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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ken "Ain't Different" Rogoff Crushes The Infinite Dream Of Crude Keynesian Stimulus | Zero Hedge

thought of the day....
The idea that one should just ignore all these problems and apply crude Keynesian stimulus is a dangerous one. It matters a great deal how the government taxes and spends, not just how much. The US debt level is a constraint. A growing number of empirical studies, including my own joint work with Carmen Reinhart, suggest that the US has already reached a debt level that has been associated with slower growth in advanced countries. The fact interest rates are low today does not necessarily mean the US is an exception to this rule – take one look at stagnant Japan’s rates. The dollar’s reserve currency status buys America more room, but how much and for how long? A high debt burden is a problem precisely because it reduces a country’s capacity to deal with future shocks.

The US remains an incredible franchise with many remarkable strengths. The world’s overwhelming presumption is that Americans will find a path to budget sustainability. Nevertheless, it is hard for many in the US to escape the nagging feeling that just maybe this time we won’t. With more than $5tn of US Treasury debt, and memories of the huge inflation of the 1970s and default on gold clauses in the 1930s, foreigners would be right to worry a little.
and when we are all starving....Together. I will tell you, 'Told you so.'

Ken "Ain't Different" Rogoff Crushes The Infinite Dream Of Crude Keynesian Stimulus | Zero Hedge

Dems Tout Claim: 'Best-Looking Contraction in U.S. GDP You'll Ever See' | The Weekly Standard

GDP -0.1 %, not that bad. We worked really hard did a lot of central planning 'investment' to get here, green jobs, education, hiring folks to dig holes and then fill them in again. Trillions on monetary stimulus and trillions in fiscal stimulus. Its wonderful!

Hey, as we enter the central planning nightmare as sold to the American public by socialist Democrats, the inevitable result will be malaise. Ohhh some say don't talk bad about all that the wonderful Democrats and teh Obamessiah has done for us by creating this Utopia. However, the economy through fiscal and monetary policy is is being propped up but the day of reckoning will come one day.

Dems Tout Claim: 'Best-Looking Contraction in U.S. GDP You'll Ever See' | The Weekly Standard

GDP -0.1%?

Huge government stimulus through deficit spending and massive monetary stimulus through market intervention in the Fed is not producing an economy that can get back on its feet.  One day, but the time is not now, Americans will realize that the government has no capacity to central plan an economy. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why Are American Voters So Uninformed? | Zero Hedge

This is why clowns like the Obamessiah and most modern politicians win and keep their jobs......

So, the bottom line its irrational to spend time on politics since chances are your vote is meaningless and you honestly, your choices are meaningless too.

I do not intend on voting anymore.  I still follow politics since it is more like watching comedy and tragedy entertainment than serious endeavors. 

Why Are American Voters So Uninformed? | Zero Hedge

Santelli again telling like it is....

The funniest line here is on subsidies to wind enegry, Santelli's favortie 7th century invention.

But from a serious point of view, Santelli also points out that Fed, for 6 years has been behaving in crisis mode and it will not end pretty.  In my opinion, they have painted themselves into a corner and central planning from a monetary perpective will cost much more than we have gained.when the bill for this indulgence finally comes due....

Europe's Eroding Press Freedom - Hit & Run : Reason.com

The loss of liberty in socialist states is not a matter of if but one of when. When the money runs outs and the inevitable finger pointing begins, then the autocrats in power have to either deflect blame of which some will do through nationalism and blaming outsiders or by the muzzling of free speech. This is what is happening in Europe. As things get more troubled and hostile, the governments there will have to have control over the press and keep them from reporting truth since truth may cause internal stress....
All EU countries should have independent media councils with a politically and culturally balanced and socially diverse membership. Nominations to them should be transparent, with built-in checks and balances. Such bodies would have competences to investigate complaints, much like a media ombudsman, but would also check that media organisations have published a code of conduct and have revealed ownership details, declarations of conflicts of interest, etc. Media councils should have real enforcement powers, such as the imposition of fines, orders for printed or broadcast apologies, or removal of journalistic status. The national media councils should follow a set of European-wide standards and be monitored by the Commission to ensure that they comply with European values.
Complying with European values? What the heck is that?

But also, the same is happening in the USA as Fox News has been attacked by socialist Democrats...
Alas, the president loves to whine about the media meanies at Fox News. To him, these are not people trying to do their jobs. No, they are out to get him. What other motive could a journalist have in holding a president accountable? Why oh why do Ed Henry and Chris Wallace insist on asking hard questions? Make them stop!
Then the Democrats also bat around the ill-named "Fairness Doctrine" whose primary purpose is to shut down conservative media. These juvenile attempts at controlling media are not working but one day they will and that will be the final nail in the coffin of American liberty.

