Red States....
Fat and happy.
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Federalism, Free Markets and the Liberty To Let One's Mind Wander. I Am Very Worried About the Fate of Liberty in the USA, Where Government is Taking people's Lives ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue." -Barry Goldwater-
Continental Europe has proved to be possibly even worse than useless when it comes to the world's security and impotent intervening in world crises. A wonderful piece by former UK Defense Minister, Michael Portillo, can be read here on bloviating French silliness and how their feckless intervention is impacting the rest of us. This quote really drives the point home...
But what exactly has the distinctive French alternative produced for the world or France? The softer European approach to Iran over its nuclear programme was decisively rebuffed, and Europe has had to join America in calling for sanctions. When France was invited to provide leadership over Lebanon, it vacillated. Its offer of 2,000 soldiers remains underwhelming. Chirac's pro-Arab policies have not even bought off Muslim discontent at home, as the urban riots showed.The highlighting is mine, since I find this line so amusing. Who are the French trying to fool? Maybe they are trying to fool themselves into thinking that they matter. Its a kind of Kerryesque approach to life, lots of nuance and no substance.
Last week a former junior member of the Bush administration, Jeff Babbin, likened undertaking a military operation without the French to going on a deer shoot without an accordion - you just leave behind the noisy useless baggage. For France to have split so decisively with the globe's most powerful nation without having established a successful alternative approach to the resolution of crises is a major policy failure for Chirac. Whatever criticisms he may have of George W Bush, the American does not fail to put his troops where his mouth is.
Apparently, the 2 kidnapped Fox News reporters were converted to Islam at gunpoint by their captors...
In the videotape released earlier on Sunday, Centanni and Wiig were shown separately sitting cross-legged, reading statements announcing that they had converted to Islam. At times in the video they were wearing long Arab robes.Wow, what value does a religious conversion have if it is done at gunpoint? When I got robbed by a black man and woman at gunpoint in Madison Square Park several years ago, I gave them my money and then ran.
"I changed my name to Khaled. I have embraced Islam and say the word 'Allah'," Centanni said.
Arab and Muslims hate Jews. Some may say that this is really due to the conflict between Israel and the regional Arabs and this has manifested itself as hatred there. If the existence of Israel is truly the root of the problem then why are Arabs attacking Jews in the streets of Europe and desecrating graves there? Some may point or use the concept of Zionism as a convenient excuse but how does one distinguish between Zionist Jews and those that are European? Are all Jews Zionist and what the heck is a Zionist these days anyway? And how about the programs in Iran and Iraq since WWII that essentially cleansed those countries of Jews? Jews have resided in some of these countries for ages but have over the past century been cleansed out of several Middle-Eastern nations. Where did this hatred come from? All the way from the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? I think not.
At the University of Geneva, a Jewish researcher wearing a small Star of David necklace was attacked in a campus elevator by Arab students. When she reported the attack, she was told not to wear the necklace in public.Recent condemnation of Israeli defensive actions against a violent and ruthless enemy camped on their border drew strong criticism from Europe and the useful idiots at the UN. Where was the strong condemnation of Hezbollah or their backers, Iran and Syria. Probably due to this and this is very troubling...
In Hasselt, Belgium, Muslim fans at a soccer match between the Israeli and Belgian national teams waved Hamas and Hezbollah banners, and chanted: "Jews to the gas chambers!" and "Strangle the Jews!"
The British Political Cartoon Society awarded first prize in its annual competition to a cartoon depicting a gigantic, naked Ariel Sharon biting off the head of an Arab baby. "What's wrong," reads the caption, "you've never seen a politician kissing a baby?"
In Germany, scores of Jewish graves and Holocaust memorials have been defaced. At the cemetery in Beeskow, for example, "Heil Hitler" and "Crap on the six million lie" were painted on gravestones. At Langenstein-Zwieberge, a sub-camp of the notorious Buchenwald concentration camp, vandals plastered the walls with copies of anti-Semitic Third Reich newspapers
An EU poll found that nearly 60 percent of its citizens believe Israel is the greatest threat to world peace.Ahead of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea, this is completely absurd and ultimately dangerous. Israel is not the threat but the Arabs and Muslims who have attacked and provoked Israel numerous times over the past 60 years. I heard it said 'if Arabs laid down there arms there would be peace. If Israel laid down their arms, there would be no Jews.' The conflict there is being driven by Muslim Arabs since this is part of their agenda. And Israel is being forced, in my humble opinion, to defend itself vigorously as we will be when they attack us.
