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Milton J. Madison - An American Refugee Now Living in China, Where Liberty is Ascending

Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-

Monday, December 31, 2012

Mort Zuckerman: Brace For an Avalanche of Unfunded Debt - US News and World Report

The fiscal cliff is just a smokescreen. Its fiscal stupidity that is being covered up by Washington. The nation has been promising itself all kinds of benefits and payments that will be impossible to meet, ever.......
Of course, we can go on whistling in the dark until we run into the reality of a crisis we sometimes hear vaguely mentioned, when it is mentioned at all. It is not so much a matter of politicians meeting in the small hours to raise the debt ceiling (or refuse to raise it). It is what will happen when investors lose confidence in the ability of the federal government to put its finances in order. That will be reflected in their unwillingness to buy our debt at current low levels of interest. Look at Greece, where the interest rate on bonds went from about 5 percent to more than 16 percent in a short time. Look at how much more Greece has to pay on its bonds by comparison with Germany.

The question is not whether we must make the tough choices to put our nation's finances in order. The question is whether we will do so before the market forces us to do so.
Its just a matter of time. Of course no one wants to admit that all of these promises are impossible to meet and that adjustments have to be made. Obviously this fiscal cliff nonsense is the perfect time to put in place movement in that direction however, there are intrenched interests that just do not want to deal with reality. The opiate of central planning and collectivism is too strong for neo-liberals to give up on and they are hoping for a miracle. But these obligations WILL NOT BE PAID and all of these silly promises made to people will leave million disappointed and impoverished.

Mort Zuckerman: Brace For an Avalanche of Unfunded Debt - US News and World Report

This is what global warming in Hong Kong feels like.....

Frost Warning The Observatory warns farmers and others concerned that ground frost is likely to occur early tomorrow morning on high ground and in the northern part of the New Territories. Dispatched by Hong Kong Observatory at 22:45 HKT on 30.12.2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Higher Taxes for All: The Dems' Terrible Fallback Plan for the Fiscal Cliff - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

The only way to remain an American is to have your brain removed or be completely divorced from reality like Democrats are. But as this observer recounts...
For ten years we have been told that the Bush tax cuts applied mostly to the rich. Now it is imperative that we extend them further or the middle class is going to take a big hit.
So, what is it? Tax cuts for the rich? Or was it tax cuts for all? Democrats please tell me in English so that I can understand.

Higher Taxes for All: The Dems' Terrible Fallback Plan for the Fiscal Cliff - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

Hobby Lobby

Personally, I think that we all need to resist the leviathan in every way since this entity somehow thinks that it has the right to determine what you have to offer your employees in compensation and benefits. Even if these are intimately against your beliefs. See, this is what central planning and collectivism is all about. In the Marxist world, central decision making one size fits all. It doesn't matter that you may want or need something different, they will determine that each and every shoe be one size and that you have to fit your feet in it.

I think that most people will probably go along since it difficult to fight against such hegemony. Every little incremental step does not seem worth the fight. But over time, the leviathan takes everything. It will result in violence where there will be millions of deaths of innocents and poverty and destitution for all except the select few in government. This is what the prince of darkness has planned for us.

News from The Associated Press

The Real Crisis: "People Have Lost Trust In The Government And The Market" | ZeroHedge

So, if this is true, then why is the stock market going up?
but summed up best by a former stock analyst's comment that in order to buy stocks "You have to trust your government. You have to trust other governments. You have to trust Wall Street, and I don't trust any of these."
The US government is trying to tell people that they are caring for them, like a benevolent dictator cares for his people, the leviathan will provide in old age, protect them and meet all of the needs of the people. Be everything to everybody. But the folks know deep down that this is impossible and that central planning and collectivism creates poverty and destitution. Furthermore, the Central Bank is printing money that completely obfuscates the value of prices in a market place. What is money worth if it is in unlimited supply? Wall Street? Who cares it will support whatever beast that puts food on the table. Money has no morals just a desire to create a return. But Wall Street will support the government do its bidding until the foundations crumble.

Well, the US government now is like a cornered animal. They have created a fantastic mess and some people are coming to recognize that there is not an easy way out. The American government will default either on its debt obligations or its obligations to its people. So why buy stocks or invest for the long term when it is abundantly clear that the future has fantastic problems to overcome?

The people were stupid to reelect the prince. But they are showing their true colors by shunning investments in equities and allow the leveraged players to take them on.

The Real Crisis: "People Have Lost Trust In The Government And The Market" | ZeroHedge

‘Fiscal Cliff’ Distracts As ‘Fiscal Abyss’ In Japan, UK and U.S. Cometh | ZeroHedge

As we listen to the mumbo jumbo nonsense going on in Washington, all led by a seriously deranged socialist that knows nothing about what he is talking about, the Prince will force through a completely useless tax increase declare victory and all of the chatterers will blather incessantly on how smart he is while the unsinkable Titanic continues to scrap against the gigantic iceberg that no one is even bothering to pay attention to.....
The U.S. federal deficit is now exceeding $1 trillion dollars every year —up from $161 billion in 2007, the last year before the financial crisis. Spending is up some $1 trillion, as outlays for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlements have increased by an amount equal to the entire 2013 military budget – a budget which may again surpass the combined military expenditure of every other nation in the world.

U.S. unfunded liabilities are now estimated at between $50 trillion and $100 trillion and by the end of the decade (in less than just 7 years), runaway entitlement spending will require shutting down the military or crippling many other vital domestic spending programs to head off massive deficits that will likely lead to a dollar crisis and significant inflation.
Or significant deflation. Democrats are Marxists and and Republicans are nearly as bad since they have not stuck to principles of sanity. I guess that Republicans think that they can compete with Democrats by trying to buy votes from the otherwise useless poor but they are mistaken, the poor and Blacks are brought and paid for. However, we all will have to face the folly of stupidity from Washington and people wanting to believe in the fantasy that Washington, collectivism and central planning can create prosperity. I fully expect that when this all blows up and creates a nation full of destitutes, that Democrats and the press will somehow try to blame Republicans again.

But if you read the article, Japan is likely to blow up first, and the UK will also probably go down, but that is like saying that we are better off since we are on the back of the Titanic.

‘Fiscal Cliff’ Distracts As ‘Fiscal Abyss’ In Japan, UK and U.S. Cometh | ZeroHedge

Friday, December 28, 2012

Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge

I don't know if this is actually true but I have been banned over-and-over for alleged violations of policy...
"Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." - Mohandas Gandhi, an Autobiography, page 446.
just wait to your precious government gets more involved in determining what is proper 'policy' and what is not.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038484_Gandhi_quote_Facebook_censorship.html#ixzz2GMQmv21H
Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge

The Year of 'Our Savior' Obama | Media Research Center

Notable and quaotable...
Obama is our savior, and Romney is happy with blacks drowning. Got it?
Those that worship this monster get exactly what they deserve.

