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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hope and change?

How about hope and change leading to time in jail?
Hope and Jail
"The creator of the Barack Obama 'HOPE' poster pleaded guilty Friday to criminal contempt, saying he made a 'terrible decision' in 2009 to destroy some documents and fabricate others in a civil lawsuit pertaining to The Associated Press photograph he relied upon to make the poster," the AP reports.

What's hilarious about this is that the poster-maker, Shepard Fairey, was the one who brought the suit, after the AP accused him, accurately as it turns out, of misappropriating its intellectual property. (The AP then countersued.) WSJ.com reports that "prosecutors are likely to seek some term of imprisonment in the case."

Fairey has got to be hoping Obama loses his re-election bid, so he can get a pardon in 2013 instead of 2017.
Major league FAIL!

What's the Matter With 'Nebraska'? - WSJ.com

What's the Matter With 'Nebraska'? - WSJ.com

Thought of the day....
"When prosperous liberals vote their values, not their interests, that's enlightened. When poor conservatives do it, it's dumb."

What's the Matter With 'Nebraska'? - WSJ.com

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ben Davies: Greece Is Just A Preview Of What's Coming For The Rest Of Us | ZeroHedge

When considering the default of the debt of Greece, we have to think that similar over indebted situation exists in many many countries and this will result in more insolvent countries and further defaults. The debt default of Greece is not done yet since the nations of Europe have still not faced the pain of writing down the debt to the proper level. More losses will be had for Greece and probably many other countries including the USA.....
The one thing we can be confident of is that at some point, these losses will be taken. The market will eventually force it.

And the second thing we can predict is: we don't know what will happen when they are. There is so much complexity in the counterparty exposure to Greece debt - as well as the much larger derivative exposure tied to this debt - that anything between "not much" and "worldwide financial conflagration" could be possible.

And that's just Greece. As other larger countries begin to sink under the weight of their sovereign debts, the risks to the global financial system increasingly escalates. Which is why Ben Davies has a hard time finding a good home for investment capital other than gold.
We could have a situation where modern life breaks down since strong national governments are frantically delaying the inevitable day of reckoning.

Ben Davies: Greece Is Just A Preview Of What's Coming For The Rest Of Us | ZeroHedge

Guest Post: The Perfection Of Crony Capitalism: Use Regulation To Destroy Competitors | ZeroHedge

Government regulation that are sold to the sheeple is to protect people. However, effectively what these 'regulations' do it support large companies and organizations over the competitive smaller ones. I think that on balance, regulations make us poorer and less healthy.

Guest Post: The Perfection Of Crony Capitalism: Use Regulation To Destroy Competitors | ZeroHedge

Monday, February 27, 2012

Democratic governors discuss bypassing Congress with Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Who says that the USA is no longer a Democracy?
President Obama met with a group of Democratic governors on Friday and discussed plans to work around Congress toward policy goals.

Gov. Jack Markell, the Democratic governor of Delaware and the vice chairman of the National Governors Association, told The Hill that the meeting was “very good” and said many of the governors were responsive to ideas about bypassing Congress.

“There was a sense that none of us should wait, we can’t wait for things to happen in Congress,” Markell said of the meeting. “We’re going to do what we can do [now].”
Well, whoever says that the US is not longer a Democracy, seems as if they are unfortunately, correct. The Obamessiah coupled with the Renfields in the Democratic party that support the Leviathan in completely controlling everything that you say, do or want to do are even speaking out publicly that they are going to do just that; whatever they feel is correct. Well, maybe it will be a benevolent dictator but chances are it will be a traditional dictatorship.

Democratic governors discuss bypassing Congress with Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Twelve killed in protests across Afghanistan | Reuters

Muslims are nothing but a bunch of barbaric animals. Mohammed would be ashamed of the behavior of these clowns killing each other over an inanimate object. The book was already defaced by the prisoners as they used it to send secret messages in and out of the prison. As one should expect, the book was disposed of in a traditional manner, burning. There is no reason what-so-ever for disposal to done in some hokus pocus nonsensical ritual. Idiots.

Twelve killed in protests across Afghanistan | Reuters

Friday, February 24, 2012

HALF of Americans don't pay income tax despite crippling government debt | Mail Online

The cut in payroll taxes is very telling. Payroll taxes are not considered to be federal taxes so its not included in this number. However, since around half of the people no longer pay taxes, their taxes cannot be cut. But this is stupid. Why should any American not be responsible for paying for the necessary functions of the federal authority? The reason why the feckless Obamessiah and Democrats are attacking the people that earn money to pay their 'fair share' is that the people that pay nothing just do not care. Yea, they think, just make the evil wealthy pay for more of my benefits, since they cost me absolutely nothing. The great experiment in liberty has ended, now its take what we can before the music stops and it all collapses.

