What If Obama Can't Lead? - NationalJournal.com
This is what you get if you elect a naive child as President.
What If Obama Can't Lead? - NationalJournal.com
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Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-
This is what you get if you elect a naive child as President.
Ha ha ha. Now the Koreans have gotten into the act and commented on the Southwest Airlines flight that had troubles at LaGuardia Airport recently. The pilot, identified as Kent Parker Wright and co-pilot as Wyatt Wooden Workman.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Like maybe.... First put 'em all on welfare then they will be stable enough to come off? Thinking like this defies logic.
The King of Thailand was born in the United States, Cambridge Massachusetts to be exact. So technically he is an American citizen and subject to all of the reporting requirements that everyone else is. So, I wonder if he complies with FBAR and the other nonsensical additional reporting requirements that Americans living overseas are subjected to by the leviathan in Washington? Does he file a tax form like everyone?
This is why I think that the United States is beyond hope. Some in the national news media are completely complicit in promoting and protecting a big central government with unlimited power and are ignoring the abuses and problems that it has created. The national new media has abrogated its responsibility to American public by not questioning the motives and methods of national leaders in fair and balanced manner and instead are running protection for those that promote larger government intervention, socialism or other hard-left ideals.
Now, several months after a brief flurry of scandal coverage in the national media, journalists have gone numb enough that President Obama is shamelessly campaigning around the country attacking the Republicans for dwelling on “phony scandals.How one could call the September 11th terrorist attack on American interests overseas that was met with complete clownishness a phony scandal should be beyond anyone with an IQ above 40 comprehension. How about the phony scandal where the IRS targeted conservatives and Christian groups and these mechanisms of big government were used to stop their capacity to operate? Fast and Furioous where the government sold weapons to drug lords in Mexico in one of the most bizarre and stupid programs designed to track guns probably as a precursor to try to implement gun control in the United States. How about the spying on journalists doing their jobs by the Justice Department? Shouldn't journalists be concerned about that? How about the spying on individuals telephone calls and emails that were lied about by government officials under oath in front of Congress?
Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.This thinking and the bumbling explanations that this article goes into is written so obliquely that I have no idea what they are trying to say here. Despite offering that the economy and the prospects for the economy do not look as bright as one would hope, the writer then drives in the bus of racial inequality/equality. The writer also rolls in some nonsense on government's role in some form or another that also makes no sense. Leftists in the press just cannot help themselves I suppose.
Government central planning promises to impoverish the people while destroying the fabric of normal people's lives. The great plans of government bureaucrats to stop deflation which will somehow make teh economy more efficient and productive, will only increase costs of inputs for businesses that will not be able to pass price increases onto consumers. Since consumers will be paying much more for food and energy, their standard of living will fall....
At the component level, electricity prices rose by 9.8% yoy (nationwide) and gasoline prices rose by 6.4% yoy (nationwide) (15.4% yoy and 10.2% yoy respectively in Tokyo)... However, prices in a broad range of areas such as housing rent, recreation, furniture/household utensils and medical care still show price declines from a year ago.This is the same kinds of bad ideas that the US government is attempting. Avoiding pain and promising teh people something that they will never be able to deliver.
"The united States is now more communist than China" You cannot fool the regular people.
Just another lever of central government control. Your personal medical data will become part of the political process and things that no one has any business knowing will be used against you.
My only comment is that not only is this a national waste of time and diversion from the scandals that are not unsurprisingly plaguing government today, it is really that folks are not approaching this from a very honest perspective. First when POTUS said that "Trayvon Martin could have been me", was he referring to the Trayvon Martin that punched someone in the face and was smashing George Zimmerman's head on the pavement? Second, this story early on promised to be a man bites dog story, since young black men disproportionately murder people.
Did you know that 90% of blacks are murdered by blacks, and 83% of whites are murdered by whites?From here. So lets a look at these simple statistics, and one that that sticks out and just argues that there is a violence problem in black communities is that blacks are 7 times more likely to commit murder than whites.
Did you know that there are 14.82 murders per 100K by blacks versus 2.17 per 100K for whites?
Per capita there are 7x more murders committed by blacks than whites.
Be very wary of fakes from and in China!
However, think of the intern that got this call. He or she had the opportunity of a lifetime to something that sensational and this person took that opportunity. Good for them!
Yet it is males who suffer in our society. From boyhood through adulthood, the White American Male must fight his way through a litany of taunts, assumptions and grievances about his very existence. His oppression is unlike anything American women have faced. Unlike women, however, men don’t organize and form groups when they’ve been persecuted. They just bow out of the game.I feel very uncomfortable sending my son to school in the USA. Despite him being educated in the unholy British ultra-liberal system here in Hong Kong, it is still far behind the ridiculousness of the American educational system. But he is in for a rude awakening and an uneven field as he manages his way through the absurdities that higher education has become in the US.
America needs to wake up. We have swung the pendulum too far in the other direction—from a man’s world to a woman’s world.