The Year of 'Our Savior' Obama | Media Research Center

Just asking....

So with all of the Federal, State and local taxes and the bevy of other fees charged by government, explain to me why these entities have the right to take more than half of the product of some people's labor or savings? Just asking.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

卐mas Caroling: The Extremes Hitler Wanted to Go To in Order to Replace Christianity with the "Religion" of National Socialism

The 'national socialism' of the Nazis and socialism of the communists had no place for religion since they see religion as a challenge to their legitimacy and their ability to control the population. Engagement was only tolerated if it furthered their political agendas such as when Hitler had diplomatic relations with the Mufti of Jerusalem since the two were both hostile to Jews.....
1937 — ‘Neo-Pagans’ Target Carols
BERLIN — De-Christianization of famous German Christmas hymns, such as “Silent Night, Holy Night,” is the outstanding contribution to the current holiday season of the rapidly spreading German faith movement or “religion” of National Socialism. In the new versions of the old songs reference to Nazi tenets of race, blood and soil replace familiar words concerning Christ, Child and the like. The accepted English translation of Mohr’s “Silent Night,” stanza three lines two and three is: “The Son of God loves pure light, radiant beams from thy Holy faith.” Equivalent lines in the Nazified version are “German blood, O how laugh the lips of thy children, blessed with joy.”
There are parallels to hostility to religion in the old failed communist and Nazi regimes and the modern neo-liberal world of the Democrats. As a class of people, one can generalize that neo-liberals are neo-animists with their frothing-at-the-mouth global warming hegemony and the hostility and hated that they exhibit to anyone that dares to question their orthodoxy. These folks are also much less supportive of charities then their conservative foes as democrats are shown to give significantly less of their income to others. I guess that they feel that forcing others to contribute the government is their 'good works' and do not feel it necessary to allow private charities to do the work that they do.

Also, we have started to see hostility to religion creep in to the national discourse. Not necessarily hostility to Islam but mostly to Christianity. Probably since neo-liberals are largely cowards and would never dare to insult Islam despite Islams treatment of women, gays and other things that they hold so dear to themselves. But hostility to Christianity is easy since Christians don't blow things up and behead folks that insult them.

The recent conflict between the Catholic church that unfortunate embraced a deal with the devil on caring for the poor and the national government, Catholics are now being paid back in spades as one of the basic tenants of the religion is being attacked by conflicting with collectivist socialized medicine being implemented. Its only a matter of time till we see more and more instances where the state through it central authority encroaches upon the the territory of Christians.

And don't be fooled. The Obamessiah is not a Christian. He is Christian of convenience and uses it like the Nazis did as illustrated above when Hitler embraced the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. His core beliefs center around Marxism and communism cannot tolerate other authority other than their own. Best of luck USA, you are working diligently on becoming just another nihilist European state.

¡No Pasarán!: 卐mas Caroling: The Extremes Hitler Wanted to Go To in Order to Replace Christianity with the "Religion" of National Socialism

Sam Donaldson Tells Tea Partiers 'It's Not Your Country Anymore - It's Our Country' | NewsBusters.org

SAM DONALDSON: The minorities re-elected president Obama, but I'm going with Katty. It's the Tea Party and thinking of the Tea Party and people like that that are driving the Republicans out of contention as a national party. You cannot win nationally if you don't know something about the way the country's changed, and the Tea Party seems to think the country can go back 25 or 30 years. The greatest slogan that I hated during this last campaign was “We want to take back our country.” Guys, it's not your country anymore - it's our country and you're part of it, but that thinking is going to defeat Republicans nationally if they don't get rid of it.
Its the hard-left's country where utopian wealth redistribution and subjective 'fairness' rules. And who the heck are these 'journalists'? Donaldson, I guess does not consider himself a serious journalist but how many of them dos so thee days?

The poster of the linked article also wonders what Donaldson is talking about as if the Tea Party had no place in affecting the dialogue and results of the election? But what he is blathering about 25-30 years? is he serious? How about 200 ears when the Constitution was something that actually drove liberty in this nation.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/12/24/sam-donaldson-tells-tea-partiers-its-not-your-country-anymore-its-our#ixzz2G3SzCWmr

Sam Donaldson Tells Tea Partiers 'It's Not Your Country Anymore - It's Our Country' | NewsBusters.org

For some folks, Santa Claus actually exists and that is the socialist governments around the world....

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it" -Frederic Bastiat-
People don't have to work, they just have to rely upon the coercive power of government to seize the product of another's labor for their daily needs. Soak the rich! And then no one will be rich!!!!!!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SHELDON RICHMAN ON GERARD DEPARDIEU: Taxpayers Aren’t Stationary Targets: Raising tax rates in a s…

Every Democrat and Republican should be forced to read this. But even if they do, it probably won't have an impact, particularly on Democrats since they are frothing-at-the mouth socialists. But the commentary here is well said and succinct......
Two things. First, most politicians aren’t good at math. That’s one reason they went into politics in the first place. Second, it’s not so much about revenue as it is about control. Particularly in Obama’s case, it’s about punishing high-earners — or as he puts it, “fairness.”

Also, while revenue may be roughly the same at different tax rates, higher tax rates produce more distortions in the economy, and inflict deadweight losses from conduct that is driven by taxes rather than economics. That’s why research shows that GDP grows faster when tax rates are lower. But if you derive your own sense of importance from slicing up the pie, you don’t care as much whether the pie grows or not.
Fairness? What is that? I think that it is more fair that every American pay something, their fair share, and that when taxes are raised, that they are raised on everyone.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SHELDON RICHMAN ON GERARD DEPARDIEU: Taxpayers Aren’t Stationary Targets: Raising tax rates in a s…

Stabilization Won’t Save Us - NYTimes.com

The opiate of central government intervention not only makes the nation stupid, it drives further intervention that only makes things ultimately worse....
Stabilization, of course, has long been the economic playbook of the United States government; it has kept interest rates low, shored up banks, purchased bad debts and printed money. But the effect is akin to treating metastatic cancer with painkillers. It has not only let deeper problems fester, but also aggravated inequality.
Now the government is spending (fiscal policy) and printing money (monetary policy) continuously to to do what? Create full employment?!?! Then what? Will they withdraw the excess liquidity? They cannot. We are now stuck and eventually the reality will set in.

Stabilization Won’t Save Us - NYTimes.com

The truth is that politicians are telling lies - Telegraph

Most people will make a valiant attempt to ignore this....
The promises that governments are making to their electorates are not just misleading: they are unforgivably dishonest. It will not be possible to go on as we are, or to return to the expectations that we once had.
And this is what they are saying in Britain. Egads, what has become of socialism when even the Brits cannot stomach it anymore?