Europe's Eroding Press Freedom - Hit & Run : Reason.com

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How Big Government Undermines Freedom and Prosperity - Reason.com

Something has changed, even as our society has become wealthier. Sure businesses have to comply with regulations and millionaires need to pay taxes, but somewhere we’ve shifted from honoring success to envying it, from viewing government as a limited tool to achieve a few necessary things (infrastructure, enforcing the rule of law) to seeing it as the be-all and end-all of our society.
The folks think of government as omnipotent but they will find out soon and they will be totally shocked that in actually, the nation that did so many great things has died and the stinking corpse is rotting away.

How Big Government Undermines Freedom and Prosperity - Reason.com

Guest Post: Why Employment Is Dead in the Water | Zero Hedge

WE are relying upon government bureaucrats to create an environment where it makes sense to increase employment? Its absolutely stunning how far we veered of the the path of the free market onto the road to serfdom.

Guest Post: Why Employment Is Dead in the Water | Zero Hedge

Monday, January 28, 2013

One of the reasons that I no longer trust the American people....

As I concern myself over a central government that has continued to expend its ill-gotten authority over the American people, I am told directly or attempts are made to assure me that it will be all alright. I find this kind of talk more like belittling my worries than an actual intellectual argument that either things are likely to improve or that maybe I just am misreading the situation.

I do not think that I am wrong here. First, I think that Americans are now so dependent upon the central government that they either do not believe that their liberty is being sucked away or just do not want to believe. Its kind of like the Stockholm Syndrome, or capture-bonding, a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy, sympathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them.

But what really struck me was a documentary on WWII that I happened to watch recently. They commented on why Jews did not react to the violent dangers of antisemitism early in the Nazi regime. The intermittent and uneven application of the anti-Semitic pressure during the Nazi regime's first years sent confusing signals to the Jewish victims, lulling their sense of danger and allowing them to believe that the worst had already passed. There was a faith in these people that other citizens would not tolerate such overtly hostile policy and that it would probably be a passing phase. After the invasions of Austria and intensifying pogroms against them in 1938, Jews finally started to exodus en-mass but for many it was much too late and they were trapped in the death of a fascist Europe.

But what most disturbed me, was that the Jews felt that everything was going to be alright and that such nonsense being expressed was only a passing phase and would not be tolerated by other citizens. They were very very wrong. Not only were they destroyed, but the other citizens were destroyed to in an orgy of death and killing.

This is what the USA has in store for it. The citizens have put their complete faith in a feckless central government. Ultimately only responsible for itself and not un-like an animal that is only concerned for its own life, how can one believe that they will stop eating away at liberty and seizing the product of everyone's labor? We too like the Jews will be victims of this nation as folks will support to the death this fascist nation that they have put all of their faith into.

Obama Pledges to Continue Crackdown on 'Irresponsible Behavior' | The Weekly Standard

Yup, you Americans don't know how to behave and need a big government to tell you what is right and wrong. The fascist American state is growing stronger and stronger every day!

Obama Pledges to Continue Crackdown on 'Irresponsible Behavior' | The Weekly Standard

Why Deleveraging Still Rules Markets in 2013 - Bloomberg

No one is even considering this given how ebullient the markets are these days. Incomes for Americans will not grow much this year as taxes will take a bigger bite and income shifting into lower tax rates of 2012 will also take its toll. So growth will probably not be as high as folks are considering now as businesses will have to continue to de-emphasize hiring labor and businesses and households continue to deleverage their balance sheets.

Continued low economic growth, outsized federal budget deficits will lead to the central government to continue to expand its debt as a percent of GDP and this will be funded almost purely not from savings but from central bank creation of new money out of ether. So as this writer touches on but does not directly address, consider this passage.....
If the Fed buys bonds at the current pace through the end of the year, it will be adding $1.02 trillion to its $2.9 trillion portfolio. Ending the program could send shockwaves through markets, which have grown accustomed to repeated Fed stimulus.

‘Further Expansions’

Strains on the Fed’s credibility: In his Aug. 31 speech in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said a “potential cost of additional securities purchases is that substantial further expansions of the balance sheet could reduce public confidence in the Fed’s ability to exit smoothly from its accommodative policies at the appropriate time.”

Even if unjustified, he added, “such a reduction in confidence might increase the risk of a costly unanchoring of inflation expectations, leading in turn to financial and economic instability.”

