The science on this one is settled......
If you put a cellphone in a microwave this is what actually happens.
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Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-
If you put a cellphone in a microwave this is what actually happens.
Yeaaaaaaa. Everyone wants to give more money to a feckless federal government that wastes your tax dollar on a plethora of nonsense. Like websites that don't work.Harry Reid: 'Everybody ... Willing to Pay More' Taxes | The Weekly Standard
WE have become a nation of moochers. Its really quite sad. A bunch of whiners that think that since they were born on this particular piece of property that everyone else there owes them a living or a life. But this massive transfer of wealth to aleviate poverty has been a dismal failure....
The U.S. has spent $3.7 trillion on welfare in the past five years, with virtually nothing to show for it...... cumulative spending on welfare during the Obama years has been five times greater than what's been spent on transportation, education and NASA — combined.But I do not think that is the Obamessiah's fault. We have been heading that direction for decades. Its just that the Obamessiah and the Democrats pushed the nation over the cliff.
This is just so silly. Arguing that the Obamessiah didn't know that his website was completely dysfunctional is ludicrous. Did he ask, ever, if the the technology was going to be ready, a few weeks ago, a few months ago, a year ago? The fact that it was a complete and total mess that Max Baucus, Democrat from Montana, called a 'train wreck' many months ago did not raise the curiosity of anyo0ne at the Whitehouse?
Not only will the USA end up with death panels, they will be politicized. Like the IRS, certain groups will have trouble navigating whereas favored groups will be able to do what they want.
I guess that the best and brightest weren't involved before.
Global warming update. So where has not only the increases in temperature gone but also the left's theory that there will be more extreme weather? It all pseudo-science now since it is political.
Its ok. Since Obamacare covers this, I am sure.
My comment on the Stenographers outbreak...
An Obama supporter since she is unhinged? Agreed. But I think differently on this specific incident. I too was thinking and saying to myself, as I watched the vote on Fox, we are allowing our government to be a Lord and savior and that Satan is in full control of Washington now. Interesting that someone else at the same exact time was experiencing the same thing.Americans have made a pact with the Devil and we will pay big time. Promising something for nothing is a fools deal. IT will never never happen. Good luck USA. You will pay with your lives for Marxism.
I think that writer here is being disingenuous and folds in the concept of 'contributions to society' or a clear leaning towards some kind of social compact or social responsibility being imbedded in the rights being discussed. This is a more modern philosophical construct and one that I find not particularly compelling since it is generally viewed as the foundation by the modern leftists to force people to act altruistically in a way that they alone think is altruistic.
As every individual, therefore, endeavours as much as he can both to employ his capital in the support of domestic industry, and so to direct that industry that its produce may be of the greatest value; every individual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other eases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention.This kind of thinking, probably much discussed prior to publication destroys the notion that happiness can be construed in any way as being a compulsion to altruism.
Happiness- Háppiness. n.s. [from happy.]I think in this definition that the concept of unstudied grace is one that is most attractive to me. Unstudied means natural and grace is God's gifts to us. So it is also the right to live in a world where God is allowed to bless us.
1. Felicity; state in which the desires are satisfied.
2. Good luck; good fortune.
3. Fortuitous elegance; unstudied grace.
I have a file in my office from the Hong Kong immigration authorities outlining how I can become a citizen of Hong Kong and the process that I have to go through to give up my American citizenship. The United States is no longer a nation where the individual is free. It is no different than some statist Euro style socialist state, in many cases much much worse and its getting worse every day. Too bad. It could have continued to be a great nation.
“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can,” an unnamed park ranger told the Washington Times. “It’s disgusting.”No longer just the Washington Monument Syndrome since this is now gone nationwide.
The Washington Monument syndrome, also known as the Mount Rushmore Syndrome[1] or the firemen first principle,[2][3] is a form of velvet glove extortion government agencies often engage in when faced with budget cuts or a shutdown which entails cutting the most visible or appreciated services, such as access to parks and libraries[1] to laying off public employees such as teachers and firefighters.[2] This is done to gain support for the restoration of budgets that a majority of lawmakers and/or the public would normally be against.Rip down those Barrycades!
As the petulant US government blocks people from going to THEIR property, the folks are taking the law into to their hands. We need to remove these Barrycades from American life.
The American press thinks that they are doing the world a favor. Why is this myths about Republicans? Of course one of the myths is that Republicans WANT a default or to shutdown the government. But how about the myths about the Democrats, the ones that the press is supporting? Are there any? There are plenty like the only reason that the Democrats are NOT negotiating is that Republicans want to strip healthcare from Americans. But healthcare is being stripped from Americans precisely due to Obamacare.
Fears 'reporting on truth will die'. The New York Times that invests a lot of money in keeping reporters on the beat is one of the reasons that truth has died. New York Times is one of the most biased publications in the news world where they serve the Democratic party and write numerous hit pieces on Republicans.
I do not trust Americans anymore. Many of them view your property as theirs and just use the government to get it. When one has a fascist government like we do that is bent on redistributing property to their favored groups, then it is the reason that we can no longer trust other people. It is the agent of seizing property, so time to end that.
This is the 17th government shutdown in the last forty years but the first shutdown since Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich did battle in the mid 1990’s.I hope that this idiotic government gets shutdown permanently.
We have the option and the according to Jeffersonian philosophy, the responsibility to retake the nation by violence if necessary.