The truth is that politicians are telling lies - Telegraph

PJ Media » Manufacturing Racism: Academic Hiring and the Diversity Mandate

To her, equity meant that, well into the foreseeable future, no white men should be hired at all.
This is why Western civilization is breaking down. It is no longer based on merit or hard work but on some kind of neo-liberal value matrix that makes no sense.

PJ Media » Manufacturing Racism: Academic Hiring and the Diversity Mandate

Sunday, December 23, 2012

1.4 BILLION Spent On The Obamas In 2011 – British Taxpayers Only Spent 57.8 Million On The Royal Family

You tax dollars hard at work and government working VERY HARD to make your life better....
the Obamas are living the high life at your expense. During 2011, U.S. taxpayers spent an astounding 1.4 billion dollars on the Obamas. Meanwhile, British taxpayers only spent 57.8 million dollars on the entire royal family.

1.4 BILLION Spent On The Obamas In 2011 – British Taxpayers Only Spent 57.8 Million On The Royal Family

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Be prepared for the coming troubles...Ace of Spades HQ

Have a months worth of food on hand and be prepared with a firearm. Be nice at work and don't be a grouch (OK Joe?). There will be lots of layoff ahead and the people most likely retained will be those that people like.

Ace of Spades HQ

Friday, December 21, 2012

Guest Post: What Causes Hyperinflations And Why We Have Not Seen One Yet | ZeroHedge

The problem that the USA and most of the developed world faces is the probability of a crushing deflation. Deflation is caused by too much debt and the inability to service that debt. Banks will fail, business will not be able to gain credit or could not afford it given that business will fall. That was what the financial crisis of 2008 was all about. And the central planning response to that was to increase debt at the central government level while corporations and individuals leveraged. But in true central planning/collectivist style the hard work was never addressed. Eventually, the US government will default on it debt since it will be impossible to service both the debt and to meet the obligations and promises made to the people.

The central bank of the USA, the Federal Reserve, is seeking to counter the natural response to deflation. This is another government central planning/collectivist response to a problem. However, what the economy then faces is the prospect of a highly destructive inflation. It could come out of anywhere and the path to prosperity between inflation and deflation is particularly difficult. it will require the defunding of the national spending machine, the US Federal Government and I doubt that that will ever happen.

Since the central bank has been practically purchasing all debt that the economy creates, it either can sell it, let it mature or hold it indefinitely by more purchases. But what this does is to centralize all of the risk onto the central bank balance sheet. The problem is that when interest rates rise, the funding of this position is either through borrowing money at the higher rates, leading to losses or just more money out of thin air to pay for the difference. Eventually, this becomes a slippery slope and either the nation will experience hyperinflation as the central bank continues to create funny money (I think in Weimar Germany there wasn't enough government debt to buy to create new funds so they purchased commercial paper of corporations) or throws in the towel and allows the central government to default.

Instead, we will either have destructive deflation or hyperinflation both of which will impoverish the people. Good luck!!!

Guest Post: What Causes Hyperinflations And Why We Have Not Seen One Yet | ZeroHedge

» Communist Chinese Government Calls For Americans to be Disarmed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Communist Chinese government, via its state-run media front Xinhua, has called for Americans to be disarmed, arguing that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands “no delay for U.S. gun control.”
The Chinese Communist Party and Democrats are on the same page. No surprise to me. Both are autocratic governmental models.

» Communist Chinese Government Calls For Americans to be Disarmed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Quote of the day....

"If you can dream it, you can do it!" -Walt Disney-

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Obamessiah not as smart as he thinks he is....

The USA government is committing a financial fraud....

The Dow Jones sometime in 2013-2014

Will fall to around 8,000.

Noemie Emery: The right states of mind | WashingtonExaminer.com

The writing is on the wall. Between 2000 and 2010, the population in the eight states without income taxes grew by 18 percent, while all others grew by 8 percent; the (then) 22 states with right-to-work laws grew by 15 percent; the others grew by 6 percent. Population flowed from north to south, with warm sun and friendly Republican governors. Florida grew by 17.6 percent, Texas by 20.6 percent ... and New York by 2.1 percent. (As it grew bluer, it became less important. It has no more electoral votes than does Florida, and it now trails Texas by nine.)
Socialism does not work. It just doesn't matter how nice the words are that you attach to the central planning/collectivist government intervention. We will only lower our stand of living and potentially fatally would the economy like Europe has done.

Noemie Emery: The right states of mind | WashingtonExaminer.com

The Puzzle of Black Republicans - NYTimes.com

This column is an embodiment of the bankrupt neo-liberal philosophy when it comes to race. It seems as if a Black man cannot be a conservative and somehow that Black conservatives are nothing more than tokens. This is why guys like Scott are so scary to neo-liberals as Clarence Thomas has been. these 2 men actually think for themselves and are wedded to some kind of societal enforced dogma.

The Puzzle of Black Republicans - NYTimes.com

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

» Does the cultural War on Young Men contribute to mass murders? - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Democrats and their frothing-at-the-mouth campaign theme as of late, the "War on Women" (in addition to their hostility to Christians)is exactly the opposite of the true war that they have engaged in over the past several decades...
The problem in America today is how we have treated white boys for the last decades, and it all has at its root the unrelenting liberal political agenda. Boys have been pushed out of two of the most important activities: school and sports. In an all-out effort to convince girls they can do anything a boy can, schools have ignored the natural needs and learning traits of boys and forced them to learn like girls. Fewer boys are going to college, in part because they’re being pushed out by a feminist agenda in education. We have rushed to dilute the energetic aggressive aspects of the male species by drugging them as children and chickifying them at every turn.
The only other nation that I have seen that is worse than the US on it war on boys is the Philippines where women earn more than men, have attendance rates for higher education of 10+% or more for woman and 17.83 percent of women graduate from college compared to 8.24 percent of men. The US will become like the Philippines.

But as we reduce the portfolio of responsibilities for boys and men, then they will respond to that and behave as such. And this is exactly what we have seen. More babies born out of wedlock, more broken families and children not having the the proper upbringing.

mass murder? I do not know. But the other attendant problems can be connected to this politically correct behavior. So as long as we behave this way, then we can expect that behavior will continue on this path.

» Does the cultural War on Young Men contribute to mass murders? - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Misery Spread Widely | ZeroHedge


Misery Spread Widely | ZeroHedge

Tyranny and the Monopoly of Arms - Stephen P. Halbrook - Mises Daily

Amazing. And this was written in 1970, more than 40 years ago.