This is a serious threat. Bernanke has stated that the Fed could easily get rid of excess reserves by deciding, in a 15- minute policy-committee phone call, to sell securities from its portfolio.
Serious threat? What will the central bank do? They are completely hamstrung on their current path of forcibly adding liquidity to markets. They are already the buyer of last resort of treasury bonds. If inflation expectations rise, this will be either coupled or caused by falling dollar, and the central bank is forced to sell securities then who is going to buy these trillions of long-term bonds that they have to sell? It won't be the Chinese or other foreign nations. They won't be able to sell domestically. Since this will force interest rates up even more. Meaning that the nations gigantic debt stack will be refinanced at much higher interest rates. Remember that at the current $16 trillion in debt, each 1.0% rise will lead to $160 billion in new interest obligations. The US government will be unable to afford this additional interest. Additionally, the Fed will also be broke, they will not be able to sell the bonds at the price that they purchased them for and will become insolvent. The Fed, through its gigantic balance sheet holdings, since they just create money to pay for the bonds, collects interest on these securities and the "profits'" are given back to the treasury in an annual dividend. Being almost $90 billion in 2012, this is up from previous years of $31.7 billion in 2008, $47.4 billion in 2009, $79.3 billion in 2010 and $75.4 billion in 2011. The treasury has been benefiting from this windfall for the past 5 years but will presumably have to make up the likely gigantic shortfalls in this kind of scenario. The central government has been spending wildly and will be unable to pony up any additional money to support the failing Federal Reserve. Why do you think that Germany and the Netherlands have requested that the Fed return all of the gold that they hold for them in the American vaults?

Why Deleveraging Still Rules Markets in 2013 - Bloomberg

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Socialism Of Europe Has Arrived At Our Shores... | Zero Hedge

Thought of the day.....
America has turned the corner from the self-sufficiency of an individual to a new ideology for this country which is that incomes and life-styles should be equalized by taxes in the name of patriotism and for the greater good. The Socialism of much of Europe has arrived at our shores and spread from sea to shining sea and the safety net of decades past for our less fortunate citizens has been raised to a harmonization of social/governmental benefits regardless of hours worked or income earned.
Yes, we are a nation of takers now. There will be blood on the street when the not-so-omnipotent central government will be unable to deliver not the life but the lifestyle that they have been promised.

The Socialism Of Europe Has Arrived At Our Shores... | Zero Hedge

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Biggest Dinosaurs Had Brains the Size of Tennis Balls - Yahoo! News

So do Democrats.

Biggest Dinosaurs Had Brains the Size of Tennis Balls - Yahoo! News

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

SEC Bars Egan-Jones From Rating The US And Other Governments For 18 Months | Zero Hedge

The SEC has barred Egan-Jones rating agency from rating the debt of sovereign governments as a penalty for errors on their application to do so. The government must be a little worried that since Egan-Jones is somewhat more honest about the credit worthiness of insolvent governments and these insolvent governments don't want the truth to come out. I am sure that the rating agencies, Moody's and S&P will be totally honest about their ratings now that one of the agencies has been smacked due to telling the truth!

SEC Bars Egan-Jones From Rating The US And Other Governments For 18 Months | Zero Hedge

Big government and collectism....

We are in for a world of hurt.

Be prepared for more massive financial problems over th next couple of years.....

The central bank has spent the last 4 years on an orgy of money printing in what will prove to be a vain attempt to prop up the American economy. Massive intervention in markets through the injection of $2 trillion high powered monetary liquidity was designed to stimulate the economy. However, now after 4 years, the economy is no reliant upon this largesse and will probably not be able to survive the natural withdrawal of these funds. Additionally, this intervention has allowed the central government to spend wildly where 40% of what it spends is borrowed. As the late economist Herbert Stein said,
If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.
The nation has had a choice and it has choosen to keep going on profligate spending and borrowing. It will stop and if it is not voluntary it will be involuntary.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thought of the day......

George Orwell said the real objective of socialism was not happiness but human brotherhood, which explains why so many socialists are unhappy. Their objective is unachievable as well as undesirable. Who, after all, wants to live in a world of seven billion siblings?
There is two thoughts that i have about socialists, A0 Misery loves company, B) their inexplicable goal is to take everyone down to the lowest common denominator.
BOOK REVIEW: ‘Radicals’ - Washington Times

Mystfying quote of the day....

"Preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action." -Obamessiah, inauguration address to the nation-
Collective action. Hmmm. What does that mean? Lets have a look at the Freedom House, founded by Eleanor Roosevelt in 1941 to provide philosophical support to the United States in its struggle to counter the atrocities of Nazi Germany and imperial Japan. The thinking goes, I suppose, was that the world has to resist these totalitarian states and it most effective if it is done across the globe together. Collective action against these states what was argued for or in other words the world resistance to these states. Despite the admirable goals of the Freedom House, the wording is a little unfortunate given the context of the word collective and its association with Marxism that had been violently ripping the world apart in the preceding 3 decades. But more worrisome, Collective Action as we find in the current lexicon is one that is tied to 'New Marxism' as we see defined and discussed in this paper....
The ‘new Marxism of collective action' is a term Lash and Urry have recently used to describe a new intellectual current in Marxism which seeks to apply rational choice theory, and particularly game theory, to key Marxian concepts like collective action, class, revolution and exploitation.
Yikes. Not really too hidden here and what is this New Marxism all about? Well first, to be a neo-Marxist, one has to accept that capitalism in not an environment where there is freedom and as these neo-Marxists argue, it is a false freedom since it creates false demand. False demand comes from the folks that really think that they need certain things and that capitalism tricks them into desiring. So neo-Marxists do not think that this is legitimate desires since they have been created through the trickery of capitalists....
It may be suggested, for example, that what passes for freedom under capitalism is a covert form of oppression because of the manipulation of tastes, the promulgation of false needs, or the generally illusory character of the choices on offer. The heavy artillery of ideology is often wheeled on at this point to depict a realm of mystified surface appearance radically at odds with the deeper and grimmer reality of capitalist class relations.
So you see, from here, that what you want is not really what you want since you have been tricked by greedy capitalists into wanting it. I suppose you would also have to overlook things like the housing debacle in the US, where it wasn't really some greedy capitalist that got you to desire something but the US government that was the primary actor in creating greater demand through subsides and the bully pulpit of government support of the industry sector.

