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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Guest Post: Freedom Is A Community-Based Economy | Zero Hedge

Central planning and an economy based upon Washington directed dictates is destined to fail. We are destroying ourselves for the false hope of security... One could as the question 'Is welfare from the central planning state a bad thing?'
Many find themselves dependent on welfare simply because it is so hard to become independently productive and self-reliant.
The bad thing is that it is now necessary since all other options have been destroyed.

Are we a nation of individual liberty? No. We no longer have the freedom to pursue our dreams since nearly everything is directed and regulated out of Washington.

This fellow thinks we can extract ourselves from this...
Freedom is not having to be dependent on government for anything. Freedom is not having to depend upon systemically too big to fail banks and a corrupted financial system for one's economic and social security.

Freedom is not having to depend upon our existing infrastructures to be economically productive and useful. Every human being has the potential to be productive and socially useful, the only problem is that our existing infrastructures are far too restrictive in practical terms for the greater part of individuals and communities to fully realize their potential.

What we need is a new war of independence, one that is not waged on the battlefield, but technologically designed and constructed to enable our independence from the stifling hyper-structures of our existing institutions.
The leviathan will not give up its power and control that easily. just look at how the IRS fought against the Tea Party, Christian groups and those that were advocates of a return to constitutional self rule. The leviathan does not take these kinds of threats without striking back.

Guest Post: Freedom Is A Community-Based Economy | Zero Hedge

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dishonesty and Candor in Monetary Policy :: The Circle Bastiat

The origin of today’s monetary policy of course lies in Keynesian economics, and Keynes was quite explicit that monetary authorities should intentionally use deception as a primary tool. He spoke of the need to gull workers into thinking that wages were going up even if net of inflation they were going down. At least he had a sense of humor about it, calling a central bank a “green cheese factory” that would persuade the public to accept ” green cheese” ( newly created money) as the real thing.
The problem with the above statement, Keysian economics never contemplated long-term intervention in markets. The idea was that due to the hoarding of money during times of stress, that the government would unlock this hoarding and release it back to the markets by utilizing both monetary and fiscal tools to temporarily increase consumption. But, ultimately, private enterprise and free markets were expected to return to normal and allocate capital, resources and consumption goods effectively.

However, now, governments are continuously encouraged and expected to 'stimulate' and manage economies. They are not only involved in stimulating but also utopian wealth redistribution schemes. All of this has transformed into a massive central planning/socialist/Marxist experiment in direct contravention to the original concept of the nation of being a platform for the expression of individual rights.

The central planning intervention into the nations economic life will destroy innovation, American exceptionalism, traditional family life, and a host of other things that made this nation great. In return for giving all of this up, we will not have greater economic security but much much less. We will end of performing like Europe and at worst, like the moribund economies of the former Soviet Union, Communist China and a bunch of other failed economic experiments on a national level.

Dishonesty and Candor in Monetary Policy :: The Circle Bastiat

Harvard Study: No Correlation Between Gun Control and Less Violent Crime

Gun control doesn't work? These people must also be apostate climate deniers! On these topics, the left is all form over substance.

Harvard Study: No Correlation Between Gun Control and Less Violent Crime

Election Law Center: Somali Immigrants Charged With Illegal Double Voting in Minn.

According to what I have been told, voter fraud in the US never happens and there is no evidence that it ever has happened. However, what we fail to forget, that it is the Democrats that are typically perpetrators of this crime and for Democrats, its there God given right to do so. So so very sorry to again point this out, because I am a racist or something.

Election Law Center: Somali Immigrants Charged With Illegal Double Voting in Minn.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Nobel Peace Prize updates.....

The Horrific Muslim Infiltration Of Britain - Luton 2012

Why these people choose to dress like Ninja is beyond me. But at least the British have gun laws. That should protect them.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Obama's Economy — We've Fallen And We Can't Get Up - Investors.com

If this was Bush or another Republican the screams from the left and the Press would be deafening...Where are the jobs? But nooo, not with the Obamessiah. People are loath to even address the crisis. But the data is not happy at all....
Household incomes are still down 4.4% since the recession ended four years ago. Meanwhile, the unemployment picture may be even worse than we think. The Obama "recovery" continues to impress.