Tyranny and the Monopoly of Arms - Stephen P. Halbrook - Mises Daily

John Stuart Mill on silencing dissenting opinions - Windows on Humanity

Modern liberalism is a totalitarian ideology because the opposite is liberty as envisioned as coming from natural law...
It is a natural tendency of all humans to enjoy consensus and see it as a normal situation. A person who disturbs consensus is all too easily seen as a nuisance. However, most things in life can be seen from different angles and in a different light. Dissident is, in fact, one of the most important assets that an open society and democracy in general need to survive in the long run.

Even the most benevolent and useful ideas can turn into monsters if they are left to grow for a too long time in an echo-chamber that totally lacks any dissenting voices. The phenomena is most prevalent among the totalitarian ideologies. However, any idea or ideology can grow to grotesque forms if its followers do not allow any kind of critical voices to be heard.

John Stuart Mill on silencing dissenting opinions - Windows on Humanity

Our Government-Created Financial Crisis by Walter E. Williams on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

The story that people just do not want to hear about. That is that our government, the benevolent lovely, loving and all caring government was the one that created the last financial crisis and ultimately is making it worse.

No one should trust government to do what is best for the people, people should trust and do what is best for themselves. We have lost our liberty to central state planning that now benefits General Electric and Citicorp over the regular guy. And the regular guy thinks that the national government is looking after them. Its a bunch of poppycock.

Also, not only is the government not doing what is best for the people, it is incapable of doing what is best for the people. For all of the problems that they created may not have been so much intentional but the result of mind numbing stupidity. incompetence and arrogance. But it doesn't stop there, we will be facing much large problems in the near future as government has concocted promises will not be met to the people....
Allison says that crony capitalism should not be our only concern. The foundation for economic collapse 20 to 25 years from now has already been set. Social Security and Medicare deficits, unfunded state and local pension liabilities, government operating deficits, baby boomer retirement and a failed K-12 education system have eaten out our substance.
Good luck. You have put your face and trust into princes and not God or yourself. And you will pay dearly for these errors.

Our Government-Created Financial Crisis by Walter E. Williams on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

This weeks weather.....

Mild weather this week. Friday turning warmer with falling asteroids. No weather Saturday.

Monday, December 17, 2012

When the Obamessiah was on TV today....

I had to turn it to the History Channel. Listening to his voice is like hearing finger nails dragged across a blackboard or the repetitive pounding of piling machines at a construction site. Listening to this bag of hot air is repulsive to me. He has not one bone of empathy in his skinny body but only contempt for his enemies. Of course, it was at the High School and not a church since the POTUS, aka Satan, could never find himself in the presence of God. But more so, this to him and most Democrats, despite it being a terrible tragedy is a wonderful opportunity for pushing one their favored policy position of gun control down the throats of Americans. Gun control is for Marxist nations a near prerequisite since as property is seized, people cannot have the opportunity to defend themselves. As Madison said, who drafted the Bill of Rights and was instrumental in the drafting of the Constitution;
Americans have the right and advantage of being armed – unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. – James Madison
. Governments shoudl fear the people. Not just in the ballot box but also on the field of battle. Also, even the peaceful Mahatma Gandhi had this to say about the disarming of the Indian people while the British allowed themselves weapons;
Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest. – Mahatma Gandhi-
The US government will try their best to disarm the people but it will be a failure. People will disobey the new violations of the Second Amendment and they will therefore become criminals. The people will be criminals and the attempt to imprison them in the world of serfdom will fail..... hopefully.

I hope that Washington tries to conficate the people's personal weapons....

We should not forget that the spark which ignited the American Revolution was caused by the British attempt to confiscate the firearms of the colonists. - Patrick Henry -
The US government as it continues to intervene and interfere in people lives is pining for a way to disarm the people. Since an armed people will never be serfs to Washington.

Quote of the day.....

To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them. –George Mason, if you don't know who he is, please look him up on Wikipedia-

Fun fact of the day.....

There has been around 100 billion people that have died since the beginning of mankind.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

PJ Media » The Coming Regulatory Black Hole

The paper pushers are at it agin. Regulations that do nothing but create burdens for businesses that for all practicle purposes do nothing at all...
But there is another looming crisis for the taxpayer and businesses large and small. It is the flood of new regulations that will be issued in the coming months. Delayed by the White House before the election because their implementation would have adversely affected business and cost jobs, thousands of new rules will be issued that will cost American business an estimated $100 billion. This is on top of the already gargantuan regulatory burden that the Competitive Enterprise Institute estimates at $1.8 trillion — $215 billion this year alone.
Good luck. te nation will be buried in a blizzard of useless paperwork. Its like the communist state.

PJ Media » The Coming Regulatory Black Hole

Misery Spread Widely | ZeroHedge

The bureaucrats have consistently failed the people and with their failure so will the healthcare, energy industry and financial systems. They have failed with the post office, social security, the public schools, medicare, medicaid, energy policy and everything else they have taken charge of in a supposed attempt to serve the people!
I am always amazed how people exalt central government. As if government is the ones that are to be lauded when an economy does well, while the ________ (choose 1 or more: bankers, Jews, whites, businesses) get blamed when it does poorly.