But I get lost in the weeds if I get so detailed, since the whole premise of Marxism is that Capitalism is not fair. Fairness is a creed of neo-Liberal Democrats as higher taxes have less to do with economic reality than it has to do what is fair. OK, fairness is subjective, but one would never hear the modern press question this nebulous and necessarily obsequious argument. The Obamessiah continuously repeats the mantra of 'fairness' that Bill Clinton also used so effectively.

But what is he talking about here? Collective actions and freedom in the same sentence, in the Freedom House sense of fighting totalitarians? Seems to me like one could argue that the fight against Islamist extremists as this kind of fight. But unfortunately, I think not. A fundamental tenant of Marxism is that the due to capitalist manipulation that we are manipulated into desiring their produce and way of approach and that this is a loss of freedom. That due to the existence of capitalism that somehow (I am not sure what freedom that they are talking about) we are losing our freedom. Neo-Marxism, through collective action is a counter to this loss of freedom and through fairness and compression of the social class structure that we gain freedoms that we have supposedly lost to capitalism. However, we also have to toss away the concept of free choice that we are individual thinkers and have the option to participate or not. Neo-Marxists are very dismissive of this and have created a nebulous world of capitalist manipulation to explain that what we want and desire is not really ours.

So, presumably through collective actions (Marxism), the central government can protect our freedoms that have been taken by the evil capitalists. Of course, this is a chimera since governments are the ones that through history have been complicit in the destruction of individual freedoms. Ergo, the foundation that the united States was to be an experiment in individual liberty. But now we have what seems to be more like collective liberty. Satan could not have chosen a better actor to destroy the United States and all the good that it does in the world for centuries by internally weakening the very fabric of what made this nation great, specifically, individualism, the benefits of hard work and thrift. Responsibility for ourselves, our families and our localities with God at the center of our being. Now we have the leviathan of government at the center of our lives and we will all be very sorry when this becomes unraveled.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The fallacy of race by Thomas Sowell....

Race, slavery, differences in income, fatherless families, etc. He also has interesting commentaries on how race based preferences aka Affirmative Action in higher education and economic opportunity are not successful or minorities. Chinese and Japanese are more economically successful since they work harder than Blacks, Puerto Ricans and Mexicans. And government interference creates barriers that negatively affects outcomes. Sowell also has eschewed media interviews since they misreport and misrepresent what he says.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cerberus Said to Have Struggled to Find Advisers for Gun Sale - Bloomberg

This is quite disturbing since these banks will not represent this company, a company that produces a legal albeit dangerous product, since it may somehow tarnish their reputation. Tarnish is with who? The populace or with the government? Since the government is the overlords of banks through over-the-top regulation, and the necessary funding that they will need in the next crisis, they are scared of the government. In a fascist state, governments do not own the means of production as explained here....
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.) Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities.
Here is a very fine example of how people have to bend to the governments mandates when they are only implied. Its similar to the self censorship of the press when it comes to this administration. it is distributing and will only get worse.

Cerberus Said to Have Struggled to Find Advisers for Gun Sale - Bloomberg

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Santelli gives a little schooling on the BS that the government feeds us every day. Government is burying the nation and it will not end well. They are unable or unwilling to deal with reality, so how the heck did we get here? Illustrative of the nonsense is that we have elected an unaccomplished know nothing Marxist to be president. Why the heck did we do that??? Because we are not dealing with reality.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Everyone that is interested in monetary policy, fiscal policy and where it meets the membrane that devides this from reality (marketplace), one should watch this....

It is a well thought out and not too zealous prosecution of central planning and government intervention that will promise to bury reality for decades.... I am sure that Democrats will not agree.

Exposing Europe's "Syphilitic Structural Core" With MEP Daniel Hannan | Zero Hedge

Its is so true and we saw this coming in Europe for a long time. Sclerotic redistribution states that relied upon a demographic anomaly will not last. It will only get worse. The US is heading down the same exact path accelerated by collectivism ushered by the Democrats and the Obamessiah

Exposing Europe's "Syphilitic Structural Core" With MEP Daniel Hannan | Zero Hedge

Japan trade numbers are deteriorating badly....