New anti-Semitism. Starting in the latter part of the 20th century, a new style of anti-Semitism began to appear. The basis of this anti-Semitism appears to be more political in nature, often overlapping, and being (intentionally) confused with anti-Zionism. This form of anti-Semitism pervades Left wing politics in both Europe & North America, and is characterized by borrowing language and concepts from anti-Zionism.This writer, effectively illustrates the history, particularly Nazi strategy to conquer Europe, by driving a wedge in the populace by demonising Jews within those societies. Europe offered up the Jews as sacrifice to the Nazis in the hope of saving their own skins from Nazi brutality. It obviously didn't work.
That's just what is happening once again before our very eyes. Though the Jihadists have their own clear, even megalomaniac goals, and while they kill thousands in the US or fight for Shari'a in Europe, while they complain about East Timor or fight for Kashmir, it is enough for them to involve the Jews, particularly Israel, in their struggle or their declared agenda to get the active support or at least the indifference of those in Europe, the US and elsewhere who would like to believe that their complaints, grievances and goals are restricted to or only motivated by Israel. Of course, they also declare they're fighting against America, but then, for those who hate America anyway (and often the Jews and/or Israel too), the same logic works perfectly.When they are done with Israel and the Jews, they will come and attempt to subjugate us to build their glorious caliphate and return the Earth to the laws of God as only they see fit.
". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews- this is God's own truth.
"Antisemitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently anti-Semitic, and ever will be so.
"Why is this? You know that Zionism is nothing less than the dream and ideal of the Jewish people returning to live in their own land. The Jewish people, the Scriptures tell us, once enjoyed a flourishing Commonwealth in the Holy Land. From this they were expelled by the Roman tyrant, the same Romans who cruelly murdered Our Lord. Driven from their homeland, their nation in ashes, forced to wander the globe, the Jewish people time and again suffered the lash of whichever tyrant happened to rule over them.
"The Negro people, my friend, know what it is to suffer the torment of tyranny under rulers not of our choosing. Our brothers in Africa have begged, pleaded, requested - DEMANDED the recognition and realization of our inborn right to live in peace under our own sovereignty in our own country.
"How easy it should be, for anyone who holds dear this inalienable right of all mankind, to understand and support the right of the Jewish People to live in their ancient Land of Israel. All men of good will exult in the fulfillment of God's promise, that his People should return in joy to rebuild their plundered land.
This is Zionism, nothing more, nothing less.
Iranian cartoon contest and some of the entries here....
Whole piece, here.
Americans knew they'd heard something important last year when Washington Post editor Marie Arana said, "The elephant in the newsroom is our narrowness ... If you work here, you must be one of us. You must be liberal, progressive, a Democrat. I've been in communal gatherings at the Post, watching election returns, and have been flabbergasted to see my colleagues cheer unabashedly for the Democratic candidates." Tell America that it's a media culture, not a conspiracy.Myth: American media organizations are politically balanced reporters of news.
One of the mantras of the left, is that George Bush has made America less safe from terrorism. Of course, there hasn't been an attack on American soil for nearly 5 years, but lets not confuse that fact with the fantasy.
Be in a position to elevate the party's chances for a regime change in 2008. A regime change that would:Additionally, by winning the election, Bush would not have the ability to install one of his nutjob right-wing ideologues into the next vacant Supreme Court seat, therefore, Roe vs. Wade would not be overturned and hundreds of thousands if not millions of women would be saved from being forced into back-alley, dirty and dangerous abortion clinics risking their lives and civility.
Save hundreds of thousands of American lives by enacting universal health care;
Save untold numbers of lives by pushing for cleaner air standards that would greatly reduce heart and lung diseases;
More enthusiastically address the need for mass transit, the greater availability of which would surely cut highway deaths;
Enact meaningful gun control legislation that would reduce crime and cut fatalities by thousands a year;
Fund stem cell research that could result in cures saving millions of lives;
Boost the minimum wage, helping to cut down on poverty which helps spawn violent crime and the deaths that spring from those acts;
Be less inclined to launch foolish wars, absence of which would save thousands of soldiers' lives- and quite likely moderate the likelihood of further terror acts.