Some folks I know act as if government is some kind of God that can achieve incredible things and not only knows what is important to achieve but how to execute it. In reality, when one considers much of the meddling in the past 50 years, the economy was the target of these interlopers and an economy has done well and does what it does DESPITE the meddling of the central government. Yes, an economy will adjust to that meddling like it did with the housing market. When faced with extraordinary tampering as we saw in this market including but not limited to:
1. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac being forced by Congress to buy and hold extraordinary numbers of low credit quality loans that almost universally defaulted leading to a de-facto bankruptcy if these financial institutions
2. Meddling begets more meddling. The Federal Housing Administration the 100% federally controlled agency that is on track to lose another $50 billion of taxpayer money will probably lose even more than that since it is not accountable to anything real just government itself. The agency took on the jib of bailing out homeowners but will end up seizing many of these citizens houses over the coming couple of years. Additionally, it has crowded out other avenues for financing as businesses that are subject to market forces could not compete with this non-market oriented entity.....
The FHA continues to expand and crowd out the private sector. It is guaranteeing more high-risk loans than low-risk ones, has close to one million mortgages in its foreclosure pipeline, and is permitted to project its financial health using accounting rules based on rosy projections extending decades into the future, all the while ignoring that it is already insolvent and needs a bailout to the tune of tens of billions of dollars by any reasonable accounting standard.
From here.
3. The mortgage interest deduction. Interest of all kinds used to deductible from income however this was eliminated during Reagan's tax revamp back in the 80's. However, the mortgage interest deduction remained in there since it was mistakenly believed that this this paper finds....
We find that the MID only boosts homeownership attainment of higher income households in less tightly regulated housing markets. In more restrictive places – typically larger coastal cities – an adverse effect exists. The MID is an ineffective policy to promote homeownership and improve social welfare.
So, in reality it is a form over substance policy that costs the US Treasury over $100 billion a year in forgone tax revenues.
4. Forcing financial institutions to make loans to less credit worthy borrowers. Back in the 70's and 80's there was a myth that banks did something called red-lining where inner city blacks and latinos were denied credit for housing based solely in their skin color or ethnicity. As a result, the Clinton administration led by HUD Secretary Cuomo forced financial institutions to make loans to uncreditworthy customers in inner cities. The Clinton administration forced financial institutions to have a certain number of these loans as a prerequisite in order to pass justice department approval in the bank merger wave during the 1990's. As a result, expansive amounts of credit was available to uncreditworthy borrowers during this period creating a whole new market. Those financial institutions that did not have the proper number of loans to black and hispanic borrowers then went to Wall Street to buy these loans so that their balance sheets were properly designed to please the central planners in Washington. A whole new industry was born where none existed before and that was to lend to blacks and hispanics leading them to take out loans to buy houses that become ever more expensive and these loans were traded as a commodity product. 5. Subsidies for owner occupied housing drives ownership at the expense of rental investment. Furthermore, relative pricing and subsidies of owner occupied housing hurts the capital returns on investment in rental properties, thereby raising their relative prices and lowering the supply available. Owner occupied housing is tax subsidized whereas income derived from rental properties are taxed as income. Also, during times of economic dislocation, less available supply, even more subsidies to the owner occupied segment further exacerbates troubles with supply of alternative housing. Consumers are more limited in their choices and are coerced into continuing as owners whereas in a true free market, consumers on the margin may make other choices that are economically better for them and for the economy as a whole.
Effects on various rental/owner-occupied housing alternatives are discussed here in this paper.So, here we have a perfect example where a market good, housing has been influenced for 3/4s of a century and the net effect is for massive economic dislocation and social losses recently whose effects have yet to be felt completely. As people somehow believe that this government god can somehow create better outcomes, we have learned over-and-over that they not only fail to do so but in may cases makes things much worse causing economic strain in other areas as we saw in 2008. It was not the fault of the bankers, Jews, businesses and all of the other folks that were blamed for the the debacle but the economic troubles fall squarely on the American government. However, we continue to trust in the government to solve these problems. If they were so good at central planning and market interventions then these problems would never have existed to start with. But they did. And like sheep, we continue to follow the folly of previous errors and allow the same interlocutors to make the same stupid mistakes over-and-over. It will only cost us dearly, some our health and some our lives. But mostly it will cost us our freedom as sovereign people. We will lose our ability to make decisions on our own and will be dependent on government to decide for us and that will lead us all to be servants of government and paupers.

Misery Spread Widely | ZeroHedge

For the vast number of hard left liberals amongst us.....

If one wants to convince the left of the value of guns and especially assault weapons, then just call them post birth abortion tools. They will love it!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Essays in Fragility: Shadow Banking, Housing Inventory and Liabilities | ZeroHedge

The Federal government has socialized the mortgage industry, guaranteeing over 90% of all mortgages originated
What business has the US central government ever had in the mortgage business?? Now that they have essentially central planned the US housing market from Washington over the past 70 years, they have gotten stuck in guaranteeing the mortgage business since they have squeezed out all other private financing businesses by offering subsidized lower rates through government entities there are few private businesses to take up the slack. And as long as the central planning authority in Washington continues to intervene, there will no private private businesses that will risk to enter since they could be arbitrarily be put of business by the government through legislation or uneconomic lending.

The American government is essentially in control of housing and healthcare as well plenty of other businesses. It is a nation that is in the grips of a command and control economic authoritarianism not much unlike those that we saw in Marxist nations in the 20th century.

Essays in Fragility: Shadow Banking, Housing Inventory and Liabilities | ZeroHedge

School Discipline is Racist – President Obama Official Higher Rate Of School Suspensions For Blacks, Males “Potential Violation Of Civil Rights Laws”… | The Last Refuge

Did you know that black kids are 3 times more likely to be suspended from school than white kids?
Jackson also said Martin’s case illustrated the high number of black students who are suspended from school. A report issued by the U.S. Department of Education last month found that black students are more than three times as likely as their white peers to be suspended or expelled. Martin had been suspended from school for having a baggie that contained marijuana residue shortly before he was killed.
See, Trayvon Martin, the black kid that was shot to death by the 'White Hispanic', was suspended from school when he was shot. The thinking goes, that if black kids like Trayvon weren't suspended that they would be in school. I suppose that if Trayvon was in school then he wouldn't have been shot as thinking goes? Well, maybe if he was going to night school or in detention. Kind of an odd way of thinking to me.

But the reality is that Black and Hispanic children are taught at a young age that learning and school is not worth the effort or time...
Black and Hispanic students trailed their white peers by an average of more than 20 points on the NAEP math and reading assessments at 4th and 8th grades, a difference of about two grade levels. These gaps persisted even though the score differentials between black and white students narrowed between 1992 and 2007 in 4th grade math and reading and 8th grade math
So, how about if these kids are taught that working hard in school, learning, being a productive member of society is not worth the effort. Maybe that or that they are actually genetically stupider. But I honestly doubt that.

The reality, is that we have this new world for Black folks. They do not have to have responsibility for their actions and guess what, they do not act responsibly. A majority of Black children are raised in single parent households. There is no community standard for behavior and mothers and fathers just do not have to stick together to make it all work. The leviathan has taken over the role of being the parents. From school to putting bacon on the table, folks just do not have to work and build a life on their own.

Also, we have trained folks up so that they think that they are victims. if they fail, its not their fault but the fault of something else. I lay this attitude directly at the feet of the white liberal world, where they have created this new idiotic world not worthy of any intelligent discussion.

School Discipline is Racist – President Obama Official Higher Rate Of School Suspensions For Blacks, Males “Potential Violation Of Civil Rights Laws”… | The Last Refuge

Even Satan cries?

I saw this on TV and I do not believe it for an instant. Democrats are licking their chops again as this become another opportunity to disarm the American people so that the takeover of the people can be complete.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hong Kong Fed's Epiphany: Is Bernanke Wrong About Everything? | ZeroHedge

Well, some common sense from Hong Kong's famous bureaucrats! Wow, you mean that central planning and collectivism does not work and that the same from a central bank has risks too? Who would have thunk it?

Hong Kong Fed's Epiphany: Is Bernanke Wrong About Everything? | ZeroHedge

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The philosophical approach to proving that God exists....