Source: tradingeconomics.com
This trade deficit if it continues and or deteriorates promises to be very difficult to finance. Few external investors are going to look to the safety of Japanese government debt where debt there to GDP is around 250% or opportunity in investment in equity or businesses in Japan where they do not welcome foreigners and make business difficult through byzantine rules and regulations. So, what happens when the Japanese currency starts to weaken or fall apart? Interest rates will naturally have to rise to attract capital. Then, with such a huge government deficit and debt, interest payments by the central government and businesses will start to rise. In a few years, we can imagine that interest on that debt will consume all tax revenues. Then what? The united States should take note.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Depardieu, Heal Thyself | Online Library of Law and Liberty

High profile, under the radar and the rule of unintended consequences.... The whipping of actor Depardieu (funny name depart-dieu means separation or leaving god) is actually hilarious. But the departure of this man out of the reach of the taxman in France should be instructional to folks. Who cares if he goes. He has maybe a decade of additional income and he works globally anyway. But really what this fellow is saying is that the government has no right to take such a substantial mount of a person's labor.

But really what we are missing is the unseen, overlooked and ignored other problems with government arrogance. First, who think s that they are going to just stop at confiscating high incomes? The next step is confiscate wealth and this is what happened in Russia 100 years ago and china 60 years ago. It is the beginning of the end of individual liberty. Second, there will be plenty of others without the stature or headline value that will also slip out from the taxman. Third, is the unintended consequences such as what is happening to Americans overseas, and that is that highly taxed and overly regulated folks cannot compete with those with lower taxes and without the additional paperwork and risk associated with doing business.

Why start a business in France if you fail the cost is all yours but if you are successful then the rewards go only to others? At least the French have good wines and can drink for entertainment.

Depardieu, Heal Thyself | Online Library of Law and Liberty

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The nation has.....

A national Obotomy. Stocks going up, getting guns off the street, national socialized healthcare so none of us will ever die. Never mind that the central bank has printed trillions in new money to achieve this. That the government despite how much they tax the evil successful earners will never again achieve even close to a budget balance. Forget that healthcare costs will actually accelerate while access actually falls. Everything is great when you have a Obotomy.

Wealthy Indian Datta Phuge spends £14,000 on a shirt made of GOLD to impress the ladies | Mail Online

Black hip hop artists must be drooling over this....

Wealthy Indian Datta Phuge spends £14,000 on a shirt made of GOLD to impress the ladies | Mail Online

Well, in that case, keep spending! | PoliPundit.com

Yes, lets impoverish our children and let them face the difficult choices since we are a bunch of nihilists now....
We may simply be on a long, slow road to Japan-style impoverishment that never comes to an end in a Greece-style blowup.
But planning and aiming for a Japanese style impoverishment may actually not be achievable since those folks for decades did something that we haven't done, and that is to save for the future.

Well, in that case, keep spending! | PoliPundit.com

Epic cold snap in California

Ain't global warming a bitch.

News from The Associated Press

Friday, January 11, 2013

More than their fair share....

I went to the supermarket today here in Hong Kong. I noticed that they had dozens of boxes of Special K and at home I had none. So I took one and started walking out. They stopped me and asked me to pay for it. I told them no since they already had more than their fair share. They said it was stealing. Stealing? Are they joking? Don't they know that it is good to spread the wealth around? These people in Hong Kong know nothing.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Obama’s 81% New York City Support is Best in 114 Years - Bloomberg

This is why I will never live in this cesspool is neo-liberalism ever again. Its just an absurd place and the politics of these clowns is completely repulsive to me.

Obama’s 81% New York City Support is Best in 114 Years - Bloomberg

20 Facts About The Collapse Of Europe That Everyone Should Know

This is what socialism does to people....
All over Europe, people that have lost all hope are actually setting themselves on fire in a desperate attempt to draw attention. Millions of formerly middle class Europeans have lost everything and are becoming increasingly desperate. Suicide and crime are skyrocketing all over southern Europe and massive street riots are erupting on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, this is just the beginning. Things are going to get even worse for Europe.

Meanwhile, those of us living in the United States smugly look down our noses at Europe because we are still living in a false bubble of debt-fueled prosperity.

But eventually we will feel the sting of austerity as well. The recent fiscal cliff deal was an indication of that. Taxes are going up and government spending is at least going to slow down. It won’t be too long before the effects of that are felt in the economy.

And of course the reality of the situation is that the U.S. economy really did not perform very well at all during 2012 when you take a look at the numbers. The cold, hard truth is that the U.S. economy has been declining for a very long time, and there are a whole bunch of reasons to expect that our decline will accelerate even further in 2013.
We had good reason to look down at Europe since they were looking down on us when our government created housing crisis imploded the banking system. Never going to happen in centrally planned Europe they were saying.

However, despite extraordinary central planning and collectivist actions by both monetary and fiscal authorities in developed countries around the world, they valiantly tried to keep the ship afloat by borrowing and spending, it is going to prove to be a fools errand. One has to realize that these problems, like the financial crisis of 2008 happen for a reason and the underlying problems were never really addressed or solved. The problem was that there was a gross miss-allocation of resources fostered by bad central government policy and this ushered unproductive investment into housing. So the policy response was to force money into other unproductive investments, so we have just had a shift from 1 unproductive investment to another.

