change our party. It didn’t work,” she said. “I noticed that it’s been going more and more to the left. This is not my father’s party. I did not leave the party; the party left me.”
This is not a party that offers any value at all to people that believe in traditional American values. its not a party for Americans its a party for Europeans and freaks.
Unfortunately, having abortion mandates being shoved down the throats of all Americans are a direct result of churches, including the Catholic Church, embracing the leviathan and its faux 'good works' for the past 80 years. Since Christians have made a pact with the leviathan we find that the leviathan has both taken over and crowded out the traditional interdiction performed by churches for the poor and needy....
The Catholic Church could do a lot more for the poor if its parishioners were able to put more into the collection plate instead of rendering it unto Caesar. Thus, it’s pretty sad that the bishops see this as a “time when the need for assistance from HUD programs is growing” rather than a time for the Church to reassert its traditional role in taking care of those in need—a role that is hindered by the welfare state that the bishops embrace.
The state will both take away the money that is traditionally given to the needy through donations by individuals, particularly the wealthy, through confiscatory taxes that are being asked to finance ineffective central government intervention but also have taken the portfolio of responsibilities that are typically administered by communities on behalf of their own community. Why would neighborhoods, families, churches or communities get involved if the central government leviathan is already doing it?
Now that the government has promised for decades all of the good things that they can do on behalf of its citizenry, now it is time to pay back the devil since the devil wants what is due to him. You are now his servants and he will force you to do his bidding despite your lowly objections to it. You made the deal, sold your soul and now you are being forced to live by it and pay the price. Good luck.
The real undead can be found in Washington DC. The zombies there seek to not only eat you alive but take all of everything you own for their "higher" purposes.
Another post on Democrats thinking that they own Americans and that anything that Americans earn are the property of the government....
Two Democratic senators proposed legislation on Thursday that would stop expatriate like Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin from re-entering the country, according to AFP.
Sen. Chuck Schumer and Bob Casey were outraged by what they considered to be Saverin's deliberate tax avoidance when he renounced American citizenship and opted to settle in Singapore.
What this is saying is that you are no longer a free person. it is no surprise to me that this is a thought being promoted by Democrats but please consider that you DO NOT have the liberty to come and go as you please since the revenue needs of the American government take precedence to American liberty.
Some may argue that if one earns the money here then one is duty bound to pay it. However, that is not the case since one can legally return the citizenship and establish it in a jurisdiction that less hostile. Seems like an idea that many many need to consider.
In the old days, we used to walk to school without too many problems and definitely did not need help. just put one foot in front of the other and eventually one will get there. But now that central government has decided to get involved, $1 billion dollars have been spent on this boondoggle.
The problem is that there have always been local groups that have handled issues surrounding this and schools have also been involved. The problem is that once the over reaching central government gets involved, it crowds out local partners and participants and people come to expect that the leviathan will take care of it instead of it being a community and neighborhood issue as it should be.
Why? Because normal people have seen irresponsibility when it comes to finances and this is what they see at the central government....
Just over half of U.S. voters are still skeptical that their elected officials will get the federal budget under control before it’s too late.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of Likely Voters believe the federal government will go bankrupt and be unable to pay its debt before the federal budget is balanced. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree and think it's more likely that the federal budget will be balanced first. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.
In Europe, workers across the Continent want great lifestyles without long work hours. They want dynamic capitalism but also personal security. European welfare states go broke trying to deliver these impossibilities.
Socialism, whether it is the European style or the American variety will ultimately result in self destruction as they attempt to achieve the above through statist central government intervention.
Why government central planning does not work and why markets, through success, failure, luck and large rewards, creates great leaps in innovation and productivity.....
More generally, innovation appears to be built upon the kind of trial-and-error learning mediated by markets. It requires that we allow people to do things that seem stupid to most informed observers -- even though we know that most of these would-be innovators will in fact fail. This is premised on epistemic humility. We should not unduly restrain experimentation, because we are not sure we are right about very much. In order for such a system to avoid becoming completely undisciplined, however, we must not prop up failed experiments. And in order to induce people to take such risks, we must not unduly restrict huge rewards for success, even as we recognize that luck plays a role in success and failure.
In addition, this success through decentralization and mediated by failure is why regulation of financial institutions through a central government will never work and will only lead to a greater collapse in the future. Government will never be able to predict where the success and failure will come from in the marketplace and with a gigantic safety net for the industry, even failure is rewarded so there is no market incentive to avoid it, just incentive to roll the dice with the riskiest and highest payoff bets.