According to a report released this week by Sentier Research, the inflation-adjusted median household income remains $2,380 below where it stood when the Obama "recovery" officially started in June 2009 — a drop of 4.4%.
So what is the Obamessiah doing? Trying to centralize even more economic power in Washington, and this promises to impoverish the rest of the people. Socialism begets more socialism. I hope that all of you folks enjoy it!

Obama's Economy — We've Fallen And We Can't Get Up - Investors.com

Ron Paul Warns "Middle Of The Road In Healthcare Leads To Socialism" | Zero Hedge

Yup, it will only get worse instead of better. We will all be servants of the state if we do not conform....
I fully expect the implosion of Obamacare to continue, and the supporters of nationalized health care to use Obamacare’s failures to push for a Canadian-style “single payer” health care system. Unfortunately, some Obamacare opponents fail to see that the problem is not just Obamacare, but all government interference with health care. These Obamacare opponents advocate replacing Obamacare with “Obamacare lite.” But economic law teaches us that “Obamacare lite” will be no more successful than Obamacare.

In order to win the battle for health freedom, those who oppose nationalized health care must have the courage to advocate for a complete free market in health care. Enhanced individual tax credits and enhanced use of Health Savings Accounts (HSA) are just two polices that could help restore a free-market in health care by putting control over the health care dollar back in the hands of the people. A good place to start would be to repeal Obamacare’s restrictions on HSAs.

Ron Paul Warns "Middle Of The Road In Healthcare Leads To Socialism" | Zero Hedge

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Don’t Ignore Race in Christopher Lane’s Murder | TIME.com

So, it’s just fake to pretend that the association of young black men with violence comes out of thin air. Young black men murder 14 times more than young white men. If the kinds of things I just mentioned were regularly done by whites, it’d be trumpeted as justification for being scared to death of them.
I blame hard left liberals and Democrats. They have spent decades making excuses for Black folks. Now, Black folk seem to behave like a bunch of Neanderthal thugs and these Democrats/Hard left liberals still cannot hold these people accountable for their behavior. Yea, not everyone is a violent cretin but so very many are and then we race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson are constantly trotted in front of the TV and allowed to continue the hoax of racism. Fear of Black young men is justified and normal. Sorry.

Don’t Ignore Race in Christopher Lane’s Murder | TIME.com

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Contemplate this statement....

Well, first, who is Wolfgang Schaeuble. I would really like to name a son Wolfgang. Finance minster in German Chancellor Merkel's cabinet. But also, is he off his meds? Second, how is Europe going to stop the world from falling apart. Europe has been the worlds biggest paper tiger over the past 60 years and have been unable to manage their own affairs effectively. European socialists and nihilists will be spectacularly unable to lead the world to a better place. Third, how is the US going to lead the world? We have a child as POTUS and he is spectacular in his naivete and incapability to achieve anything unless it is cramming things down people throats. Believe in God not these absurd governments that will end up destroying real value and killing people with their stupidity.

Obama falsely claims GOP out to hurt Americans, says health insurance a 'right' - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

So, now there is a new amendment to the Bill of Rights....
"So I’m going to keep doing everything in my power to make sure this law works as it’s supposed to. Because in the United States of America, health insurance isn’t a privilege – it is your right. And we’re going to keep it that way," he said.
So, the Obamessiah, the 'constitutional professor', has now declared from high that health insurance is a right! People that say and think this should be mocked as statist fools. People have no 'right' to healthcare, housing, food or anything else and the national government has no standing to provide any of these things to you. We have personal responsibility to provide these things to our families, neighbors and others but we no longer have to since we have a gigantic government that will now take care of everything for us! Long live the government! Love the government like God! We no longer need God since government is now our God and will give us eternal life!!

Fall to your knees, the Lord speaks.... Obama falsely claims GOP out to hurt Americans, says health insurance a 'right' - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Scandals costing us American exceptionalism: Column

American exceptionalism is already dead. Banana republic over-the-top central government authority has killed it and the leviathan in Washington is consuming traditional America. It is not corruption as the writer argues but this is the nature of Marxism and central planning. We have given up individual liberty that was the cornerstone of exceptionalism for the dead hand of government authority and control. This kind of government does not reflect well on humanity and it will always cause troubles like we are observing now.