Government induced spending after the financial crisis was arguably almost completely wasted since we have seen very little in the way of a rebound and will probably produce very little in the way of returns. Expenditure of money by governments, particularly in tough times, from a Keynesian perspective, is supposed to go into investments in such things as bridges and highways. These investments are supposed to provide some kind of return on the investment. However, when government essentially just does the proverbial hiring of 1 person to dig a hole that is going to be filled back up by another with the intent on employing these 2 individuals, it does not provide any future benefit. Some argue that it does, that the money that these folks receive is then recycled back into the economy. This is UNTRUE since the money to do this has to be diverted from somewhere else. Whether it be through higher taxes, where these funds would have been spent or invested by the individuals that earned it or through borrowing where the lender would have invested the money in some other gainful enterprise, I can assure myself that the government hole creation and refilling operation creates less and probably much less long-term economic value than the spending and/or investment from those that it was taken away from.

At the end, the government central planning leviathan will continue to eat up productive resources that will be diverted to idiotic government spending programs that ultimately make us poorer. In the past, this was small enough that private enterprise could continue to produce but unfortunately this is taking a larger and larger slice of the productive pie. As we have seen in Europe and like we will see in Japan, bad government policy will lead to poverty, social problems and death.

We have both the right and responsibility to to counter this and with violence if necessary against the government. This was the original intention of the Second Amendment allowing citizens to arm itself. It was intended for citizens to stand up against tyrannical governments. WE will see that Europe and we are seeing that in the United States too.

20 Facts About The Collapse Of Europe That Everyone Should Know

How Government Handouts Foster Dependency - Reason.com

The devil is on the details...
Section 8 handouts are meant to be generous enough that tenants may afford a home defined by HUD as decent, safe and sanitary. In its wisdom, the bureaucracy has ruled that “decent, safe and sanitary” may require subsidies as high as $2,200 per month. But because of that, Section 8 tenants often get to live in nicer places than those who pay their own way.
Why bother trying to create something? Satan will provide.

How Government Handouts Foster Dependency - Reason.com

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Instapundit » Blog Archive » WARREN FARRELL: Mass Shootings The Result of Abandoning, Abusing Boys. “For boys, the road to succ…

just another problem with feminizing boys....

Instapundit » Blog Archive » WARREN FARRELL: Mass Shootings The Result of Abandoning, Abusing Boys. “For boys, the road to succ…

Monday, January 07, 2013

Credibility Cliff: Americans Have Lost Faith in Their Government - Trifecta

What word is disturbing in the above title? Faith. Faith in government? So, here we go, government is God. We don't need faith in government. Government is an adjudicator of rights but it has become and all encompassing interlocutor of everything we do. As a child, I remember talking about if God was in the coffee pot. Well, government is in that coffee pot and it should not be.

PJTV - Credibility Cliff: Americans Have Lost Faith in Their Government - Trifecta

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Quote of the day....

"In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria." ~ Ben Franklin

The Four-Year Honeymoon | The Weekly Standard

No president in my lifetime has been covered so favorably and so gingerly. Never has the press corps been so unwilling to pursue stories that might cast the president in an unflattering light. As a group, the media pride themselves on taking an adversarial approach to politicians and government officials. But in Obama’s case, the press acts like a helpmate.
I think it is purely because the Obamessiah is considered genetically black. That is because the media is full of neo-liberals and these folks are not allowed to question blacks. Neo-liberals think that blacks are the noble savages and one cannot possibly comprehend what they have gone through being black.

The Four-Year Honeymoon | The Weekly Standard

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Mark Lynas, environmentalist who opposed GMOs, admits he was wrong.

The anti-GMO was always a stupid European animist religious faith that somehow genetically modified foods were bad. Practically every food that we eat is genetically modified and its just that it took much longer to do so but now this process can be done must faster under new technologies.

Mark Lynas, environmentalist who opposed GMOs, admits he was wrong.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Philosoraptor is thinking.....

The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2012 (10th Annual) | Right Wing News

This is being a little generous to the number 2 on this list for 2012....
Barack Obama: Sure, he’s dishonest, nasty, corrupt, lazy, hyper-partisan, arrogant and the most hopelessly unqualified and incompetent man ever to occupy the Oval Office — but you have to hand it to him, he’s really great at shifting the blame to other people. Michelle Obama could walk in on Bo buck naked with his secretary and within an hour, she’d be cursing George W. Bush for putting their marriage in jeopardy.

The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2012 (10th Annual) | Right Wing News

This quote reminds me of the neo-liberals I know...

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” -CS Lewis-

Democrats core philosophy....

Lest we forget.....

“They want to put y’all back in chains!” -Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden-

This says it all....

Although, i am not a big fan of mocking Christianity and God, this piece communicates so well the religion of neo-liberalism.