A Russian scientist predicts a period of global cooling in coming decades, followed by a warmer interval.Since the Scientist is Russian, he shouldn't be trusted, anyway. Probably hired by GW Bushes cabal to destroy and control the earth anyway. We all know that GW Bush has been wrong on everything and that is the point. So, we can blame everything bad that is happening, happened and will happen in the future on him. This way, since we are blaming Bush for everything, we don't have to take any responsibility for anything. As the backbone of the philosophy of the Democratic party, we are all victims. That is why the Democrats should be in power in the US as the party of nothing. Since none of them are GW Bush and we are all victims of his and Karl Rove's mind control rays we don't have to be responsible for anything since we cannot possibly know right from wrong.
Abdusamatov and his colleagues at the Russian Academy of Sciences astronomical observatory said the prediction is based on measurement of solar emissions, Novosti reported. They expect the cooling to begin within a few years and to reach its peak between 2055 and 2060.
"The Kyoto initiatives to save the planet from the greenhouse effect should be put off until better times," he said. "The global temperature maximum has been reached on Earth, and Earth's global temperature will decline to a climatic minimum even without the Kyoto protocol."
According to a recently released Princeton University study, outsourcing of some low skill labor intensive jobs to foreign countries actually improves wages of low skilled workers in the US...
Rising productivity associated with U.S. firms' moving some tasks offshore "have served to bolster U.S. wages ... contrary to the fears of Lou Dobbs and others," they said in reference to the high-profile CNN anchorman who has waged a campaign against outsourcing of U.S. jobs. Outsourcing has also been a political hot-button issue in the United States during recent election cycles.Traditional static economic thought argues that when each job moves overseas, that 1 job is eliminated at home leading to employment losses and lowering of the costs of unskilled labor. However, this study finds otherwise.
Those wage gains are "far from exceptional" but not as bad as might be expected based on the improvement in U.S. terms of trade with non-industrialized countries, they said.
Of course its all Bushes fault that even these jobs are outsourced....
After confessing last week to the brutal 1997 slaying of Jon Benet Ramsey, John Mark Karr was dragged away from the only place a man such as himself could obtain a teaching job in this economy. Doubts have been raised as to the authenticity of his confession, but whether he admits to the murder is irrelevant. The real criminal here is not Mr. Karr, but George W. Bush - or more specifically, his unapologetic policy of outsourcing all the transgendered pedophile teaching jobs to Thailand.Call the Democrats, they will straighten this mess out!
10 years ago today, President Bill Clinton signed a bi-partisan bill to 'end welfare as we know it.'
Welfare reform was a perennial legislative issue during the 1980s and 1990s, but no matter what Congress did, caseloads grew, peaking at 14.2 million people in 1994. A watershed moment came when Mr. Clinton offered his 1992 campaign promise to "end welfare as we know it." Momentum was also building in the states, where dozens of governors, led by Wisconsin's Gov. Tommy Thompson, were using federal waivers to revamp their welfare programs.Clinton, stole some of the show from the Republicans by moving to the center and grabbing this issue. This was a first step, albeit a baby step, in cutting the entitlement boondoogle that swept Washington in the 1960's. The bigger one, and ultimately more difficult cuts will come in the unaffordable retirement age entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare.
Mr. Clinton's initial welfare reform -- which would have cost an extra $9 billion -- fell to the wayside. House Republicans seized the moment and included welfare reform in their Contract With America, the banner under which the party swept into power in 1994.
The resulting 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act passed with strong bipartisan support and was signed by Mr. Clinton on Aug. 22, after having vetoed two earlier versions.
While trying to escape through Pakistan, Osama Bin Laden found a Bottle on a beach and picked it up. Suddenly, a female genie rose from the bottle and with a smile said: "Master, may I grant you one wish?"
"Embalm, cremate and bury - take no chances!"
This 21 year-old Pakistani women was savagely murdered by her father and uncle in a barbaric ritual called honor killings.