We are way too far down the path to ever return without a cathartic readjustment that will probably involve violence and death. That is why I do not want to raise my children in the place. This is why I would prefer that they not go to university there and why I hope that they think of themselves as a citizen of the world instead of the nation that is letting so very many people down.

Scandals costing us American exceptionalism: Column

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Dems Rally Their Legions of Haters for 2014 | Power Line

The Democratic party.... "Don't let them take away our voter fraud options!"

The Dems Rally Their Legions of Haters for 2014 | Power Line

Why 'The Family' Matters in Economics | Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

"....a lot of entrepreneurial creativity is in fact motivated and grounded in a strong family structure. When viewed through the lens of human and social capital as Schulz does, “Taking entrepreneurial and business risks is a lot easier if we are operating in a context of relational stability.” Free enterprise flourishes when immersed in the deep pools of virtuous talent that family nurtures. Liberty fades and government grows in the absence of strong families.
When you replace God with government inevitably not only does the fabric of society change, weakness in other institutions abound. Even the most basic building block of family suffers. We have traded a robust vibrant society for one that is steered by the dead hand of government. Our loss.

Why 'The Family' Matters in Economics | Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Friday, August 16, 2013

Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations

Washington, impoverishing the country for its own good!!!

Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thomas Jefferson's Sequester | Cato @ Liberty

History tells us that true federal spending restraint is the way to nurse the national balance sheet back to health....
Looking at revenue, Jefferson and Gallatin enjoyed a gusher from import duties, which generated the bulk of federal receipts. Other federal revenues came from land sales and internal taxes, including whiskey taxes. Jefferson and Gallatin were the first advocates of “starve-the-beast” policies. Jefferson promised that he would repeal all internal taxes if elected, and he followed through in 1802. Internal taxes raised just eight percent of revenue, but Jefferson and Gallatin observed that they required a big bureaucracy to collect, imposed compliance costs on citizens, and abused civil liberties. So the Jefferson-Gallatin policy was to kill the most inefficient and odious type of tax, which is also a good lesson for tax reformers today.

Unfortunately, the War of 1812 sidetracked the Jefferson-Gallatin plans on tax and debt reduction for a number of years. The Embargo Act of 1807 slashed federal revenues, and internal taxes were reimposed in 1813 to help fund the war. However, internal taxes were repealed again under President James Monroe in 1817, and they were not reimposed until the Civil War. So the Jeffersonian tax reform approach did have long-lasting influence.
but i seriously doubt if that will ever happen. The national government has too many people, groups and companies addicted to the opiate of government spending and transfer payments. But spending restraint will happen. Although its better to have choices and do it now, the markets will eventually dictate that restraint will happen and force it upon the US like has and is happening in many European nations.

Thomas Jefferson's Sequester | Cato @ Liberty

Lakshman Achuthan: The US Entered Recession Last Year And "Is Worse Than Japan In the 90s" | Zero Hedge

Fake economic growth in the United States.

Lakshman Achuthan: The US Entered Recession Last Year And "Is Worse Than Japan In the 90s" | Zero Hedge

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Poll: Anthony Weiner breaks a record - Hadas Gold - POLITICO.com

"More than two-thirds of New Yorkers find Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer’s campaigns “embarrassing” and Weiner’s unfavorable rating has set a record, a new poll found on Monday."
But New York fully deserves these guys. Its a cesspool of nihilist Democrats.

Poll: Anthony Weiner breaks a record - Hadas Gold - POLITICO.com

Praying to the Obamessiah.....

Praying to the Obamessiah who is given special powers by God!
In 2009, for instance, Infowars writer Steve Watson detailed several disturbing stories wherein children attending public schools were made to “pledge allegiance every day at school to a huge projected image of the new president.” We’ve also documented Obama’s manufactured ascendance to a cult of personality figure, and the dangerous slippery slope America begins down when it starts lifting presidents up as idols.
Most of the communist dictators and leaders of authoraram regimes such as the national socialists and fascists of the last century were held out as divine and God-like So, it is no surprise to me that this president is following in that mold and that school children are being indoctrinated into that cult.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Larry Schweikart and Burton Folsom: Obama's False History of Public Investment - WSJ.com

The real history of public vs. private infrastructure investment. The truth is that success is driven by private capital not the stupid public capital of 4eh Obamessiah and the liberal Marxists that is subject to political manipulation. Success in public infrastructure os few and far between and is generally driven by actual demand crafted by entrepreneurs and created by private capital and investments.