I once read "The Idiots Guide to Philosophy" but was shocked that despite there being innumerable references to even obscure philosophers, there was no mention at all of Jesus Christ and his philosophy and his thinking that clearly had a monumental impact on the world.

Fiscal Cliff Notes - Thomas Sowell - [page]

Consider this quote....
"We are just asking the rich to pay a little more."
-Barack Obama, on increasing taxes on Americans-
As national treasure Thomas points out, this is not 'asking'. We all know that that since all rich folks have always had the opportunity to pay a little more taxes all along, voluntarily, asking does not seem to work. Really what is going here is that the national government is not asking but is compelling them to pay more. If they do not, then they will go jail. How is this asking? Authoritarianism is authoritarianism irrespective how one chooses the words to describe it.

Fiscal Cliff Notes - Thomas Sowell - [page]

Flowchart to determine if one is a racist....

Immelt: Communist China 'Works' | The Weekly Standard

Where do these clowns come from?
"China is changing," said CBS host Charlie Rose. "It may be being stabilized as we speak. What does that mean for China and what does it mean for the United States? Should it change expectations?"

"It is good for China," said Immelt. "To a certain extent, Charlie, 11 percent is unsustainable. You end up getting too much stimulus or a misallocation of resources. They are much better off working on a more consumer-based economy, less dependent on exports. The one thing that actually works, state run communism a bit– may not be your cup of tea, but their government works."
Communism never worked. Actually in China, China is doing better since the true communist state was dismantled. Look at Japan, everyone thought tat central planning there worked back in the 1980's. Now that nation is going to go bankrupt.

What the likes of Immelt like is central planning that benefits THEM. GE is one of the biggest beneficiaries of central government intervention through tax, regulatory, fiscal and monetary policy. Of course he likes big government since its easier to have access to government officials than to actually compete in a free market.

The other thing is that their government DOES NOT WORK. Its an authoritarian anachronism that has been the beneficiary of the increase in free market initiatives despite their interventions. However, centrally directed policy will catch up with the nation and the over investment in fixed assets that have been a hallmark of China central planning will not pay off as it should. People will have lower incomes than they otherwise would have had if the market was allowed to function properly.

Immelt: Communist China 'Works' | The Weekly Standard

The Left’s Flip-Flop on the Bush Tax Cuts — The American Magazine

Its really time for the middle class to pay their fair share of taxes. As we have all been told, the Bush tax cuts were the tax cuts for the rich. However, this actually may not be true at all...surprise surprise. It amazes me the prince Obama was being dishonest when he described the Bush tax cuts as a tax cut for the rich. It appears now that since taxes are going to go up for the rich that they are also promising to go up for the middle class too....
In other words, if the Bush cuts actually were just “tax cuts for the rich,” then their expiration couldn’t hurt the middle class. On the other hand, if their expiration would hurt the middle class, then characterizing them as “tax cuts for the rich” was a false message all along.
So maybe we should start saying "tax the high achievers" instead of soak the rich. So here we go, higher taxes on everyone and the Obamessiah and the Democrats want to go over the fiscal cliff so they get their so much desired tax increases on the rich. Good luck! Its a juvenile economy for a juvenile people ruled by juveniles.

Personally, I think that the middle class should pay for their government, for all of the wonderful services that they are designed to benefit them. All of the stuff that they need that they could not possibly get for themselves and that only the gobermint can deliver to them efficiently and effectively.

The Left’s Flip-Flop on the Bush Tax Cuts — The American Magazine

The Illustrated Road to Serfdom

Central planning does not work, never worked and will not work in the USA either. We are rubes if we think that economic dictates from the central government in Washington have any chance to make things better. Chances are they will make them alot worse with a significant loss of freedom as a bonus!

The Illustrated Road to Serfdom

Monday, December 10, 2012

"The Shape Of The Next Crisis" - A Preview By Elliott's Paul Singer | ZeroHedge

Government assited in the last crisis by being the backstop and lender of last resort for a crisis that completely of their making. But as of today, they are still doing exactly what they did 4 years ago. The patient has been unable to get off of the medicine and the withdrawal, I think, of this intervention will be impossible...
As you know, risk has migrated upward, it’s migrated from lenders and borrowers really to governments. It’s gone on the balance sheet of the US, the ECB (the various countries of Europe, particularly Germany, France, etc.). That the credit of Europe, the credit of America, is being called into question in the starkest way is part of what will shape the next crisis.
The next crisis to hit will be when the US government defaults and this will be much sooner than anyone thinks. Where the only money available will book entries from the Fed and this will make all money worthless. The crisis is that there will be no means to transact business since the governments around the world have crowded out every single competing method of exchange in existence excepting in the fiat currency that they have created. You think that the "Walking Dead" TV series is scary, it will be something very close to that. Excepting that there will be the starving people going around trying to feed their kids and themselves.

"The Shape Of The Next Crisis" - A Preview By Elliott's Paul Singer | ZeroHedge

An Administration That Will Live In Infamy | Power Line

There was a time when people assumed that if America’s future was under attack, it must come from a foreign source–like, say, Japan at Pearl Harbor. Those days are long gone. Now, our decline is no one’s fault but our own. We elect leaders who are ignorant of America’s history and contemptuous of its values. The currency in which this ignorance and contempt is expressed is government spending. I am not sure I can fully explain the logic, but those who are filled with hatred for the first 200 years of American history want–for some reason–America’s government to accumulate ever more power and to spend unprecedented amounts of money. Does that make sense? Seemingly not, but it is the world in which we live: the entity that is most bent on destroying the private economy of the United States of America, until recently the envy of the world, is our own government.
It completely amazes me, that Americans elected the the Obamessiah to start with. And then those same people, some of whom that I have known for my whole life, not only deny that they are communists but react contemptuously to my accusations. Marxism/Communism is actually what we are dealing with here, has destroyed each country that has adopted it and has led to decades of poverty and self consumption for each and every one of them. It took Europe 50 years or so to self-destruct but it is happening right before our eyes. The exact same result awaits the USA. An Administration That Will Live In Infamy | Power Line

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Creepy? Well what do you expect from worshippers of Satan?


What do you call 100 lawyers up to their neck in sand? Not enough sand.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Peter Schiff: The Fantasy of a 91% Top Income Tax Rate - WSJ.com

I say let the Democrats raise rates back to the glory days of 91%.

Peter Schiff: The Fantasy of a 91% Top Income Tax Rate - WSJ.com

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Gallup: 53 Percent of Democrats Have ‘Positive Image’ of Socialism | CNS News

No shock here. Democrats are redistributionists. They want to take your money and give it to themselves and their buddies. Wow, such wonderful people full of God's spirit aren't they!!!!!!