Italian police were searching yesterday for a man suspected of involvement in the killing of a Pakistani woman after her father and uncle were charged with slitting her throat because she dated an Italian man and refused to conform to an Islamic lifestyle.The UN estimates that around 5,000 girls and woman are murdered every year from this barbaric practice. Remember, that honor killings are where family members feel compelled to kill their female children, sisters or nieces.
Investigators believe the third suspect helped the father and uncle kill Hina Saleem, 21. The woman's body was found buried in the family's garden in Sarezzo on Saturday. Her father and uncle were taken into custody on Monday.
Sharif Kanaana, professor of anthropology at Birzeit University states that honor killing is:The typical honor killing has little to do about honor but is all about power as the above twisted logic indicates. Its like rape is not about love but violence.A complicated issue that cuts deep into the history of Arab society... What the men of the family, clan, or tribe seek control of in a patrilineal society is reproductive power. Women for the tribe were considered a factory for making men. The honor killing is not a means to control sexual power or behavior. What's behind it is the issue of fertility, or reproductive power.An Amnesty International statement adds:The mere perception that a woman has contravened the code of sexual behavior damages honor. The regime of honor is unforgiving: women on whom suspicion has fallen are not given an opportunity to defend themselves, and family members have no socially acceptable alternative but to remove the stain on their honor by attacking the woman.
Via Powerline, comes this 18 minute long video on staging scenes for the useful idiots of the mainstream press. The Pallywood productions, sometimes staged and created by Palestinian journalists for the benefit of foreign news organizations, I particularly enjoyed the 'walking dead' burial in Jenin. In this segment, a funeral bier was dropped twice on the way to the cemetery and the dead victim twice climbed back onto the bier, under his own power to continue the procession.
For some reason, I can no longer post pictures on my blog. When I try to, the bottom of the blogger screen says 'error on page.' What can I do?
Peace protesters get beaten up by Buddist monks.
Protesters calling for an end to recent violence in Sri Lanka found themselves brawling with hardline Buddhist monks Thursday, after a rally dubbed a "peace protest" turned unexpectedly violent.Wow.
You may have heard of the Stockholm Syndrome...
The syndrome is named after the Norrmalmstorg robbery of Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg, Stockholm, Sweden in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage from August 23 to August 28, 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their victimizers, and even defended their captors after they were freed from their six-day ordeal.During this time of great stress, the hostages bond with the captors in what is theorized as a psychological attempt to increase the odds of survival. The same kind of bonding that goes on between a mother and child, where the bonding helps in the survival of the offspring.
In essence, the accords call for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from parts of the Gaza Strip and West Bank and affirm the Palestinian right to self-government within those areas through the creation of the Palestinian Authority. Palestinian rule would last for a five year interim period during which a permanent agreement would be negotiated (beginning not later than May 1996). Permanent issues such as Jerusalem, refugees, Israeli settlements in the area, security and borders were deliberately excluded from the Accords and left to be decided. The interim self-government was to be granted in phases.After Oslo, somehow, in the bargaining process where then Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered some large concessions, Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat walked away. Either unable to gain acceptance by his more militant Palestinian citizens or his inability to accept the existence of Israel that would essentially eliminate his ability to continue to fight [really all that he did his whole life] opted instead for a disastrous Palestinian uprising known as the 2nd intifada. The 2nd Intifada destroyed all hope to reach the agreements as outlined in Oslo. It shows that the people there have no desire for peace with the Isrealis and will continue to use their citizens as cannon fodder and their religion as the gunpowder to keep the conflict alive.
Why the world hates the Jews, By Michael MedvedA very interesting piece arguing against the obsessive fears and deranged thought processes that Jew haters use to justify their hatred. The article focuses on three central themes frequently cited and argued as fundamental reasons for a debaters anti-Semitism.
This central, primeval charge that arrogant Jews seek global dominance originates from three distinct historical factors:This is a well written and heartfelt reasoning as to why anti-Semitic arguments are not very plausible when faced with evidence, observation and facts to the contrary.1- The emphasis on the "Chosen People" concept in the BibleThese circumstances sometimes perplex even people of good will and therefore deserve deeper consideration and explanation.
2- The prominence and prosperity of Jews in most nations in which they've established significant communities, and
3- The startling successes of the State of Israel in the mere 60 years of its existence.