The fierce moral urgency of change from the cowboy in the Whitehouse. Well, so where is the moral compass with this guy? And how about that Nobel Peace Prize? I wonder if the rubes in Norway feel any regret. Oh no? They only gave it to him since he was Black anyway.
Good luck USA, you have created a mess that you will not get out of....
To call the U.S. federal government a black hole is a disservice to black holes, which have a neutral majesty. Excepting the military's fighting units, the federal government has become a giant slug, like Jabba the Hutt, inert but dangerous. Like Jabba, the government increasingly survives by issuing authoritarian decrees from this or that agency. Barack Obama, essentially a publicist for Jabba's world of federal fat, euphemized this mess Monday as the American people's "democracy."The leviathan has a life of its own. Too big to control and too be to be effective, it will continue to consume the people.
Thomas Jefferson, who must be rolling in his grave, said the way to ensure good government was to divide it among the many. Some states and cities are indeed reworking their functions in efficient, innovative ways. But Washington is oblivious to life beyond the Beltway.
Centralizing the American healthcare system will take a structurally difficult and expensive system, make it more structurally difficult, more expensive, less efficient and force more suffering and death than otherwise would have been the case. Americans are fools for allowing Washington to allocate resources, they neither understand nor can possibly do efficiently and will pay dearly with lower living standards, less healthy outcomes, more sickness and more death. Fools.
....we’re often told that “if you’re a law-abiding person, you have nothing to fear.”The problem is that it is no longer trustworthy and in the best of times, government has been barely competent in the things that it actually can do whereas now, government does much more than it is it capable of.
But that assumes government is both competent and trustworthy.
I have always had arguments with hard left Democrats that the US tax system is not competitive with other countries. They always roll out statistics about marginal Federal tax rates as compared with others like Germany. However, the problem with all of this is that it is comparing apples and oranges. Germany taxes nationally, whereas the USA has a panapoly of tax authorities and this includes sometimes very high income taxes levied by states and even cities.
What is the Justice Department doing? I think that some may deem this just not inappropriate but scary...
“Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained documents proving that the Department of Justice played a major behind-the-scenes role in organizing protests against George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is on trial for second-degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in February 2012.”The government, by fomenting racial division, gains a portfolio of control and intervention that they would have had otherwise. So they try to create racial distrust and potentially violence. Its sickening. But this is what the central government has become.
The downside of state central planning is that most of the time, the economy does not respond as planned....
Little wonder: The monthly payroll survey shows that just 130,000 full-time jobs have been added so far this year, versus 557,000 part-time positions.When you force employers to pay more, folks naturally respond to economic incentives. However, who would have thought that employers would have responded en-masse to gigantic costs associated with employing workers under a state mandated health system? Anyone with half a brain would have known that. But of course, not the Democrats when they were forcing this down everyone's throats.
Meantime, at least 2.7 million Americans work a temporary job. With 12 million Americans officially unemployed, 8 million involuntarily working part-time and 2.7 million juggling temp positions, a fifth-grade math student could tell you that more than 20 million of us don’t have a job in the traditional understanding of the term.
Its easier to be a pessimist than ever in my lifetime. And for good reason....
Obama and his clowns, unfortunately, form just the tip of the iceberg. Our schools, colleges, and universities, once the greatest on earth, grind out an endless link sausage of brainwashed liberal stooges, most with no discernible useful skills and few with any knowledge of the basic facts of a free economy, the principles of democracy, including the importance of individual rights, or of the history of the men and women who made this country. They are babblers of politically correct, socially sanctioned nonsense--and each little sausage paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to the corrupt education industry for the privilege of being stupid. They want and want more and more, and can give back less and less. They have been trained to see life as a series of problems requiring more and more government, and more and more ceding of our rights to the bureaucrats. We have become Europe. George Washington would not approve.. We an still get back on track, but I think that that task will prove futile. We have slid too far down the slope of socialism and there will be way too many that think that since they had the fortune to be born on certain plot of land, that they deserve the other people on that plot of land to provide for them. Its sickening. And I am afraid that it will end in destructive violence.
It is hard to be optimistic on July 4, 2013
See violence by the left is typical since one is not allowed to have an opinion about their 'beyond reproach' positions. But violence against Christians is particularly welcome by the left. Violence and the threat of violence is part of how they operate and is the central core of how they keep people in line.
This is what the Democratic party has come to. Freedom is what they define. It horrifies me and I think that Democrats of old would agree with me. But not Democrats of today.
Trying to placate the 'massa' of Euro-socialists.
How DARE a Black man think for himself and not follow the hard left Liberal program for them.
The nation got exactly who they deserved....
In Barack Obama, America elected a chief executive whose Department of Justice has repeatedly targeted the press, whose Internal Revenue Service has gone gunning for conservatives, and whose government has elevated secrecy into a cardinal virtue. The Obama administration’s data grab is not just about national security, or Edward Snowden. It is also an epilogue befitting a candidate who delivered his 2008 convention acceptance speech in front of a temple façade dedicated to himself, and whose faith in government and the state is at the center of his presidency.This is a man that had no real world experience and is a naive as anyone can be. Yet, we still chose this dope to be POTUS.
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.