Gallup: 53 Percent of Democrats Have ‘Positive Image’ of Socialism | CNS News

Melt-up begins as ‘dividendsanity’ breaks - MarketWatch

I agree with this. We will probably have a few months of higher markets. But this is almost completely driven by a false reality where the central bank has driven unprecedented amounts of liquidity into markets. Liquidity, is usually, by definition, temporary.

Melt-up begins as ‘dividendsanity’ breaks - MarketWatch

Citi On Why QE Isn't Working | ZeroHedge

Static and statist thinking follows that if the first Quantitative Easing (AKA QE) was a benefit to the economy, then the next and next and next ones would be even better and better. If they are so good, then why haven't we been doing this since the beginning of time. Actually, we have been doing these things, albeit in a small way with the effect of debasing all of these fiat currencies. But I digress. Now that the central planners at the Fed have engaged in QE3, why hasn't the economy been doing so much better? Trillions in additional high powered liquidity and profligate spending by the central planners at the central government has had what effect(s) on the economy now that we are 4 years past the government created housing crisis.....
If anything, low interest rates are increasingly part of the problem rather than the solution. Perversely, they may be turning the world's largest companies into capital distributors rather than investors.
Leave it to the government or governments everywhere to intervene in markets for specific reasons and then engage on mission creep over time where the economy is now supported by greater and greater levels of central government intervention.

So, what would happen if the American government balanced its budget and stopped monetizing the debt tomorrow. If its nothing, or better said, nothing bad, then lets do it now. Higher taxes, OK, Americans will suck it up and say lets do it! But everyone knows that there is not a serious speck in dust anywhere in the halls of government to do this since there is whole group of folks that have nothing invested in this except what they receive. I look forward to all of the fireworks particularly from the something for nothing crowd.

Citi On Why QE Isn't Working | ZeroHedge

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

45 percent of US Democrats favour socialism. Fortunately most Americans still believe in capitalism – Telegraph Blogs

There are other words for socialism that means basically the same thing. Collectivism is the term that defined the early creation of communist states such as what Lenin achieved in Russia and what Mao originally drove into China in the 1950's. This economic system did not last long as problems rose almost immediately and in the case of China, a massive famine ensued.

As economies failed and leaders had to tighten political power to control unsatisfied people, nations were forced to control people through nationalism and patriotism. Fascism which emphasizes certain ideologies such as nationalism and patriotism which can be considered reactionary forms of collectivism, as they emphasize the role of the nation or the state over individuals. Sound familiar?

in addition to collectivism and fascism, socialism is also described as communism or Marxism as Marx and Engels were the inventors so to speak of these economic and social techniques.

So what is with these foolish Democrats?
It reveals that Democrats are evenly divided in their views on socialism, with 45 percent viewing it favourably, and 45 percent negatively. This is a strikingly high level of support for socialist ideology within a political party in the United States (and the ruling party at that), and strongly suggests that Democrats are increasingly moving towards a continental-European style approach to economic issues, advancing a big government agenda that resembles that of European Social Democratic governments

45 percent of US Democrats favour socialism. Fortunately most Americans still believe in capitalism – Telegraph Blogs

Robert Wiedemer: Awaiting The Aftershock | ZeroHedge

Central planning has now painted the American government into a corner and off the rails spending and moentization of the debt will probably prove impossible to stop.....
These more pernicious threats are the dollar bubble ("printing money") and the government debt bubble ("borrowing money"). While both are expanding at a sickening pace, in the near term they deceptively make things seem much better than they are.

But, like all bubbles, they are unsustainable. And when these collapse, they are going to take the entire financial system, and very possibly the currency, with them (a.k.a. the "aftershock")

Bob predicts the rupture of both these bubbles will most likely happen in the next 2-4 years and accelerate astonishingly rapidly once it begins. Part of the reason for this is that the Fed, now boxed in by its committed course of action, will print like mad to slow the process down -- which ultimately will serve instead as fuel for the fire. This will be the point at which the Fed loses control of interest rates.

Wiedemer is fairly confident that the Fed is well-aware of this dire probability, but finds itself increasingly stuck to avoid it. At this point, the major financial markets (stocks, bonds, housing) are so dependent on Fed liquidity that any efforts to withdraw the punchbowl will send prices lurching downwards, threatening the weak global economy. It's now a binary choice between damned-if-it-does and dammned-if-it-doesn't.
The something for nothing crowd has completely hijacked the American government. Massive central government spending and borrowing or taxing as the socialist seem to want to do now will only prove to be folly as productive dollars are taken out of American hands and put into the hands of know nothing bureaucrats.

As we learn from all central banks gone wild moments, from Zimbabwe to the Wiemar Republic, folks wake up one morning and discover that they are destitute.

Robert Wiedemer: Awaiting The Aftershock | ZeroHedge

Stock Markets That Flummox Masses Do No One Any Good - Bloomberg

I do not agree with this writer at all. The masses are not flummoxed by this. First, we do business with brokers and they handle the orders for us. Second, no one even knows of this stuff that is written here just the profession traders do. Third, the prices we execute at are better on average if there is more competition and order flow.

Howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... The biggest problem that the public has with the stock markets is that it has become a gigantic casino, like we have here in China. The stock market is a venue to recycle savings. The theory is that if you save money, you get a return and can consume more at a later date. You put off consumption today for greater consumption tomorrow. But we have a central government and a central bank has pumped so much liquidity into the markets that there is no value in following the prices that the market offers these securities at since they are being inflated artificially by government fiat. The prices are inflated and people have no idea as to how much. So, what is the point of saving your money just use it all today and live off of food stamps tomorrow?

Stock Markets That Flummox Masses Do No One Any Good - Bloomberg

Quote of a lifetime.....

Everything which might cause doubt about the wisdom of the government or create discontent will be kept from the people. The basis of unfavorable comparisons with elsewhere, the knowledge of possible alternatives to the course actually taken, information which might suggest failure on the part of the government to live up to its promises or to take advantage of opportunities to improve conditions–all will be suppressed. There is consequently no field where the systematic control of information will not be practiced and uniformity of views not enforced.

-Friedrich August Hayek, from his seminal work, The Road to Serfdom-
For you sheeple, please keep this in the back of your mind when you are losing everything.

The Steady Drip: PETA Crashes Biker Gathering… Not to be missed…

I think that frothing-at-the-mouth Democrats should be treated this way too.

The Steady Drip: PETA Crashes Biker Gathering… Not to be missed…

Gergen: Democrats would rather humiliate GOP than solve fiscal cliff « Hot Air

Republicans should stick by their guns. Even if it cost elections. However, I think that the American left is just another group of frothing-at-the-mouth ideologues and the nation that we once knew is a dead rotting corpse. So, on the other hand, why even care?