American manufacturing has been giving way to Asian competitors for several decades now, but the classic American made guitar is more popular than ever, particularly in Japan...
Nobuaki Suzuki, an editor at Guitar Magazine, a major Japanese publication, says more Gibson and Fender electric guitars sell here in numbers — not just in revenue — than Japan-made guitars.Some things just can't be massed produced I guess.
"The Americans dominate in numbers," he said. "Then come the domestic-made guitars."
Although Gibson is making marketing pushes elsewhere where demand is expected to grow, such as China, Japan is still Gibson's biggest market outside the United States and twice as large as its biggest European market, Great Britain, although the Nashville-based producer of electric and acoustic guitars isn't disclosing numbers.
What changed Bush, here. An excerpt....
From those events, President Bush drew a fixed conclusion: as long as the Middle East remains a bitter and backward mess, America will not be secure. Dictators in that region survive by finding scapegoats for their failures—feeding conspiracy theories about Americans and Jews—and use religious groups to destroy reformers and democrats. Oil money strengthens elites, buys rockets, funds research into weapons of mass destruction, builds radical schools across Africa and Asia and finds its way to terrorist organizations. Terrorist organizers exploit the humiliated and hopeless—channeling their search for meaning into acts of murder—and plot, as London 2006 proves, to surpass the mad ambitions of 9/11.
An Irishman, a Mexican and a Blonde Guy were doing construction work on scaffolding on the 20th floor of a building.
An interesting piece here on the brutal stabbing murder of an Italian peace activist in Jerusalem that is believed to be racially motivated [read an Arab killing what he thought was an Israeli, Jew or Westerner] that distills the whole Muslim/Middle-East conflict into a few words.
But Bush's "military adventurism" bears the great benefit of changing an externalized conflict into the internal civil war it has to be - because only Muslims can square their medieval religion with the demands of modernity. We cannot.[I added the bold] The writers also argue that Iran is a patient adversary, 'a bunch of carpet weavers and chess players.' Also, I know that they have been at this game for thousands of years, warring with the Greeks 2,500 years ago and occupying Israel and Palestine for ages.
I have read this 'They have already won' meme over-and-over in both news articles and on numerous blogs that even though the terrorists that were caught in Britain were unable to complete their mission, that they have already won.
This just doesn't sound like a good idea...
China is to auction licenses to foreigners to hunt wild animals, including endangered species, a newspaper said on Wednesday.Of course this sport is only available to barbaric foreigners. I wonder how much one has to pay to hunt for a democrat in Hong Kong?
Fox News just reported that the all of the 20 or so people arrested in Britain are British Muslims. They were targeting American airline companies flying out of various airports in Britain- London, Glasgow, Birmingham and Manchester- and were planning to board 20 different planes departing what was termed as consecutive. I suppose that they planned to all be up in the air and planned to bomb the flights at near the same time.
As far as I am concerned, main stream media press coverage is not only biased but is dangerous. A lethal combination of political correctness, Vietnam and Watergate era hallucinations and the overwhelming political and social biases of editors and writers themselves has damaged the credibility of the press to the point where we have to question everything that they report.
"The BBC's coverage has been overwhelmingly one-sided, with presenters and reporters editorializing against what they universally refer to as 'Israeli attacks on Lebanon,'" Pollard wrote.despite my admission that I have yet to see or read one single report by them from the region, recently. I can no longer listen to the swarthy coverage offered by the new organization as I wrote about before.
Just heard on Fox News that a large terror plot involving plans to blow-up 20 jetliners [all 747s and 777s] crossing the Atlantic to the US has been thwarted. A plot of this type, would have cost upwards of 4,000 lives, and US$ 20 billion in direct damage. A plane crash is expected to directly cost about $1 billion each including huge lawyer fees, the cost of the plane itself, compensation to passengers that is limited to $75,000 under the Montreal Protocol but that can be significantly higher if carrier negligence can be proved and assundry expenses associated with this kind of tragic event. Obviously, the indirect costs can be a multiple of the direct costs and the ultimate goal of terrorizing people to worry about death or maiming in the most innocuous of everyday activities.
Police arrested a number of people overnight in London after a covert counter-terrorist operation lasting several months, police said in a statement.Fox News said that there were at least a dozen people arrested overnight, most believed to be Pakistanis. Of course, almost all of the Pakistanis living in Britain are MUSLIM. So are these Muslim terrorists or are they just a bunch of deranged individuals that happen to be Muslim? Chances are, that we will find, buried in the politically correct press, that ALL of the people arrested and planning the plot to bomb planes ARE ALL MUSLIMS.
Has one of the best roundups I have seen on Reuters photo fraud, also known as fauxtography.
Has much much more on all the fake or staged photography that we are being fed. If there is so much fake photography, how much of the actual reporting can we believe?
Tenderizing household pets in China.
I guess the NYTs doesn't want Reuters to have all the fun with their fake war photos, so they post a few fakes of their own. See this post here. The 'dead' guy was also pictured scrambling over the busted up building in some of the other photos in the montage. In the picture in which he is portrayed as 'dead,' he is holding his hat in his left hand.
The UN have never bothered to define terrorism so all their "counter-terrorism" and "counter-terrorism conventions" have no meaning what-so-ever. The term terrorism is left up to the country to decide so that one man's terrorism is another man's freedom fighter.
A former member of the now-defunct, outspoken U.N. counterterrorism-monitoring group, Victor Comras, explained to me in a phone interview last week that achieving a serious international definition of terrorism is a "huge issue." Once an objective criterion for terrorism exists, said Comras, "At least you have the foundation for asking that concrete actions be taken."So what is the UN supposed to be doing? If a group blows up civilians on a bus, the UN is unable to define what this group is even if its express intent is to destroy one of the member countries of the UN. Al Qaeda is therefore not defined as a terrorist organization according tot eh UN.
Without that definition, as Comras wrote this past March, "countries remain free to define for themselves which groups are terrorists and which are 'freedom fighters.'" Comras observed that "Saudi Arabia uses this distinction, for example, to get away with funding Hamas, while Iran and Syria use it to provide funds and support to Hezbollah." Beyond that, he noted, "Many other countries have also used it to avoid taking steps to freeze funds or take other civil or criminal action against those individuals or groups which they support."
Media bias? Nah.
Can you spot the problem's with these AFP pictures and their captions? Would you have made the mistake with the first one, knowing basically how rockets work and that generally the engine streak and smoke follows the rocket and not leads it.
The Connecticut Democratic Senate primary battle between anti-war left-winger Ned Lamont and incumbent, former VP candidate, Joe Lieberman is being viewed in some circles as a backlash against Lieberman's pro-Iraqi war stance and his alleged embrace of Bush policies. Lieberman, sometimes accused of being too pro-Israeli due to his Jewish religion, is one of the few remaining centrist Democrats in the Scoop Jackson neo-con mold of yesteryear.
The useful idiots of the press and now the left, are giving Hezbollah and many other bloodthirsty Islamic killers just what they want, media frontpage headlines, sometimes untruthful as I discuss later, in order to win the media war as inspired by al Qaida number two, Zawahiri...
We are in a battle, and more than half of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media. . . . [W]e are in a media battle for the hearts and minds of our umma.So therefore, what is a useful idiot?
--Ayman al-Zawahiri, July 2005
In political jargon, the term "useful idiot" was used during the Cold War by anti-communists to describe Soviet sympathizers in western countries (particularly in the United States) and the alleged attitude of the Soviet government towards them. The implication was that the person in question was naive, foolish, or in willful denial, and that he or she was being cynically used by the Soviet Union, or another Communist state.So it was originally a term for the communist sympathizers in the West that were doing their bidding, unwittingly promoting an ideology very different from the utopian image that these people held for it. This ideology was twisted as to its true nature in these people's minds so that even Lenin himself recognized this misperception and acknowledged that it was not in these people's best interest, by coining the phrase "useful idiots."
"An hour ago, a horrific massacre took place in Houla village as a result of the intentional Israeli bombardment that resulted in more than 40 martyrs," Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora told an Arab foreign ministers meeting in Beirut.However, the problem with this statement by the Prime Minister is that there weren't 40 people killed, just one in that strike. And as Dinocrat asks, if there was really only one killed, how did they get the local villagers that they interviewed to say this?
Residents of Houla said they feared up to 60 people, including many children, had been killed. They said most of the people were shepherds who had refused to flee the fighting.So were these 59 resurrected people out tending their sheep and there was confusion among the locals as to how many were killed? Did someone miscount the one body pulled from the rubble?
The Useful Idiot, among other things, is a master practitioner of scapegoating. He assigns blame to others while absolving himself of responsibility, has a long handy list of candidates for blaming anything and everything, and by living a distorted life, he contributes to the ills of society.By legitimizing Islam's prejudices and only characterizing them as radical when manifested in deadly and barbaric behavior, creates the illusion that these are deviations from the body teaching. Unfortunately it is not. Islam never went through the Reformation and Renaissance
The Useful Idiot may even engage in willful misinformation and deception when it suits him. Terms such as "Political Islam," or "Radical Islam," for instance, are contributions of the Useful Idiot. These terms do not even exist in the native parlance of Islam, simply because they are redundant. Islam, by its very nature and according to its charter --the Quran-- is a radical political movement. It is the Useful Idiot who sanitizes Islam and misguides the populace by saying that the "real Islam" constitutes the main body of the religion; and, that this main body is non-political and moderate.
The 'humanism' of the Renaissance period stimulated unprecedented academic ferment, and a concern for academic freedom. Ongoing, earnest theoretical debates occurred in the universities about the nature of the church, and the source and extent of the authority of the papacy, of councils, and of princes.and continues to teach and preach hate, violence and a way of life better suited to the 7th Century than today's world. Violence is taught to Muslims as a solution to their ills. Until we realize that these people as a whole are dangerous and that it is difficult to distinguish the "good" or "moderate" Muslim from the crazy ones that gun down women in a synagogue in Seattle our world will continue to deteriorate.
The lesson is clear. Beware of the Useful Idiots who live in liberal democracies. Knowingly or unknowingly, they serve as the greatest volunteer and effective soldiers of Islam. They pave the way for the advancement of Islam and they will assuredly be among the very first victims of Islam as soon as it assumes power.
Bloviating European plutocrats quacking over unfortunate civilian deaths in Lebanon overlook their own responsibility in civilian deaths in recent conflicts....
"Where do they get the right to preach to Israel?" Olmert said when asked about criticism from European capitals of Israeli military operations that have led to a heavy civilian toll.Of course, mooing Europeans hide behind the consensus actors such as the UN and NATO so that they can plausibly deny responsibility for any action what-so-ever. But Olmert has it right, these clowns are not looking at this conflict through anything but muck-caked glasses.
"European countries attacked Kosovo and killed ten thousand civilians. Ten thousand! And none of these countries had to suffer before that from a single rocket.
"I'm not saying it was wrong to intervene in Kosovo. But please: Don't preach to us about the treatment of civilians."
According to a Washington Post poll, half of the respondents believe tat the US should still align with Israel. However, Republicans were firmer supporters of this alignment than Democrats, and this is no surprise to me. Either the Democrats want to sell Israel out to the Arabs as appeasement or just are not prepared to fight to keep our way of life.
Overall, 50% of the survey's respondents said the United States should continue to align with Israel, compared with 44% who backed a more neutral posture. But the partisan gap was clear: Democrats supported neutrality over alignment, 54% to 39%, while Republicans supported alignment with the Jewish state 64% to 29%.But I think that this guy has gotten it right on his observation....
"I feel badly for Israel. They don't run around looking for trouble, but they are constantly being harassed and attacked by Hezbollah," said Rick Poleck, 54, of Huntingdon, Pa., a poll respondent.
The 1,000 year-old Domesday Book is now available online. My Grandmother's family is one of the landowners listed on the ancient registry.
The Domesday Book was compiled on the orders of William I, who became England's king when he defeated the Saxon king, Harold, at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. In 1085, he ordered a survey to determine the taxable value of his kingdom.All kingdoms need taxes, so this exercise was designed to ensure that the sovereign got the taxes due.
Officials fanned out across England to assess who owned the land and what was on it. The result is a detailed record that lists more than 13,000 places. Farmland, woodland, meadows, pastures, mills and fisheries are enumerated; there are estimates of the number of freemen, indentured peasants and slaves on each estate.
Very funny. Talks about how silly it is to keep asking for more and specific apologies. He thinks someone will ask him to get circumcised to atone for his comments. Spike is right, Jews are funnier at telling jokes.
A sensible Arab voice on the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict, the Editor-in-Chief of the Arab Times, Ahmed Al-Jarallah.
Vile Palestinians call the American Secretary of State...
media outlets controlled by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party the past few days have been using racist rhetoric in their reports, referring to the American representative as the "black woman," "raven," "colored dark skinned black lady" and "black spinster."Alright, Palestinians have proven over-and-over not to be the brightest people on the planet but they also published this piece of crap...
Condoleezza Rice depicted in Al Quds as pregnant with a monkey. The image's caption read, "Rice speaks about birth of new Middle East."Ok. So they don't like Americans, I can handle that. I can handle some of the hateful shit they spew out on occasion. They are a vanquished people and they rightfully deserved to be, so they are also an angry people. But this just shows how juvenile they are and how they have sunk down to become a vile, spiteful, hateful, useless people.
While there, she made a few statements mildly critical of China's belligerent "Anti-Secession Law" aimed at Taiwan, and urged the Chinese government to embrace more democratic virtues. Many Chinese burst into racist tirades against African Americans in general and Secretary Rice in particular on many of China's government-sponsored Internet BBS forums. "Black b***ch!," "woman n**er," [should be n***er] "Americans IQ is so low that they have chosen a black b***ch to be their Secretary of State," "Rice is nothing but a lackey of the American hegemonism," are among the ugliest racist commentaries that remained uncensored by the otherwise ubiquitous Internet police in the world's most monitored cyberspace.It seems as if this extreme nationalism allows people to think that they can respond in a juvenile and childish manner. But a better explanation, particularly when it come to this type of international political response is that people just do not have an intellectual argument against what is being dealt with, so they descend to a lower level and feel compelled, probably without regret, to poke at race.
If these racist outbursts reflect some extreme tendencies among the extreme elements in China's society, internalized chauvinism in China's popular culture remains pervasive among ordinary Chinese citizens. The Chinese government in its vigorous campaign of "Patriotism Education" strongly endorses "patriotic songs" that blatantly advocates chauvinism.
An Arab, desperate for water, was plodding through the desert when he saw something far off in the distance. Hoping to find water, he walked toward the object, only to find a little old Jewish man sitting at a card-table with neckties laid out on it.
I hope....that mankind will at length, as they call themselves responsible creatures, have the reason and sense enough to settle their differences without cutting throats... ~Benjamin Franklin
About the quote: The character Salvor Hardin speaks these words in Asimov's "Foundation."All nations want peace, but they want a peace that suits them. ~Admiral Sir John Fisher
I hate doing this, since I think that most, if not all Hollywood actors and actresses are ill deserving of our time particularly when they are chattering about politics. Who cares what Johnny Depp or others think.... about anything. Other than offering a convenient pretty talking head, what do these people offer as far as experience or scholarly contemplation of the day? Let me venture to guess, that they offer very little.
I just wonder what it takes....
EU officials have said the situation in Lebanon is too delicate to freeze out Hizbollah.Their fear of defining Hizbollah as a terrorist organization probably stems from the thought that they don't want to piss off the blood thirsty terrorist Muslims potentially resulting in another attack on their soil. The Muslims have the Europeans in such appeasement mode, that they have become an unreliable partner to drive terrorists out of the fabric of life in Europe and in the Middle-East. Europeans are now unable to stand up in even the most symbolic of terms, and that is defining an obvious terrorist organization such as Hizbollah as one.
Levey called the EU's reluctance so far to take action against Hizbollah "regrettable."
"This isn't a Clearing House issue, but the need for consensus on these things has resulted in the continued non-recognition of Hizbollah as a terrorist organization in Europe, which I think is regrettable," Levey said.
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
The capital will also add an estimated 1 billion square feet of high-end property by 2008, according to Jack Rodman, a partner at Ernst & Young in Beijing.A billion square feet of office space is around 2 and a half times the amount of office space in New York City. A billion square feet is around 6 miles by 6 miles or almost 10 kilometers by 10 kilometers. Its enough new office space, assuming 150 square feet per employee, for almost 7 million more employees. It is the equivalent of 1,275 IFC #2 office towers. Or the equivalent space to an IFC #2 office building that was 325 miles tall.