HALF of Americans don't pay income tax despite crippling government debt | Mail Online

Instapundit » Blog Archive » BILL QUICK: You Get What You Pay For: Look, it is relatively simple. Graduate from high school, …

Failure of a market, again?
Look, it is relatively simple. Graduate from high school, get a job, keep it, get married, and stay married. You won’t live a life of poverty and degradation.

Yet it is the very folks who claim to mean well who wreak the most destruction on the poor. Here’s a truth from the Copybook Headings: You get what you pay for.

Our society chooses to pay for bastards and wonders why the number of bastards increases. Our society refuses to support poor families with married fathers in residence, and wonders why the number of single mothers increases. Our society pays for single motherhood, and wonders why we get it. Our society gives stipends to unemployed and/or homeless males, and wonders why we get more and more of them.

Why on earth would any of the poor pay attention to “cultural signals” when the check that comes to them pays for exactly the opposite?
Not a failure, markets react to incentives no matter how perverse they are. Human nature continues to perform as human nature is designed. Markets never fail, they just behave how one may expect them to if one just takes the time to think about it. I argue that markets never ever fail and that lefties that say that they do are just angry that they do not behave the way that they want them to.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » BILL QUICK: You Get What You Pay For: Look, it is relatively simple. Graduate from high school, …

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fortress DC: New Capitol lockdown plan in works | Washington Examiner

In addition to terrorists, Washington needs to protect itself from the people.

Fortress DC: New Capitol lockdown plan in works | Washington Examiner

Rick Santorum In 2008: Mainstream Protestantism Fell Out Of 'World Of Christianity'

According to Rick Santorum, mainstream protestants have left the Christian world. And I have to agree with this. Mainstream protestants have come to embrace the hard left's socialist and progressive agenda full on. As I wrote here when the central government utopian planning and control freaks socialized the whole medical field, it was wholeheartedly embraced by the weaselly leftist protestants, here, "Shutting down religion.... for the greater good... "

As I wrote, churches have been trading fundamental liberty for the nebulous 'economic security' offered by the incompetent central Leviathan for decades....
Very interesting that as government is on the eve of failing to deliver and defaulting on the benefits promised to those that paid into the system for a lifetime, that we read of how churches intervened 70 years ago to support the leviathan and sold their souls to the devil of government in return for the false promises of monetary security. As I have been arguing for years, government largess in the traditional portfolio of the family, neighbors, and churches have destroyed the need for these traditional American institutions and have left these functions to an overreaching and incompetent replacement, the American government.
From here.

The great socialist experiment of the past many decades in the US and in Europe will fail. The concept of "freedom from want" as expressed by FDR in 1941 is simply not achievable.....
1. Freedom of speech and expression
2. Freedom of worship
3. Freedom from want
4. Freedom from fear
and dishonest. The first 2 fall squarely in the Constitution and the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights where Freedom of speech and worship are inalienable. We have these inalienable rights just by virtue of being human. However, the freedom from concept is not found anywhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights and to include them is creating new rights concepts out of thin air. This is an unalienable right as granted by a central authority and is only how some government official decides what freedom from want and freedom from fear is. It is dishonest. The problem with this new right is that not only is it nebulous and undefinable, the delivery of this supposed freedom will ultimately eliminate other freedom. In order to deliver the freedom of want, one may have to seize other's assets and redistribute these funds to those "in want". And honestly, what does freedom from fear mean? These nonsensical freedoms are freedoms that ultimately grant government powers to meet these needs that go way beyond the nature and structure of our government. Itcreates powers to intervene in American life that is unlimited and its pure nonsense. Its government gone wild and will ultimately lead to destruction of the nation.

However, getting back to the central thought, churches have been trading away their portfolio of rights and responsibilities in favor of the nebulous promises of the Leviathan of economic security. Its not a true christian approach to life and Rick Santorum is absolutely correct in saying that mainstream protestantism, that embraces government Utopian wealth redistribution, homosexuality, unlimited access to abortion and a host of other extreme changes in the human condition, have left the christian world.

Rick Santorum In 2008: Mainstream Protestantism Fell Out Of 'World Of Christianity'

White House: Unemployment Stimulates the Economy - Katie Pavlich

It absolutely amazes me that we have a bunch of socialist retreads occupying Washington and the utter nonsense that comes out of their pie holes is not completely laughed at. The moronic press has no idea what to do since it is so embarrassing that they have to ignore it.