Gergen: Democrats would rather humiliate GOP than solve fiscal cliff « Hot Air

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Obama Aide: With These Republicans, 'There'd Still be Slavery' Today | The Weekly Standard

As an aside, I want people to know know that I think that economic liberty is not just as important as individual liberty, I believe that it is impossible to have individual liberty without economic liberty. Also, I think that individual liberty suffers when economic liberty suffers.

But back to the slavery topic above.... Yes, because we do not believe in Utopian wealth redistribution, over-the-top regulations, progressive taxation to the point where only a small sliver of Americans actually directly pay taxes and a raft of other Marxist economic intrusions and structures, that this somehow makes us desiring to keep the black man as slaves. Huh? Democrats are just unhinged dopes. And we should treat them every minute of everyday as the idiots that they are.

Obama Aide: With These Republicans, 'There'd Still be Slavery' Today | The Weekly Standard

Monday, December 03, 2012

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

- Ayn Rand-

Instapundit » Blog Archive » “A TRAVESTY PERPETRATED BY THE GOVERNMENT:” U.S. evicting Point Reyes oyster farmer. Kevin Lunn…

I think that we should start taking out government bureaucrats that take our livelihoods and jobs from us. They may get paid a lot more than private sector workers but they won't live as long and their pensions would be cheaper.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » “A TRAVESTY PERPETRATED BY THE GOVERNMENT:” U.S. evicting Point Reyes oyster farmer. Kevin Lunn…

Machiavelli and State Power by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

The State is deadly and uncaring interlocutor....
For example, people oppose monopoly because they fear the increase in prices, the decrease in product quality, and the centralization of power that accompany it.

The libertarian applies this concern for monopoly to the State itself. After all, private firms, which we are supposed to fear, can’t simply charge whatever they want for their goods or services. Consumers can simply switch from one supplier to another, or from a particular product to a close substitute. Firms cannot engage in quality deterioration without likewise losing customers, who can find competitors offering better products.

But the State may, by definition, charge the public whatever it likes for the so-called services it supplies. Its subjects must accept whatever level of quality the State should deign to provide. And there can never, by definition, be any competitor to the State, since the State is defined as the territorial monopolist of compulsion and coercion.

With its wars, its genocides, and its totalitarian atrocities, the State has proven itself by far the most lethal institution in history. Its lesser crimes include the debt crises it has caused, the self-perpetuating bureaucracies that feed off the productive population, and the squandering of resources – which might otherwise have improved the general standard of living through capital formation – on arbitrary and politically motivated projects.
It amazes me that so many folks believe that the State can deliver a better product, know how to actually deliver it and even know what is needed. Its honestly juvenile. In the real world, those that do not deliver a good product at a fair price go out of business. When government does not deliver a good product at a fair price, they demand and get more funding. Its honestly stupid.

Machiavelli and State Power by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Lets look at reality instead of political bologna....

 In pictures.......

So...... You can see that revenues fell during George W. Bush's  first couple of years as the internet bubble deflated and the nation experienced a recession associated with September 11th.  Then he cut marginal tax rates and viola! revenues rose.  We can also see that despite spending on the wars, the budget imbalance was relatively small. 

Then, what caused the financial crisis of 2008?  Was it the tax cuts from 2003?  Or was it decades of terrible housing policy that subsidized home ownership causing people to buy more house than they should?  Was it forcing financial institutions to offer and hold housing loans to people that were not credit worthy?  Was it forcing government agencies to hold these loans?  Was it government so involved in directing these economic sectors that there was no competition and no one else to take up the slack when they failed?  Was it tax subsidies that raised prices above where they would have been in a competitive environment increasing economy wide leverage and increasing price volatility?

We have become a foolish people.  We believe that the leviathan in Washington can create wealth or a better life by seizing one person's assets and redistributing it to others.  And we are fooling ourselves when a long time ago, we took advantage of the low hanging fruit that seemed to be not be so costly since once we give government the tools, they never stop and keep taking over more-and-more.

Good luck USA.  You have allowed and even encouraged the leviathan in Washington to corrupt your economics, corrupt your churches, corrupt your families and corrupt your people.  The troubles that will face you are squarely your responsibility and the fault is with you.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Why Obama is pushing for stimulus in 'fiscal cliff' deal - Yahoo! News

So, let me get this right, the Obamessiah insists that successful folks that earn the most money just HAVE to pay higher taxes to balance the budget or something like that. But since such a big tax increase (on top of the gigantic tax increases associated with Obamacare) promise to slow down the economy, the petulant prince wants to increase spending to balance this out. So there are no spending cuts, whereas we know that spending has increased over the past several years form 20 to 25% of GDP.

So really, the Obamessiah's plans are to increase taxes and increase spending. Americans were just plain old stupid to vote for this socialist idiot.

Why Obama is pushing for stimulus in 'fiscal cliff' deal - Yahoo! News

45 percent of US Democrats favour socialism. Fortunately most Americans still believe in capitalism – Telegraph Blogs

I have seen this within my own relatives. They deny that they are socialists but love every single economic intervention by central planning that comes down the pike. But the recent election says that among the voting public, a majority of Americans are socialists.

The American experiment in individual liberty had a good run, but it now dead, a dead rotting corpse. We just should bury it and stop pretending that we are a free people and completely give ourselves to the leviathan.

45 percent of US Democrats favour socialism. Fortunately most Americans still believe in capitalism – Telegraph Blogs

The second possible mistake would be excessive interference into the economic life of the country and the absolute faith into the all-mightiness of the state.

-Vladimir Putin-

The Sadistic Brutality of England’s Government-Run Healthcare. Governments exist…

Thought of the day....
Governments exist, historically, for only one reason: Because they’re really, really good at killing people. So “sadistic brutality” shouldn’t come as a complete surprise.
Also, could be termed the post birth abortion.  For those of you that government exists to 'help' people..... you are the rubes and the cannon fodder for the leviathan.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » DAN MITCHELL: The Sadistic Brutality of England’s Government-Run Healthcare. Governments exist…

GOP's Hatch: 'We've seen an utter lack of leadership from Pres. Obama' by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

WE have already driven off teh fiscal cliff. However, we have an unserious petulant prince that has no idea what he is doing leading this? Not at all!!!!!
But we’ve seen an utter lack of leadership from President Obama, and his allies on the left have shown little—very little—to no willingness to tackle real, structural entitlement reform. There is no manner of tax hike that can save Medicare or Medicaid—these programs can only be fixed with real reforms that go to the heart of how they work.
Send him golfing and let the adults figure it out.

GOP's Hatch: 'We've seen an utter lack of leadership from Pres. Obama' by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com