Roger L. Simon » Leftism

This defines neo-liberalism so very well....
Leftism has devolved into a kind of scam run not only on others but also on the self. Leftists are brilliant at convincing themselves of their own altruism and then broadcasting it to the public, thus providing cover for the most conventionally greedy and selfish behaviors. We see that in our society all the time: the quondam Marxists of Hollywood, the media, and the academy blathering on about economic equality while living lives the Medici could not have dreamed of.

Part of this construct is a “prevent game,” a public persona and system erected so privilege cannot be questioned or undermined. A nomenklatura more successful and sophisticated than anything ever conceived in the Soviet Union. The result of this is a highly stratified society. As is well known but scarcely reported, blacks and Latinos have actually done worse under Obama than other groups. Normally, that would be unconscionable, considering the rhetoric. But as we know, it’s all about the rhetoric. Reality is unimportant — an inconvenience.

Relatively unbridled capitalism has always the best way out of this, the best way to true social mobility, but our nomenklatura doesn’t want to admit this because it might threaten them and their perquisites. It would blow their cover.

Roger L. Simon » Leftism: ‘Forget It, Jake. It’s Chinatown.’

Society is trying to.....

Make girls out of boys.

Advice Goddess Blog

Thursday, January 03, 2013

The next crisis is brewing....

Japan's trade numbers are weakening badly and when the current account goes negative, the nation will have to start funding externally. How do you think that that is going to work out?
Source: tradingeconomics.com

Why Did A Train Carrying Biofuel Cross The Border 24 Times And Never Unload? | ZeroHedge

When government creates stupid incentives, people will do stupid things...
A cargo train filled with biofuels crossed the border between the US and Canada 24 times between the 15th of June and the 28th of June 2010; not once did it unload its cargo, yet it still earned millions of dollars. CBC News of Canada was the first to pick up on this story on the 3rd of December 2012, and began their own investigation into the possible explanations behind this odd behaviour.

CN Rail, the operator of the train, stated their innocence in the matter as they had only “received shipping directions from the customer, which, under law, it has an obligation to meet. CN discharged its obligations with respect to those movements in strict compliance with its obligations as a common carrier, and was compensated accordingly.” Even so, they still managed to earn C$2.6 million in shipping fees.
The taxpayer was the one that footed this bill.

Why Did A Train Carrying Biofuel Cross The Border 24 Times And Never Unload? | ZeroHedge

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Kenyan economics expert: Development aid is one reason for Africa’s problems, so for ‘God’s sake, please just stop’ | AEIdeas

This is definitely a worthwhile read if you like this kind of stuff. I lived and worked in Africa in one of these 'aid' organizations and I saw first hand the destructiveness of these interventions. First, generally aid is non-economic and frankly, much of the stuff that they got involved in was just plain stupid. And there are all kinds of strings attached to this aid so that it was very costly. Second, as the writer says here, Africans have been taught now for generations to be beggars and wait for folks to give them what they need instead of creating it for themselves. Its kind of sickening to see all of this in action.

But, finally, I firmly believe it is a symptom of the neo-liberal world where they know so much better what is good for you than you do. And the solution to your problems can be found by these 'brilliant' government folks with all kinds of higher degrees and credentials. Neo-liberals think that by getting these absurd governments involved that are doing good for the noble savages of Africa. These folks have so much more faith in their princes than in God and failure will come to them.

Kenyan economics expert: Development aid is one reason for Africa’s problems, so for ‘God’s sake, please just stop’ | AEIdeas

Some clear thinking on the national debt and the real fiscal problem: Government’s spending on entitlement programs | AEIdeas

This succinctly communicates what I have been saying for ages, and that is that we are burying our nation by allowing government to engage in useless and worhtless economic engineering. One day we will wake up and ask why this has all gone wrong. I wake up everyday and know exactly why it will go wrong.

Some clear thinking on the national debt and the real fiscal problem: Government’s spending on entitlement programs | AEIdeas

Recipe for a long life: overweight people have LOWER death risk - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Great news!!!!
The results are published in the respected Journal of the American Medical Association, which also published the earlier study. They show only the severely obese, with a body mass index above 35, have a significantly increased mortality, up by 29 per cent. Otherwise, extra weight appears to be protective. Underweight people, meanwhile, have a 10 per cent higher rate of premature death than those of normal size, according to earlier research. "There is already a lot of literature showing that overweight is linked with lower mortality," said Dr Flegal. "It is not an unusual finding. But authors tend to shy away from it. They tend to underplay it or try to explain it away."