In addition to not being a smart man, I think that this guy (Obamessiah) is an emperor without clothes. Almost everyone is calling him a smart man, the smartest guy in the room. Why is that? Is it his grades in school or all of the wonderful legislation that he fathered in the legislatures that he served? Is it all of the scholarly material that he produced while employed in the law department of the University of Chicago or when he was editor of Harvard Law Review? So how about school, what was his grades? I do not think that any of this is relevant since this portfolio is devoid of anything that one could reasonably lean on. So, why would anyone deign that he is smart man? He has not governed very well but gets not just the benefit of a doubt by the press but they seem to be protecting him whenever they can.
So what is it that makes a person like him, smart? He is capable of public speaking, ok he can do that. But this still does not make him a good president and does not make him smart. Furthermore, what has made him a success in politics? It surely is not due to capabilities or experience since he has or had, respectively. little of the two going into the job. But I suggest that the press and many people give him much-to-much of a pass and overlooked what would be the normal national dialogue and press vetting. Why? Doesn't his past experience and present capabilities reflect on his current actions as president that deserves deep consideration of what I see as huge weaknesses and philosophical disconnects with many Americans? Did people really think that they were getting what they thought they were getting when they voted this man into office?
I think that much of the national dialogue and vetting was toned down purely because he was a black negro candidate. Kind of like reverse discrimination, that resulted in a kind of hysteria similar to what creates a bubble market where people just follow others into something stupid. The Obamessiah is just another slick black kid that got over in college and afterwards since his teachers and those others were infected with the standard liberal necessity of overlooking mediocrity and making right those past wrongs by whites against blacks. So many many people bypassed and disregarded their duties and responsibilities as voters, agents of the press and citizens by not completely and thoroughly checking this candidate and now we are stuck with a buffoon. I find it very very difficult to respect anyone that voted for this guy, sorry but I am of the opinion that voters in the last election behaved stupidly.
One Facebook's founders, Saverin, born offshore in Brazil became a citizen in 1998, recently renounced his citizenship, something that I too have considered and continue to think about. Ii consider it since the increasing nonsense that this government is making us do as citizens living offshore is causing us troubles and will only get much worse. It makes perfect sense to give up citizenship under this kind of regime if you plan to invest offshore and do nto want to report your activities to a feckless, irresponsible and money grubbing government.
But the behavior of Democrat lawmakers, the unbelievably stupid Chuck Schumer, probably one of the stupidest people to ever be elected to a Senate seat, and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania really makes me chuckle. These folks, in the "land of liberty" think that they can hold people hostage FOR THEIR MONEY. This is what the nation has become. You are a serf to the American government. DO NOT TRUST THE US GOVERNMENT! Senators to Saverin: Don't come back. Ever. - Economy
Today's problems for Americans living overseas will only become more-and-more difficult as the money hungry leviathan in Washington DC tries to strip as much cash as it can out of every individual still attached to the US. Coercive and punishing tax regimes such as this do not lend themselves to a vibrant and robust business climate for Americans as we have problems opening bank accounts and investing in places other than the US. This is not an issue for other nations that do not hold their own citizens and those that do business with them hostage. And here is an example of an individual that is claiming to have left not because of the taxes but due to the troubles that being an American have on doing business outside of the USA....
Saverin spokesman Tom Goodman said Sunday his renunciation was prompted not by tax considerations but by U.S. rules that make it more difficult for U.S. citizens to live and invest overseas.
“U.S. citizens are severely restricted as to what they can invest in and where they can maintain accounts,” said spokesman Tom Goodman. “Many foreign funds and banks won’t accept Americans. This was a financial rather than a tax motive.”
It’s true many U.S. expats complain that American rules are making life more difficult for them. Those include the U.S. tax system’s global reach (many countries tax based on residency); foreign bank account reporting rules; and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which requires foreign financial institutions to start reporting to the IRS on U.S. citizens’ accounts.
If Greece exits the Euro this is what happens. Does not seem like an option to me. Seems as if Europe will have to face the music together. Europe's problems today are direct result of regulations that misallocated capital to governments and away from the private sector. This is the problem with regulation such as that which we find in Basel II. It allowed governments to issue massive amounts of debt that ends up in the banking system. So governments and banks never had to face up to market realities till now. But the market realities always catch up to central planning as it will with the United States.
America's nannystate mayor, speaks out about civil rights in North Carloina....
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has told University of North Carolina graduates that last week's gay marriage vote shows there is still a lot of work to be done for civil rights in this country.
Well, this fellow not only thinks that he knows what better for people than they do but he also thinks that marriage is civil right which unfortunately it is not.
Organized religions have taken the seeming easy road of supporting government to take over the some of the roles that are integral parts of their portfolio. This adoption of progressive and socialist ideas have now come back to bite them in more ways than one...
I believe that, when Barack Obama stated in 2008 that he wanted to “fundamentally change” the United States and when he called his administration The New Foundation, he meant precisely what he said. He meant to reverse what Locke and the American Founders had achieved. He intended to establish in this country a political regime unlimited in its scope and power. That is the meaning of the Hosanna-Tabor Case pursued by Attorney General Erich Holder, and it is the meaning of the individual mandate. It has rightly been said that Obamacare changes the relationship between the citizen and the government radically. The HHS Mandate has made that fact manifest, and I have made it clear in earlier posts, linked below, that I hope that its issuance serves as a warning to the American Catholic Church.
I say this because that Church has contributed mightily to placing in the hands of Barack Obama the power he is now wielding against the Catholic Church in the United States. For decades now the American Church has been allied with the Left in domestic affairs – pressing with vigor for ever-more extensive and ever-more expensive social programs. For decades the American Church has been pushing for one form or another of universal healthcare, demanding as its first priority that the federal government enact a health care policy that “ensures access to quality, affordable, life giving health care for all.” In the process, the American bishops asserted on 27 January 2010 that “health care is a basic human right” and claimed that “there are nearly 50 million Americans who do not have access to health care.”
How much easier it is to vote in other and tax other to pay for the 'good works' as expected in Christianity. However, this has resulted in two problesm; first, it has created an environment where the community of church and religion is not longer as important as it was in the past. Why be a good neighbor and rely on each other when everyone can rely on the faceless leviathan in Washington for creature comforts? Secondly, the leviathan now will command religion to do its bidding in a way that it sees fit and religion will no longer be distinguishable from government. It too will be despised as government has arguably become.
Central government manipulation is not working. We have created a house of cards by allowing the government to interfere in the efficient flow of capital and to allow for the normal markets to operate. We are more than 3 years into meddling by government bureaucrats and the situation has not only not improved but it could again come unglued and the results will be much much worse. The following quote is just one man's opinion but I think that he has it right....
The Fed is destroying the capital market by pegging and manipulating the price of money and debt capital. Interest rates signal nothing anymore because they are zero. The yield curve signals nothing anymore because it is totally manipulated by the Fed. The very idea of "Operation Twist" is an abomination.
Capital markets are at the heart of capitalism and they are not working. Savers are being crushed when we desperately need savings. The federal government is borrowing when it is broke.
Central planning is now making all of the big aggregate decisions. WE need to remove these people from this position of power and let everyday people make decisions for themselves.
The problem is not only with millionaires, there is also a problem as normal people are getting sucked into the troubles that are designed to deal with the wealthy. American people living overseas are actually having difficulty getting accounts open as well as the facing a byzantine tax filing system. Other required paperwork has been increasing for us and it is completely confusing and very costly to have professionals do it on our beehalf. It is so very difficult and time consuming to do this nonsense.....
At industry meetings he attends in Singapore, not accepting U.S. clients is “quite a prevailing sentiment,” de Guzman said. There are 18 private banks operating in Singapore, including units run by UBS, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank (DBK) and HSBC, he said.
In Orwellian fashion, May 1 is now proclaimed to be "Loyalty Day"....
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2012, as Loyalty Day. This Loyalty Day, I call upon all the people of the United States to join in support of this national observance, whether by displaying the flag of the United States or pledging allegiance to the Republic for which it stands.
Loyalty Day, AKA May Day, also known as International Workers Day is a pagan celebration day that has been seized by the communist world, where celebrations typically include military parades and sometimes protests and riots. I find it quite interesting that this communist president has adopted May Day as a new 'loyalty day' a day to be loyal to what? The regime? Gosh.
Presidential Proclamation -- Loyalty Day, 2012 | The White House
A must read for those that consider the brilliance of original American Federalism....
Hume's ideas, along with similar views by other writers, influenced the founders of the American republic; and here we arrive at the second of the two major contentions of this book. It is that America was founded not as a centralized Leviathan but as a federation of republics, each of which retains intact its sovereign power, except on matters delegated to the national government.
Probably one of the poorest researched and thought out and flat-out dishonest opinion pieces presented to the public in a very long time. Federal power is out of control and to use past abuses of federal power to justify further abuses is not only just plain stupid but abhorrent. It is the reason that I will never trust the government nor will I ever trust Democrats ever again both of which should be treated with hostility.