White House: Unemployment Stimulates the Economy - Katie Pavlich

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Warren Harding, curing a depression through austerity - The Washington Post

Low taxes and non-intervention in an economy is a prescription for better times ahead.

Guest Post: The Great Repression | ZeroHedge

"No government has ever commanded the resources at the disposal of our ungodly Leviathan, which consumes about 25% of the product of the world's richest country. It is driven by a voracious alliance of government's own employees, and those who receive benefits from the state. At least 90 million Americans either depend directly on government handouts or jobs, and each private worker must support not only himself and his family, but also carry a government worker on his shoulders."

-Tom Bethel, "Freedom and its Enemies," June 1999 -
The central government of the United States will consume the American people and their liberty as it voracious appetite for the legitimate product of people gets taken away. We will see those, particularly those that are the recipients of the government funds, vigorously and sometimes violently fight for what they have been told by the feckless government is not rightfully theirs due to their good fortune of being born within the political borders of the nation. The tyranny of the majority where they will coerce through government action unearned and undeserved benefits will rip apart the fabric of the nation.

Guest Post: The Great Repression | ZeroHedge


Many of you including myself have made disparaging remarks about President Obama, so, please read the following!!

I'm sure most of us have read the so-called comparison of Lincoln and Kennedy, but did you ever consider the relationship between Obama and Lincoln?

You might be surprised. Parallels of Abraham Lincoln and Barack Hussein Obama:

1. Lincoln placed his hand on the Bible for his inauguration. Obama used the same Bible.
2. Lincoln came from Illinois . Obama comes from Illinois .
3. Lincoln served in the Illinois Legislature. Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.
4. Lincoln had very little experience before becoming President. Obama had very little experience before becoming President.
5. Lincoln rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration. Obama rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration.
6. Lincoln was a skinny lawyer. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
7. Lincoln was a Republican. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
8. Lincoln was in the United States military. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
9. Lincoln believed in everyone carrying their own weight. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
10. Lincoln did not waste taxpayers' money on personal enjoyments. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
11. Lincoln was highly respected. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
12. Lincoln was born in the United States . Obama is a skinny lawyer.
13. Lincoln was honest, so honest he was called Honest Abe. Obama is a skinny lawyer
14. Lincoln saved the United States . Obama is a skinny lawyer.

Gingrich: Defeating Obama 'Most Dangerous President in US History' a 'Duty Of National Security'

The current President of the United States is completely and totally repulsive to me. But maybe we deserve him as punishment for our stupidity.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We Are On The Road To Bankruptcy | Fox News

Dan Mitchell, of the Cato Institute and entertaining to watch on his videos has this to say about the US government....
We are definitely on the road to bankruptcy.

“We have maybe 10, 15 years' advanced notice. And what’s frustrating is that we’re not taking advantage of that, even as we see these other countries collapsing into social chaos and disarray.”

Mitchell points out that the politicians don’t even have to make actual cuts to save the future. If they just slowed the growth of government to about 2 percent per year, the U.S. economy could grow out of this mess. But the politicians won’t do even that.
Once the government got into the income redistribution business and decided that they knew better than markets how to allocate resources, it has been and will prove nearly impossible to turn back. Government has proven over-and-over that they are not only just incompetent, but also destructive in their interventions and we should get them out of this business altogether.

We Are On The Road To Bankruptcy | Fox News

Friday, February 17, 2012

United States' economy: Over-regulated America | The Economist

Headline of the Day....
Over-regulated America
The home of laissez-faire is being suffocated by excessive and badly written regulation
Stupid government thinking that they even have the faintest clue what they are doing is and will continue to lower American standards of living.

United States' economy: Over-regulated America | The Economist

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The old days vs. today......

“Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

- Thomas Paine -
The US leviathan continues to eat into the liberty of the people as the Obamessiah, cravenly orders Catholic charities such as schools and hospitals (but not the churches themselves) to offer healthcare services that they did not offer previously. These services that the all-knowing central authority demanded include contraception and this goes against church beliefs.

This is very telling and it is a warning to us as to how the leviathan will interject its desires and intrude into the every day lives of Americans. First, was there a problem with the health services being offered that the central government decided that it was so important to intervene? I say no, since if people want contraception, they are quite capable of buying it themselves. This is what they were doing prior to this government order. But the central government, since totalitarians think this way, decided that this was important enough that a decree to force the Catholic church to do things that are against their religion are forced upon them. Government is exercising a right that they never had and are forcing a one-size-fits-all world upon the people.