Larry Schweikart and Burton Folsom: Obama's False History of Public Investment - WSJ.com

Is This Obamacare’s Biggest Challenge Yet?

Government rarely can create value but routinely destroys it. Furthermore, the most that government can do, that incidentally was not the intended role of government in the United States, is to redistribute earnings or wealth. This redistribution usually comes at a very high price that will eventually paid by someone, while those with greater government influence and access extract more than they put in.

When it comes to nationalized medicine in the United States, called the Affordable Care Act or more routinely Obamacare, government is utilizing its coercive powers to redistribute wealth. In this case, the financial fundamentals of Obamacare rest upon the ability to overcharge those that healthy, such as the young, and undercharge those that are sicker, such as the elderly and those with pre-exisiting conditions.

But it is truely sad that government and some of the faithful, those that belive in the powers of government, actually believe that this is a laudable program. In reality, it is a coercive tax on the young that can be roughly outlined as such:
Here is his list of ways Obamacare “sticks it” to young adults:
1. Raises insurance costs for adults under 40 (on purpose)
2. Reduces access to workplace health insurance
3. Shrinks workplace health benefits
4. Reduces work-hours
5. Kills jobs
6. Increases debt
7. Raises taxes
8. Is unfair
9. Is unnecessary
10.Is insulting
I think that it is poetic justice, though, that the same dopes that voted for the Obamessiah are the ones that will inevitably suffer the most for this government run calamity. Young generations tend to be as a group relatively stupid. However, they will eventually figure it out as high unemployment, low opportunity and coercive central government intervention reduce their living standards.

Is This Obamacare’s Biggest Challenge Yet? | Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Part 2

Monday, August 05, 2013

Why Homo Economicus Might Actually Be an Idiot - Bloomberg

Be careful of these kinds of articles. The presumption here is that some form of altruism is beneficial to both the individual and society. But underlying this article is the dangerous concept of forced coercive altruism or in other words, government redistribution and market intervention. The critical issue with altruism, is that it is a CHOICE made by both individuals and groups to act in each other interests, VOLUNTARILY. It is not an argument to force people to act in each others interests. In fact, I argue that forcing people through the government mechanism actually reduces the normal altruistic response and leads to lower than expected outcomes for individuals and groups.

Why Homo Economicus Might Actually Be an Idiot - Bloomberg

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Neglect at The New York Times by L. Brent Bozell on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

The New york Times newspaper just cannot be trusted. It is just a part of the national Democratic party. Revolting.

Neglect at The New York Times by L. Brent Bozell on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

Friday, August 02, 2013

House Republicans Set to Defy Obama Mostly White Men - Bloomberg

This is one of the worst headlines and stories that I have seen from a major news organization. Its pathetic. This is what the media has become. It is just a very sad place stooping to overt race baiting in order to ram through all of the Democrats socialist progressive agenda. They have no shame and cannot be trusted.

House Republicans Set to Defy Obama Mostly White Men - Bloomberg

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Look out below! Work more, get less in Obamacare 'cliff'

From the annals of Marxist government central planning...
"It's sort of an absurd scenario," said Jonathan Wu, ValuePenguin.com's co-founder. "It's something for people to be aware of."

In that scenario, an individual or family whose annual income surpasses maximums set by the federal government—if only by $1—will totally lose subsidies available to buy health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

The loss of those subsidies in some cases will mean that people potentially would have been better off financially if they had worked less during the year, Wu said. And they then would have to work significantly more to make up for the lost subsidy.
On average, people will find that their cost of healthcare will rise dramatically, their access will drop and quality will suffer due to the dead hand of central government intervention.

Look out below! Work more, get less in Obamacare 'cliff'