Recipe for a long life: overweight people have LOWER death risk - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

David Malpass: Nothing Is Certain Except More Debt and Taxes - WSJ.com

Utopian wealth redistribution that I also refer to as collectivism, socialism and Marxism, promises much more pain for the typical family than they have gone through already. Opportunity will be reduced, and the central planning model offered up by Democrats increases opportunity only for those that are closely associated or have access to government.....
Businesses have been waiting to see whether a second Obama administration will encourage the economy. During the fiscal-cliff negotiations, however, the president made clear that his goal isn't to get business going again but instead to expand government and redistribute income. He offered no real spending cuts and instead used the year-end deadline to divide America into classes—to the point of campaigning on New Year's Eve against higher earners. Though the president talks about fairness, his policies penalize profit and investment. This hurts aspiring Americans more than it hurts those who have already made it.
Why Americans choose the statist economic model with increasing tyranny of of a central government over liberty is completely beyond my comprehension. Its as if the nation wants to fail.
And furthermore to article cited above....
The Congressional Budget Office scores the Senate bill as adding $4 trillion to the national debt by 2022. That assumes the sequester or equivalent spending cuts are fully implemented in March, which seems unlikely. Some are hoping that during the coming confrontation over the debt-limit increase fiscal conservatives will be able to recover lost ground on spending. That won't work, because the debt limit doesn't provide much leverage.
What cannot go on forever, won't. I just do not look forward to when the money runs out.
David Malpass: Nothing Is Certain Except More Debt and Taxes - WSJ.com

Class Warfare Tax Policy Causes Portugal to Crash on the Laffer Curve, but Will Obama Learn from this Mistake? « International Liberty

Portugal, the tiny European nation that is struggling with disastrous levels of government debt (over 120% of GDP) has actually led the USA in trying to find a solution to their government deficits. They, like the USA is doing now, raised taxes (no spending cuts like the USA too) but since the higher tax rates did not lead to more revenue, they are considering raising taxes again (naturally?). However, like the USA, they are not cutting government spending and are not considering cutting spending since people in Portugal are now too used to and dependent upon government entitlements to take them away....
And there are even signs that Portuguese officials are beginning to realize that lower tax rates should be part of the solution. But good policy may be impossible since so many people now have a moocher mentality.
This kind of moocher culture, a culture that many nations have developed over the past 40 years and a culture that is very strong in the USA, is too entrenched and vested in receiving their government transfer payments and free things. However, I suspect that like the USA, lower taxes will not be part of restructuring government finances not because it is a sensible approach but because it does not fit into the neo-liberal European style collectivist/socialist model. Neo-liberals, for some inexplicable reason, feel that they have to punish successful and working people by making them either pay higher taxes at their current level of work or encourage them to reduce their work or investment since the additional work and investment does not provide them with as high incremental returns.

It is a truly juvenile approach to the world. To me, its inexplicable. Its as if they are emperors and they can suspend reality and like fascism of the 1930's, it promises to devolve into destruction, poverty and death like it always has.

Class Warfare Tax Policy Causes Portugal to Crash on the Laffer Curve, but Will Obama Learn from this Mistake? « International Liberty

A Liberal Comes Clean: We Hate the Constitution | Power Line

I don't think that they hate the constitution because they have been able to bend it over the past 80 years in order to allow collectivism and central planning. But the problem with collectivism and central planning is that it does not worlk and ultimately leads to autocratic governments. Neo-liberalism is an autocratic system of government such as we say in Mussolini's fascist Italy.

A Liberal Comes Clean: We Hate the Constitution | Power Line

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Huge protsts in Hong kong today....

Hundreds of thousands march. If you read that it is only thousands, then they are lying. Probably three hundred thousand or so. there was a gigantic contingent from the Falun Gong and they even had a marching brass band. Protests in Hong Kong typically are extraordinarily peaceful but recent ones feel a little edgier. The people here are sick and tired of the heavy handed intervention by Beijing. They will not tolerate the nonsense that goes on here any longer.

Obama, Senate Republicans reach agreement on ‘fiscal cliff’ - The Washington Post

Hahahahahahahaha. The USA is a Obamanation!!!!! What a total joke. Tax increases and spending increases but not spending cuts. The fiscal cliff resolution is a total joke. Well, I did not expect much from the Obamessiah but no spending cuts at all? Its OK with me since it just moves the nation closer to be forced to deal with completely out of control Washington spending and over the top interventions in markets places from the dopes in Washington.

Obama, Senate Republicans reach agreement on ‘fiscal cliff’ - The Washington Post


If higher taxes on cigarettes are argued to decrease smoking, are higher taxes on work and investment argued to decreased work and investment?

Government Help Has Made Health Care, Housing And Higher Education Worse - Investors.com

Ok, government intervention to 'help' people in economic goods of housing, health care and higher education, has increased prices, destroyed people's finances where some have been impoverished and will eventually make them less accessible to regular people than if the government kept their dirty fingers out of it. Why do we need this government at all?

Government Help Has Made Health Care, Housing And Higher Education Worse - Investors.com

Byron York: Obama's 'messianism' makes economy a secondary concern | WashingtonExaminer.com

Now the neo-Jesus is the head of the United states, nothing can go wrong!

Byron York: Obama's 'messianism' makes economy a secondary concern | WashingtonExaminer.com