Second, assume for a moment that these orders were truly in the best interests of the people (which in this case is not) and that it was a win-win problem that has been easily solved. The problem arises that once we allow them to intervene, government will continue to intervene in its hamfisted manner and cause all kinds of changes, most of which I argue cause more damage than good. If we allow the camel's nose in the tent then we can expect that the whole animal will be inside shortly. This will not be the last orders thrust upon us in the name of making things better for us.

Thirdly, who says that government knows better? What body of evidence, actual or theoretical that assures us that all of these interventions are creating a better life for all of us? Or are we just creating a bunch of government generated winners and losers?

Finally, but I am sure that there are more reasons to be worried about this, is that every time that we allow the central leviathan to create these new rules in so many areas of our lives, that we give up our liberty and freedoms, little by little. One day, and for me this is now, we enter a totalitarian state where even logical and liberty loving people lose sight of what it means to enjoy these God given rights.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Media Matters | Sources | David Brock | The Daily Caller

This is an interesting read. This guy Brock seems like a kind of Bond lunatic villain. However, this is the new nature of progressive politics that will destroy those that do not toe the line. Lenin would be proud. Modern Progressives like the typical Democrat today and specifically like the head of the leviathan in the White House now, seek to promote Marxism and the control over many many aspects of American's lives. The tactics deployed are not illegal just immoral.

Media Matters | Sources | David Brock | The Daily Caller

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mystery disease kills thousands in Central America - Yahoo! News

Here is a very fine example of where hard work actually kills people. Liberals take note and save those fat Americans from this dreaded disease, hard work!

Mystery disease kills thousands in Central America - Yahoo! News

Thursday, February 09, 2012

This car goes 225 mph. I want one of these...

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Indiana Leads the Right-to-Work Charge - Reason Magazine

Free to choose. In a right to work state, you still have the choice to organize as a labor union and negotiate from this position. What tight to work means, is that unions do not have the ability to force employees to join and pay dues. This means that organized labor has to actually perform and add value to the process in order to remain relevant. But there are benefits to allowing for competitive market places...
Between 2002 and 2009, every year except one, economic growth in these states was noticeably higher than in non-right-to-work states. Over the last decade, employment grew 2.3 percent in right-to-work states compared with a 4 percent decline in others. What’s more, income growth in the right-to-work states was 17.5 percentage points higher. And Ohio State University economist Richard Vedder found that “without exception, a statistically significant positive relationship” exists between the presence of right-to-work laws and in-migration.

Indiana Leads the Right-to-Work Charge - Reason Magazine

NUGENT: The Great Keystone XL Pipeline Massacre - Washington Times

Ted Nugent unloads on the Obamessiah.

NUGENT: The Great Keystone XL Pipeline Massacre - Washington Times

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Quote of the day....

“I used to be a Democrat, too,” said Tom Stemberg, who founded Staples in 1986. “Then I started a business.”

Monday, February 06, 2012

Can PC journalists report truthfully about Muslims? | Bill O'Reilly | Columnists | Washington Examiner

American media has been reluctant or afraid to report on crazed Muslims killing their children in Canada. And how does the American media report this inhumanity?
On NBC's "Nightly News," anchor Brian Williams said this: "A verdict has been reached in a murder case that's gotten a lot of attention because it involved so-called honor killings of family members. In this case, an Afghan family living in Canada. It is a culture clash getting a lot of attention to our north."

Culture clash? Between whom? Afghans and Canadians? What is Williams talking about?

The reporter on the story, Kevin Tibbles, also avoided using the word "Muslim." He described the motivation for the violence as "a strict religious family that felt it had been disgraced."
Yes, how is this a clash of cultures? One culture abhors and punishes murderers and the other condones it? Isn't that 'culture' that accepts and condones the cold-blooded murder of one's children nothing but barbaric and this kind of behavior completely unacceptable? If these subhuman people think that it is acceptable to murder their own children for some kind of twisted cultural reason then what will stop them from murdering you or your children for some kind of slight that they perceive from you?

Well, this is the same 'culture' that preaches for the annihilation of Jews and Israel from their frothing-at-the-mouth clergy. Should we not and don't we have the responsibility to talk about this and expose it for what it is and that is a medieval inhuman culture wrapped in religion?

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/2012/02/can-pc-journalists-report-truthfully-about-muslims/2172811#ixzz1lboBcFfG
Can PC journalists report truthfully aboutjavascript:void(0) Muslims? | Bill O'Reilly | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

This is why normal people should never trust Muslims since they are absolute whacky....
The Iranian government, through a website proxy, has laid out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people.

The doctrine includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide.
if one is so stupid to think that they will stop at just murdering Jews, then these people are just foolish and stupid. These blood-thirty religious zealots should be held accountable for not just their actions but allow their threats against people.

Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel